24 JANUARY 1941, Page 15


Sik---To kill cockerels as soon as they are hatched would indeed effect a saving in chicken feed, but-surely -this I, impracticable for most of us at any rate: As enthusiastic atnateurs, but with the expert supervision of a neighbouring -farmer's wife, we sat three hens on three dozen egg:3i and twenty-five chickens resulted. But no -one from the farm could tell us the number of cockerels until the birds were three months old—even then with no absolute certainty, as we

learned later. I am sure, however, that Lt.-Col. Myers would like to know that once we had overcome the difficulty of this sex-determina- tion question, the cockerels were segregated and fed entirely on vegetable scraps with very little mash until fully grown. These birds dressed for the table weighed between 51 and 61 lbs.—Yours faithfully,