ADMIRALTY-OFFICE, JULY 2, 1830.—This day, in pursuance of His Majesty's pleasure, the Right Hon. James Lord Gambier, G.C.B. Admiral of the Red ; and Sir
C. M. Pole, Bart. G.C.B. Admiral.of the Red, were promoted to the rank of Admiral of the Fleet.
ADMIRALTY-OFFICE, JOLT' 22, 1930.—This day, in pursuance of His Majesty's pleasure, the following. Flag-Officers of his Majesty's Fleet were promoted, viz., To be Admirals of the Red.—J. Wickey, Esq. J. Fish, Esq. Sir J. Knight, K.C.B. Sir E. Thornbrough, G.C.B. S. Edwards, Esq. Sir J. Saumarez, Bart. G.G.B.,
T. Drury, Esq. The Rt. Hon. W. Earl of Northesk, G.C.B. The Rt. Hon. E. Viso. Exmouth, G.C.B. Sir Isaac Coffin, Bart. and J. Aylmer, Esq. Admirals of the White. •
To be Admirals of the White.—Sir J. Wells, K.C.B. Sir G. Martin, G.C.B. Sir \V. Sidney Smith, K.C.B. T. Sotheby, Esq. Sir 11. Nicholls, K.C.B. Sir H.
Sawyer, K.C.B. Sir 1). Gould, K.C.B. Sir R. G. Keats, G.C.B. The Hon. Sir R. Stopford, K.C.B. H. Robertson, Esq. Sir T. Foley, G.C.B. Sir C. Tyler, K.C.B. and Sir M. Dixon, K.C.B. Admirals of the Blue. I. G. Manly, Esq. and E. Crawley, Esq. Vice-Admirals of the Red.
To be Admirals of the Blue.—Sir T. Williams, K.C.B. Sir W. Hargood, J. Ferrier, Esq. Sir It. Moorsom, K.C.B. Sir C. Hamilton, Bart. Hon. H. Curzon. Sir L. \V. Halstead, K.C.B. Sir H. Neale, Bart. G.C.B. Sir J. Sydney Yorke, K.C.B. Hon. Sir A. K, Legge, K.C.B. The Rt. Hon. G. Earl of Galloway, K.T. Sir F. Laforey, Bart. K.C.B. Sir P. C. H. Durham, K.C.B. Sir I. Pellew, K.C.B. Sir B. H. Carew, K.C.B. Rt. Fin. Lord A. Beanclerk, K.C.B. \V. Taylor, Esq. and Sir T. llyam Martin, G.C.B. Vice-Admirals of the Red. J. Lawford, Esq. and F. Sotheron, Esq. Vice-Admirals of the White. To be Vice-Admirals of the Red.—Sir W. J. Hope, G.C.B. Rt. Hon. Lord H. Pau- let, K.C.B. C. W. Paterson, Esq. Rt. Hon. Sir G. Cockburn, G. C. B. J. Car- penter, Esq. R. Barton, Esq. Sir G. Moore, E.C.13 M. H. Scott, Esq. J. Han-
well, Esq. Sir II. W. Bayntum, K.C.B. Sir R. King, Burt. K.C.B. E. G. Col- in's, Esq. E. J. Foote, Esq. Sir R. Lee, K.C.B. P:Halkett, Esq. P. Stephens, Esq. Hon. C. E. FleemIng. Vice-Admirals of the White, and Sir \V. Hotham, K.C.B. Sir Pulteney, Malcolm, K.C.B. Sir J. Gore, K.C.B. J. Harvey, Esq. lion. Sir H. Hatham, KCB. Vice-Admirals of the Blue.
To be Vice-Admirals of the White.—Sir J. Rowley, Bart, K.C.B. Sir E. Corking.. ton, G.C.B. G. Parker, Esq. K. Plampin, Esq. Hon. Sir H. Blackwood, Bart.
K.C.B. J. E. Douglas, Esq. Rt. Hon G. Vie. Torrington. R. Donnelly, Esq. Sir J. P. Beresford, Bart. K.C.B. T. Eyles, Esq. T. Le Marchant Gosselin, Esq. Sir C. Rowley, K.C.B. R. Roller, Esq. W. Locke, Esq. Sir D. DIilne, K.C.B. J. Young, Esq. Vice-Admirals of the Blue. and Sir R. W. Otway, K.C.B. R. Dacres,
W. Windham, Esq. S. Peard Esc'. F. Fellowes, Esq. Rear-Admirals of the Red. To be Vice-Admirals of the Inte.—W. T. Lake, Esq. Sir. C. Ogle, Bart. H. Raper, Esq. Sir W. C. Fahie, K.C.B. Sir G. Eyre, K.C.B. R. Lambert, Esq.
