24 JULY 1830, Page 3


SATunnAy.—We mentioned in the Postscript of our last number, that the King held a Court on Saturday, at which he was pleased to re- ceive in the most gracious manner the addresses of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen and also of the Corporation of London. In the evening the Nina. and Queen dined with the Duke of Gloucester ; the Duchess of Kent, the Princess Augusta, and Prince Leopold were present on the occasion.

StiNnAr.—On Sundaymorning,',the King and Queen, accompanied by the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland and Prince George, the Duchess of Gloucester, and Prince Leopold, attended divine service in the Chapel Royal Of St. James's. In the evening, their Majesties entertained a select party to dinner. Among the company were,—the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland, the Duke of Sussex, the Duchess of Kent, the Princess Augusta, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, Prince Leopold, Prince Frederick of Prussia, the Duke and Duchess of Gordon, the Duke of Dorset, the Duke of Buckingham, the Duke of Leeds, the Marquis of Ely, the Marquis and Marchioness of Winchester, the Marchioness of Westmeath, Earl and Countess Brownlow, Each and Countess Jersey, Earl, Countess, and Lady Georgiana Bathurst, the Earl and Countes of Cassilis, Earl and Countess of Errol, Baron Linsingen, Lord Clinton, Lady Howe, Miss Fitz-Clarence, Lord A. Beauclerk, Sir W. Freemantle, Sir, F. Watson, Sir P. Sydney, Rev. Dr. Blomberg, Mr. Greenwood.

3I o nAY.—It had been publicly announced that his Majesty meant to inspect the Coldstream Guards on the parade of St. James's Park on Monday morning ; and a very large crowd was assembled at an early hour, to see the King, and to witness the spectacle. His Majesty drove to the ground in a coach and pair about a quarter past ten; and in about half an hour afterwards, the Queen drove up to Earl Bathurst's house in Dawning Street, from one of the windows of which she witnessed the inspection. His Majesty was much cheered on his first appearance ; but from the sedulous manner in which the square where the troops were exercised was kept from intrusion, unless by a small party who had the entree, very few of the spectators were able to catch more than a dim and distant glimpse of his person. The King was habited in the uni- form of a Field Marshal, and accompanied by a very numerous and bril- liant cortege, among whom were the Royal Dukes, and many other dis- tinguished personages. When the inspection was over, his Majesty joined the party of the Queen in the mansion of Earl Bathurst, whom he honoured by partaking of a breakfast prepared by the Earl for their Majesties and their suites. When the King returned to St. James's, he proceeded to hold a Court for the purpose of receiving the University addresses. Dr. Chaffey, as Vice- Chancellor,had the honour of presenting the Address from the University of Oxford, in the absence of Lord Grenville, whose infirmity prevented his attendance. The Address from Cambridge was presented by the Duke of Gloucester, the Chancellor. A great many noblemen and gentlemen accompanied the deputations ; the whole amounted to about four hun-

dred. When his Majesty had received the addresses, and the parties were about to withdraw, they were stopped by the King, who stated that

the Queen was about to enter for the purpose of receiving those that

had been voted to her Majesty. His Majesty and his attendants then withdrew ; and the Queen, accompanied by the Princess Augusta, the

Duchess of Gloucester, and attended by the Duchess of Leeds, Lady Caroline Wood, Mrs. Hope, Misses Boyle, De Roos, Eden, Hope, and Sneyd, together with the Officers of her Majesty's Household, entered and took her sc en the throne, the Princess Augusta standing on the right, and the Duchess of Gloucester on the left ; Earl Howe, as Lord Chamberlain, on the right, and the Earl of Errol, as Master of the

Horse, sn the left. To each of the Addresses their Majesties returned Most gracious answers ; and the more distinguished members in both cases were successively introduced, and had the honour to kiss hands. • In the afternoon, the King was seen walking up St. James's Street, -Without any attendants whatever. He was dressed in a black coat and

white trousers, and appeared in excellent health. In the evening he walked for a considerable time in the Park in the same, style of unaf-

fected plainness. r. TUtgDAY.—The King reviewed the Third Regiment of FootBtlards, at the parade-ground of-St: James's Park, on themerning of Tuesday, as he had done-the Coldstream the day before. The Queen on this occa- sion also witnessed the spectacle from a window in the mansion of Earl Bathurst ; and when it had terminated, their Majesties again honoured the Earl by partaking of breakfast.

