ACROSS 1 After such a blow-out, the reverse might necessary (4, 2).
4 Racehorse of eminence in war (5, 3).
10 Watch for tin hidden in the moor (7).
11 Town that's never to be confused (7).
12 What's in a name? (4) 13 Many a tall story comes hence (10).
16 No longer — a sin to oppress, it seems (6).
17 Does his job make him waxy ? (7) 20 A hundred demand their right to praise (7).
21 Last in to his seat? (6) 24 I try a charm (anag.) (10).
25 'There came to the beach a poor exile of (Campbell) (4).
27 In Venice he didn't know why he was so sad (7). 22
29 Laborious for the flower to be told to bloom (7). 23
30 There's a sure case for a stoppage (8).
31 Unrestrained enjoyment in these dances (6). 28 DOWN Time's about us Lab might say when it comes to cookery (8).
2 Unite and separate, I'm between the two and in a state (11).
3 Jot this down in Greek (4).
5 'This —anxious be'ng e'er resigned' (Gray) (8).
6 Everything's finished concerning the penalty. how very nice it is! (4-6) 7 A little, little cat (3).
8 Not much to be got out of writing, the school- boy thought (6). 9 Vehicle runs on to a kerb. Stop! (5) 14 'Bring you the length of —'s foot' (Shake- speare) (7, 4).
15 It's very showy, but calibre nil (10). , 18 Rose I cut—a yellow one? (8) 19 Eyeshade worn by Shakespeare's idiot, perhaps (8).
Ammunition for a disreputable campaign (6). `— folly as it flies' (Pope). (5). People would naturally avoid treading on this statesman (4).,
Hill on the quay in Devon (3). 26
Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary arid a hook token for one guinea. l'hey will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened at noon out February 4 and addressed: Crossword No. 976, 99 Gower St., London, WC1.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.
Solution on February 7 Solution to No. 974 on page 119 The winners ol Crossword No. 974 are: Muss 13Rovezu, Is Dulyn, Nebo, Caernarvon, and COLONEL D. W. BOILEAU, Stokc Abbott, Mr. Beaminstcr, Dorset.