BOW THE Archbishop of Canterbury must envy people like the
Pope, or the Lord Chief Justice, or Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, who can say almost any- thing and get away with it. If he had made the speech the Pope made on birth control this week, he would at once have been on the wrong end of a hue and cry. Describing birth control as 'one of the worst aberrations of paganist modern society,' the Pope suggested that the resources of other planets may solve present problems—rather a roundabout way of dealing with the problem of overpopulation. The statement 'God does not deny the means of living to those he calls to life' is no doubt literally true, but rather unfortunate When it is remembered that about two-thirds of the present population of the world is under- nourished. 'In homes where there is always a cradle,' said the Pope, 'the virtues flourish.' In the Neapolitan slums?