Their Majesties and suite proceeded after breakfast, in five of the royal carriages, but without escort, to visit the picture-gallery at Somer- set House. The President of the Royal Academy was in attendance to receive their Majesties, and, accompanied by a great number of Acade- micians, conducteclahe royal party through the different apartments. During the review of the morning, his Majesty_ advanced into the centre, and passed before the officers, addressing each of them with the

utmost familiarity. The King wore a Field-Marshal's uniform and a

large star Prince George of Cumberland, who accompanied the King, was in a hussar dress. The band attended on the parade; and enlivened

the scene-by the marches that they played during the inspection. There was an immense crowd collected, and the roof of the Horse Guards was covered Naith spectators. Whitehall was thronged with the carriages of the nobility who were in the Park.

1VEDNESDAY.—About ten o'clock, the King and Queen, accompa- nied by the Royal Family, left St. James's Palace, and proceeded to the

barracks in the Regent's Park, where his Majesty inspected the Life Guards. The Royal party then went to breakfast with the Duke of Wellington at Apsley House. A vast crowd of people had assembled, who loudly cheered the Royal Family as they appeared in the balcony. About two o'clock the King returned to the Palace, to hold his first Levee.

A guard of lioncur, with the state colours, and the band in state dresses, occupied the principal courayard, and a detachment of Life Guards, with their band in state uniforms, were stationed. in the large court-yard. Sir Richard Birnie, with Townsend and Sayer, assisted by a large body of the new police, preserved the most excellent order ; and although the levee was very numerously attended, not the slightest confusion occurred in endeavouring to gain access to the Palace.

At three o'clock, his Majesty, who wore an Admiral's uniform, re- ceived the Dukes of Cumberland, Sussex, Gloucester, Prince George, and Prince Leopold, and afterwards Prince Frederick of Prussia, the Foreign Ambassadors and Ministers, and all those having the privilege of the entree. The King was surrounded by. the Great Officers of State, and other attendants ; Lord Glenlyon and • the Honourable Cecil Forester being the Lord and Groom in Waiting.

The following were among those received in the Entree Room :—Prince Kosloffsky ; the French, Austrian, and Netherlands Ambassadors ; the Spanish, Prussian, Russian, American, Danish, Sardinian, Bavarian, Mexican, Neapolitan, and Manse Town Ministers ; Chevalier Mattos, Brazilian, and Baron Ralamb, Swedish Charge d'Affaires; the Secre- tary to, the Neapolitan Embassy. Monsieur Feick,. the. Ambassador from the Netherlands, was introduced by the Earl (If Aberdeen, to de- liver his new credentials, and a letter of condolencefioniabis sovereign to his Majesty. Count Hcerdt, Grand Marshal of the Court of the Netherlands, delivered a letter of felicitation from the-King of the Ne- therlands. Prince Duke de Laval MontratiretiCY, Ambassador from France, and Baron Bulow, the Prussian Envoy, were introduced by the. Earl of Aberdeen. COunt Matuschewitz, the Russian Minister, pre- sented to his Majesty Prince Kosloffsky, Prince Dolgorouky, Colonel Sabouroff, and Messrs. Smirnoff and Labeniky. Baron Bulow, the Prussian Minister, presented to his Majesty Baron Strantz, Count Don- hoff, and Count Bedern. Monsieur Bourke, Secretary, and Count Bilk Brahe, _ attached to the Danish Legation, Count Christian, and the Count Sophas Danneskid Samsoe, were presented by the Danish Mi- nister.

There were also present in the Entree Room—the Lord Chancellor, the Archbishops of Canterbury and Armagh, the Lord PriVy Seal, the First Lord of the Treasury, the Secretaries of State for the Home, Fo- reign, and Colonial Departments, the First Lord of the Admiralty, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the President of the Board of Control, the President of the Board of Trade, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan- caster, the Secretary . of State for Ireland, the Earl Marshal, the Lord Chamberlain, the Lord Steward, the Master of the Horse, the Groom of the Stole, the Deputy Great Chamberlain, the Vice-Chamberlain, the Hereditary Grand Falconer, the Master of the King's Stag Hounds, the Treasurer of the Household, the Master of the Household, the Secretary to the Privy Purse, his Majesty's Private Secretary, Lords Saltoun and Downes (Aides-de-Camp to the King), the Captain of the Yeomen Guard, the Speaker of the House of Commons (who came in state, at- tended by the Sergeant-at-Arms and Mr. Ley, the Clerk of the House of Commons), the Lord Chief Justice of England, the Master of the Rolls, the Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, the Vice-Chan- cellor, the Judge of the Arches' Court, the Judge of the Admiralty Court, the King's Advocate, the Attorney-General, the Solicitor-Gene- ral,, the Judge-Advocate-General, the Attorney-General to the Queen, the Solicitor-General to the Queen, the Chamberlain to the Queen, the Master of the Ceremonies, the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, the Secretary at War, the Commander of the Forces, the Paymaster of the Forces, the Adjutant-General, the Quartermaster-General, the Secretary to the Commander of the Forces ; the President, Keeper, and Secretary of the Royal Academy of Arts ; Sir Francis Freeling, Secretary to the General Post-office, the Lord Mayor of London, the Recorder of London, Sheriffs Richardson and Ward, Under Sheriffs Richardson and Young. Mr. Felix Booth, the late Sheriff.

