"Omen's year
Mr Gadd obviously thinks (The Spectator, Etailk_UarY 17) that an unnecessary fuss has been made 0-7Jut ru,ry and he expresses his fears about the Sex 8,'111,eriraination Act. I would like to suggest that he fakes off some of his prejudices and rejoices in the met that this country is now one of the most stavtanced in the world so far as legislation on the Us of Women is concerned. As least some of his are groundless and misplaced and I confess I am „` a loss to understand why, because a woman locally not do a man's job in bed" she should not be it,en an equal opportunity in training and employabr. Surely there can be few jobs in which this ..ltY is a necessary qualification or even an asset? tranatural evolution has, I agree, dictated the ,Ilitional sex discriminatory rules, with woman as `t:Petnal mother and man as protector and provider, e;vensure survival against the odds in a hostile natural so woriment. In this technological era, where even "Ile of the weakest may survive to an average above Zee score years and ten, too-generous productive ;Pan elY is the natural disaster. Survival now depends pro Men and women escaping from the biological skit Mining to take up with their brains and their thenis.as best appropriate, the options now open to
And What is the relevance of the quotation "hell -■trio fm-. •
Ivir like a woman scorned"? I am not cross. It N.add who has clearly worked himself up to a of extreme irritability about the matter.
Nancy Allum
mon Mansions, Huntley Street, London WC1