Financial Notes
THE most remarkable feature of the past week has been the continuance of the heavy drain of gold to France and the weakness of some of the Foreign Exchanges, more especially the American. This development has naturally had the effect of, restricting business on the Stock Exchange, though considering the rather serious character of the gold drain, high-class investment stocks have kept wonderfully steady and a good response has been given to new capital issues of the investment class. No small amount of interest has been taken in the City in the impending National Economy campaign which is to be opened with a Mass Meeting in the Great Hall of the Cannon Street Hotel on Tuesday, the 27th inst., at 3 p.m. The meeting, which is entirely non-political, will be addressed by Viscount Grey of Fallodon, Sir Robert Home, and Sir Ernest Benn. Referring to this meeting in the course of his speech at the Annual Meeting of Barclays Bank, Mr. Goodenough said : " I think such a campaign which will bring home to people the necessity for a reduction not only in Government and Local expenditure but also in personal expenditure cannot fail to have a great effect."
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