Table talk
Sir: Sir Denis Brogan's 'table talk' is my favourite feature of the SPECTATOR (the days of Taper were also fine ones), and not least when he writes from these shores. Not infre- quently he tells me something that I did not know about my own country, which is that bit awesome. A few days ago your issue of 15 November found its way here with his 'Have you Medicare in England?' I hope that you do not think out of place the grate- ful remarks prompted by his piece.
My first year spent with my family in England included the dreadful winter of 1962-1963. The children were almost con- stantly ill, our son losing much of his hear- ing, and much of his weight, both tempor. arily. We were worried and would have been in sad pickle if it had not been for a splen- did physician in Twickenham, Dr C. E. S. Bill, a man abounding in humanity as well as medicine. In 1966-1967 we again had excellent care under the National Health Service from a physician in Walton Street, Oxford, whose name a faulty memory has lost. Both physicians were a credit to their profession. Visitors to England owe the country much for the excellent care they enjoy.
Our experience in England has brought almost unfailing courtesy because, it seems. we were foreign visitors. It would take no special effort to draw up a catalogue as long as Homer's of those who took pleasure in being kind. There were bankers and bakers, librarians, busmen, postmen, headmasters, publicans, and people of unknown office who seemed to think that a North American accent, or perhaps my improbable name, a stimulus to native good will. I have often read in English newspapers of the English being beastly to him or her, but my sen- sation has been very much that of Sir Thomas Wyatt, of being in Kent and Christendom.
I shall put an end to this ramshackle letter with hopes that Sir Denis Brogan is in good health and that, during the many more years I wish him, he will screw up his courage and visit us in Los Angeles. We may not be able to grease all the posts with wine, but we might be able to return an odd courtesy or two such as we have enjoyed in England. Earl Miner Department of English, University of Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, California