Among the general company were the following. •

Dertga-Richmond, Norfolk, Buckingham, Graf. ton, Leeds, Argyle, St. Albans, Devonshire, Bed- ford, Montrose, Wellington, Portland, Somerset, Gordon.

Matiotfissas-Clantricarde, Exeter, Carmarthen, Sligo, Ormonde, Bute, Chandos, Hastings, Win- chester, Hertford. Graham, Cambden, Lansdowne, Londonderry, Westmeath, Cholmondeley, Titeh- field, Bristol.

HArn.s-Abingdon, Belfast, Grey, Aberdeen, Car- lisle, Rosslyn, Falmouth, Jersey, Moray, Dart- mouth, Gower, Manners, Roscommon, Darlington,

Uxbridge, Mansfield, Plymouth, Aboyne, Sefton, Tankerville, Cawdor,Limerick„Morley,Egreenont,

Tyrconnel, Huntingdon, Denbigh. Bruce, Glengall, Clonmell, Nelson,Racleor, Errolaermyn, Kinnoul, :Liferacial,1"mfret;.-Renniaro, eIrPrrers, Stanhope, SPencer, AUeklaud, Cathcart,:Shaftesbury, Mac- clesfield; Eldon, Talbot, Warwick, Clarendon, Mulles. Chesterfield, Howe, Breckncck, Westmor- land, -Poulet, Malme:sbury, Brownlow, Harcourt, Chichester. - Vocouars-Clive, Deerhurst, Grinston, Stor- mont, Anson, Ingestrie, Doneraile, Borringdon, Mahon, Hemesdale, Gage, Maynard, Allen, Vil- liers, Hood, Downes, Bernard, Ashbrook, St. Vin- cent, Melbourne, Templetown, lioderich,' Gran- ville, Melville, Combermere, 3Iorpeth, Sidmouth, Curzon, Palmerston. Loans-G. Bentinek, Ellenborough, Clinton, Farnborough, Aronson, E. O'Brien, Holland, Glen-

lyon, G. Harvey, W. Fitzroy, Hill, Tuilarnore,

Stallord,Kelleen,Dunboyne,Orantley,Ducie, Sloly- noun,, Durham, Carbery, Yarborough, Calthorpo, Redesdale, Somerset, Rodney, Sherburne, lire:ac- ne!, Douglas, Levi:son Gower, R. Spencer, De Table, F. Somerset, G. Cavendish, G. Somerset, Napier, F. Beauclerk, D. D Bexley, Grantham, Dudley Stuart, Byron, Seaford, Boehm% W. Len- nox, Teignmouth, Montagu, Colville, Alyanley, Waterrark, J. O'Brien, Racine% Railstock, Brid- port, E urbe, Brudynell, Aylmer, Slaryborough. RIGHT HoNounAncns -SturgeS Bourne, Sir Strat- ford Canning, Sir John Nichol', Sir C. Robinson, Sir .I. Beckett, J. Hurries, Franklaml Lewis, Hugh

Elliot, Sir J. Sinclair, Sir G.IS'arrender, C. Wynn,

J. Catcmft, Sir R. Peel, Sir O. Murray, Gout- burn, C. Arbuthnot.

Cntoces-Donhoff, Mathuchevitz, Redern, Blue Brake, Christie% Samson.

HAnONS-Fagel, Bulow.

llostommarrs-Rey. C Coot. Rer..F. Berne, Rev. E. Moore, C. Forrester,- Clive, W. Bathurst, Rey. - Wellesley, Lieutenant Abbott, W. Temple, F. Tuwnshend, E. Bradshaw, Capt. Poulett, Capt. Gore, R.N., J. Bloomfield, Major Southwell, Si.

