24 JANUARY 1931, Page 19


[To.. the Editor of the SPECTATOR."

SIR,—On the usefulness of the B.B.C. as an instrument of democratic education, I entirely agree with the views expressed by Mr. Leonard Woolf in his article published in the Spectator of December 18th. During my stay in London,

I have been struck with the almost appalling ignorance which prevails among the stay-at-home Englishmen and women about India and her peoples.

The B.B.C. would, I am sure, be an effective channel for spreading information about Indian political and social conditions, and debates and speeches broadcast by this method would have immense educative value. Of course it will be necessary to select speakers who have real knowledge of India and can give true infonriation about Indian con- ditions, as well as express opinions of real value, in order that this great educating agency may serve a really useful purpose.

De Vere Gardens, W.8.