R. D. Oliver, Esq. M. Dobson, Esq. T. Boys, Esq. Sir John Talbot, K.C.B. J. R. D. Tollemacbe, Esq. J. Gifford, Esq. J. West, Esq. S. Poyntz, Esq. Rt. Hon. J. Lord Colville. .1. Cochet, Esq. R. Winthrop, Esq. H. Rigby, Esq. C.B. Rear•Admirals of the White, and C. Eking, Esq. C.B. B. W. Page, Esq. Hon. P. \Vodehouse. T. Alexander, Esq. To be Rear-Adatir,ilx of the Red.—A. Smith, Esq. Sir Es Berry, Bart. K.C.B. Rt. Hon. Lord M. it. Kerr. T. Harvey, Esq. C.B. R. H. Moubray, Esq. C.B.
H. R. Glynn, Esq. J. Bligh, Esq. C.B. Sir E. Hamilton, Bart, K.B. T. Baker,
Esq. C.B. s. Sutton, Esq. Sir It. Laurie, Bart. W. H. Gage, Esq. J. Maitland, Esq. J. Walser, Esq. C.B. Hon. Sir C. Paget, Kt. K.C.H. R. Worsley, Esq. Rear-
Admirals of the White, and A. P. Hollis, Esq. Sir H. Heatheote, Knt. Sir E. W. C. R. Owen, K.C.B. G. Scott, Esq. C.B. T. Dundas, Esq. G. Fowke, Esq. R. H. Pearson, F:sq. Rear-Admirals of the Blue.
To be Rear Admirals of the White.—J. T. Rodd, Esq. C.B. Sir T. ill. Hardy,Bart. K.C.B. W. Cumberland, Esq. Sir G. E. Hammitt, Bart. C.B. It. Honyman, Esq.
V. V. Ballard, Esq. C.B. H. Dow/imam Esq. Hon. T. B. Capel, C.B. T. Manby,
Esq. Rt. Hon. Lord J. O'Bryen. R. Matson, Esq. J. Mackeflar, Esq. C. Adam, Esq. Rear-Admirals of the Blue ; and J. Stiles. \V. Granger, Esq. J. C. White, Esq. A. Drummond, Esq. R. Hall, Esq. R. Lloyd, Esq. Sir T. Livingston, Bart. L. Hardyman, Esq. C.B. J. S. Horton, Esq. E. Brace, Esq. C.B. Capts., were also appointed Flag-Officers of his Majesty's Fleet. To he Rear-Admirals of the Blue.—Sir. J. Brenton, Bart. IS.C.B. F. W. Austen, Esq. C.B. P. Campbell, Esq. C.13. N. Thompson, Esq. E. J. Dickson, Esq. P.S. Dialing, Esq.. J.A. Ommanney, Esq. C.13. H. Stuart, Esq. Z. Mudge, Esq. H. Hill, Esq. A. W. Schomberg, Esq. E. D. King, Esq. H. Vansittart, Esq. G. Mundy, Esq. G. Sayer, Esq. Sir P. B. V. Broke, Bart. K.C.B. F. L. Maitland, Esq. C.B. F. Warren, Esq. J. Carthen, Esq. .1. Broughton, Esq. Hon. G. H. L. Dundas, C.B. W. Parker, Esq. C.B. Sir T. R. Ricketts, Bart. Sir C. Dashwood, Ent. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint the following Officers of the Royal Ma- rines to take rank by Brevet, as under-mentioned. Commissions to be dated 22nd July, I S.39.
• . To be Major-General.—Col. G. E. Vinicombe.
To be Lieutenant-Coloners.—Major N. H. English. R. Dunce. Talidair. To be Majors.—Capts. R. Perry. R. White. J. Maughan. R. Owen. A. K. Colley. F. G. G, Lee. J. S. Smith. J. S. Pitcher. J. R. Bore. T. L. Lawrence. E. 5, Mercer. R. S. Wilkinson. T. Mitchell. J. 7.1owe. J. (1). W. Walker. F. Waters. W. Taylor. J. 31`Callum. .f. Lemon.