Elphinstone, Rice Trevor, Major Keppel, C. Trefusis, Rev. R. B. Stafford, Rev. F. Hotham, - Deyereux, Capt. Trefusis, Capt. Southwell, Capt. Silencer, - Talbot, Capt. Best, R.N., Cnpt. Cost, C. J. Shore, Capt. Elliott, IL N., Capt. W. Gordon, \V. C. Law, - Knox, W. Fraser, F. Carnegie, Capt. W. Waldegrave, G. Agar Ellis, Admiral Curzon, Courtenay Boyle.

Saar sea-vs-Cross, Teddy. A coxamayr-Key, Garret, Hunter. Coxserssanceas-Sir M. Seymour, Hill, Delis Thomson.


Stirs-Alexander Johnson, Edward Ketvison, Charles Flower, Astley Cooper, Batt., Matthew John Tierney, Bart., Peter Laurie, William Cur- tis, Henry Poyntz, Walter Stirling, Charles Mor- gan, Sidney Smith, Francii Freeing, Bart.. Wil- liam Davison, Frederick Baker, Bart.: Charles Wetherell, John Conroy, Robert Bolton, Frederick Watson, Howard Douglass, Robert Inglis'. 31.1'., John Whale, John Wm. Lubbock, Arthur Chich- ester, W. W. Wynn, Sandford Graham, Charles Pole, Fred. Baker, James Feilowes, Horace St. Paul, John Awdry, Robert Kennedy, Richard Vyvyan, Dudley Hill, Thomas Thompson, Bart., William Knighton, SloriaXimenes, Charles Scud- amore, John Beresford, William Ball, Henry Lo- raine Baker, George Shiffner, James l.angham, Samuel Scott, Bart., MP., Richard Borough, 1 William G. H. Jennie, Jeffery Wyattville, Tyr- .whitt Jones, Alexander Grant, Williams' Dundas, Alexander Meet, Wm. Beechey, George Thomas Staunton, Bart., John Owen, J. Shelle:;, Andeew Halliday, Charles Ablis, Charles Forbes; Hart., M.P., Edw. Hyde East, George Rose, Re, Wm. Cooper, Bart , Henry Martin, William Blizard, Francis Ommanncy, Edward Tucker, K.C.B., C. Bothell Codringtoo. Bart., George Pocock, Bart., Thomas Tyrwhitt, George Grey.Edmund Stanley, James Shaw, Bart., .Tolus Nichol', James APGri- gor; Bart., C.B., Thomas Shuckbargit, George Bamirfylde, E. B: Sugden, Robert Gardirter,James Fellowes, Robert Jenner, Henry Satan, W. Hous- ton, C. Greville, Henry Hardinge. HISIIOPS or-London, Carlisle, Gloucester.

Banns OF-Windsor, Salisbury, Carlisle, Chich- ester, St. Asaph.

AnCnDEACONS - Hollingsworth, Cambridge, Jones.

Rev. DOCTORS-Harrison, Russell, Kuper, Da. tins, Blomberg, Hughes, Ackland. Hamilton, Star- tin, Wordsworth, Birch, Burton, Macleod, Vivian, Butcher, Wellesley, Schwale, Werniuck, Butler, Barret, Fly, Chary,Woodcock.

DOCronS-Alaton, Burnett, Clark, Phillimore, Pyre, Southey, Weir, Adam Black, Baird, James Johnson, Charles Clarke.

Rev. 31 assusues-Ab. Sterky, Fallnfield, Den- nis, Ellis, J. Page Wood, John J. Gelling, Piney, Seymour, S. I% . Cobb, T. F. Dibdin, .1. C. Sta- pleton, deo. Farbrace, E. Bury, Sir Win. Henry Cooper, Bart., Thos. Harding, Wm. Orger, Henry Burnaby Greene, Bingham, Thos. Randolph, J. Gonlon, Thomas Horne, Wrench, Isaac Oosset, Boat, Allatson Burgh, .Heneage Finch, John Arerewether, William Henry Dickenson, Barham, Samuel Smith, Robe. Watts, Theodore Bouwens, J. H. Randolph, Chas. Wadsworth. E. Sefton, David Williams, Cholmeley Edw. Leering, George Burrard, Pawner' Bastard, C. Packe, W. J. Al oore, Geo. Preston, W. E. L. Faulkner. Masnauss-B. C. J. B. Aldis, Joshua Brookes, F.R.S., Dawkins Pennant, J. Harrison Curtis, Watson Taylor, Stirling, -Lloyd, Hope, Bickerstcth, Colephoun, T. Brent, Backhouse. A.11. Joy, Hob- house, M.P., Frost, Charles Edward Jenkins, Henry Seymour, Martin Archer Slew, William Hilton, Henry Howard, Robert Brown, Roger Monk;Marrable, Fielding Fitzherbert, Slash, Mar- tins, Barry. Thomas Ramsden, Strachan, Robert Hay, Randall, Thomas Hancock, Henry Brougham, M.P. Henry Mandeville, Delme Radcliffe, A. C. Sterling, Horace Seymour, Williams Wynn, Hart Davis, Keith Milnes, JohnCalvert,Suliran,Wilkie, Cooper Cooper, Hardwicke, Thomas Courtenay, Dymoke, H. Longlands, Eliot Roberts,John Thom. hill,Neil Benj. Edmonstone, Wm. Astell, 31.P., Robert Campieell, William J. Alexander, R. C. Mellish. R. Wellesley, Geo. Talbot, Boroug.ls, Crecy, Leigh, Henry Greville, Hodgson, M.P., Ramsbottom, MX., Davies, Wynne Pendants, Turner, Rich. Dawkins, W. Bankes, Wilson, Man- ning, Angerstein, Joy, Attwood, M.P.. Wm. Stan- ley Clarke, Planta, George Lane Mount, Besse Challoner, Baring Wall, Greenhill Russel, M.P., Gore, Dottin, Faillie, Bucknen; Ennourt, Charles G. F. Newton, Kemp, Rowley Lascellenr, David Hooter, Broadhurst, Dorset Fellowes, Jenfislow, Tucker, Masterton Ure, M.P., Clifton, Cron Hoy, M.P., Hammond,S. March Phillipps, Carson, Pemberton, Harrison Batley, M.P., Corbolly, Ross, W. B. Kitchiner, Easthope. M.P.,. Geo. Bankes, Pettigrew, Charles Boyle, Barnard, Thomas Dun. combe,Jeckson, Paulet Mildmay, Geo. Stafford Jernmgham, Bathurst, Agar Robartes, Williams, Grenville:Pigott, Wallace, Berkeley Pan% Chalet Cavendish, Rich. Mayne, Wray, Corry, Albany Wallace, Poyntz, Pallmer, Geo. Ponsenby, EdwardFoley, Tierney, H. F. Way, J. Alexander, 1. L. Goldsmid, G. Dull; F. Laurence, Francis, Courte. nay, Powell Buxton, Charles Murrays- Thomas Knox Holmes, Scott, Wardrop, T. P. Williams, J. H. Prase, Dalton, Lister Parker, IVilliamBenry Timmy, Villiers Stuart, Cunlitlb Gilley, Keith Douglas, Henry Moreton Dyer, Thomas Shatter, Agar, Clive, Braude, Seymour, Horn. Booth, Nor- ton, six., J. It. Robinson, Charles Tulle, Myddles ton, Biddulph, Frederick Seymour, Stafford Jer- ningham, Wombwell, Charles Calvert, Lowdham, R. Gilmour Colquhowt, Wentworth, Whitshed, Benham Carter, M.P., John Hales Calcraft, Boa- wens, Rose, Heatheme, Roe, Wesley, Edwards Vaughan, C. J. II. Aldis, J. Nash, Morison, 51.1'., Robert Sutherland, A. Campbell, J. G. Saul, Forbes. 31.P., Rushworth, St. John Baker, Bay- ford, Ellis, Francis Baring, Mr. Janne, 31 itelelt, Eltertitanr-Bruyeres, Gehrge I/narrater; Whyte Melville, florsfall, Houghton, Geo. 13 urkard, ALP;,, Dawkins, James Mitchell, Birch, M.P., George Ilibbert, H. Bright, Alexander Copeland Hutchins sum .1. A. Gordon, Neill Malcolm, 31.P., Colman, Horace Twiss, Wm. Harrison, West, Barrow, (leo. Hamilton, B. Currey, Chandos Pole, lienry Spencer Law, Wiscon eh, Cumberland, Fraser,John Stewart, 31.1'., H. Adair, Moreton Dyer, Simmons Smith, Fatima,

A Dm la Ars-Sir Collin Halcutt, Sir James Whi ts.

head, Sir John {fells, K.C.B., Wylsoley, Sir Harry Neale, Capri, Nugent, George Parker, Foote, Sir Robert Otway, Sir Edward Hamilton, Sir Charles Pole, Gage, Rodd, Bon. Sir II. Ilotham, Sir Gra- ham Sloure, Sir B. Hallowell Carew, Sir George Eyre, Cunningham,Sir Joseph Yorke, Sir Johnstone Hope, Sir John Beresford, Sir Charles Hamilton, Winthorp, Sir P. C. li. Durham, Bigler, Maitland, Lanford, Wedehouse, Taylor, Lake, C.B., Sir Charles ( tee, 3lowbray, Sir liyain Martin, Tollemae lie, Sir'Etheard Thornbrough, Lord A. Beaucterk, Fleming, Sir Charles Ramsey. Flan jinn, Lambert, sir Thomas Hardy, Sir I ra- ham E. Itamond, Sir James Saunterer, sir Francis Lafarey, Sir Davidge Gould, K.C.B., Sir Riehard King Sir George Martin, Sir William Botham, Walker, Sir It. Stopford, Lord Mark Kerr, Sir Sidney Smith, Sir IV. I largooel.

Gavenacs-Croshie, Shrapnel, Sir Herbert Tay-

lor, Sir Colquhoun Grant, Sir Edward Kerrison, Sir Thomas Bowser, K.C.B., Sir Alexander Bryce, C.D., Smith, Balt; Wemyss, Biachford, Hon. Robert Taylor, Sir George Wood, Sir A. hope, Hall, Sir Howard Douglas Lord 'Lowden, Bewley, SirJohn .Macleod, Sir John Lambert, Need, Sir William Inglis, Sir George Anson. White, Sir George Nugent, Hart, Brooke, al eralc, Sir Thos. Brown, K.0 B., St. George, Sir Fioroy Maclean, Sir John Hamilton, Molyneux, Sir J. 0. S'andeleur, Anderson, Sir T. Reynoll, lit. K.C., Sir Edward Paget, Sir Hussey Vivian, Lord E. Somerset, Cup- page, Thornton, Sir A. Campbell. Grant, Moore, Sir IV. Hutchinson, Sir T. 31'31es" K. Mac- kenzie, White, Sir R. SPFarlane, Crosbie, Sir A. Clarke, Grey, Fisher, Sir J. EH*, Sir C. Doyle, Sir hCe.1 rand'ilFch leinSir. C. Heiken, Fraser, Sir C.Camp- Cocosnts-WIllonghbyCotton, SirGeorgeSewelr, Downinan Sir John Harvey, Master, Thuniton, Savage, Adye, C.B., Daniell. Macdonell, Drum- mond, Berkeley, MsCleverty, Sir l'arker Carrot, Sir Charles Broke Were, Hugh Millie, Fitzcla. rence, Edward Hay, Dyson, Sir Archibald Christie, Ilughes, Sir Augustus Frazer. Pearson, Sir Ralph Hamilton, Marley, H.O., Gordon, Bainbrigge Pane, M.P., Edward Wildman, Taylor, Pearce, Reeves, C.B.N.K.H., D'Aquilar, Walton, Janet, C.B., Macdougall. Le Breton, Jones, Pasley, Wyn, yard, Cradock, Cleaveland, Wadrock, O- Halley, Nickle, S. Ilughes, 0. Rowan, Wale. Raleigh Gilbert, C B., Barrington, Sir Henry Pynn, J. C. Jones, King, D'Arcy, Charier Edward Cox, Kennedy, Belli, O'Reilly, Sir WS Berries, Hair, Beauchamp, Ellicombe,./. M. Fre. derick Smith, Forrest, Peter Hawker, George Pol. lock, C.B., Burgoyne, Cruise, James Hugbvs, Si- John May' K.C.B., Planter, Addison, Jones, Sic Robert liarvey, Cavendish, Salwey, Bare. Carly Doyle, Disbrowe, Harding, Thorn, fromurablo Henry Murray, Webber Smith, E. Philips, Ile EaciEvans, Johnston, Hinder, Higginson. Dutrye

Cavendish, Gibbs, Sir -Alexander Dickson, Poten, Sir Charles Cuyler, Green-

vFiLlen,.Eh.lphina. tone, Arbuthnot, Clitheroe, Seytnour,

Maioas-Hyde, J.Forster, Harvey Smith,

Greases, Wright. Hon. IC Rodney, Farquhalson, Marsha% P. W. Paster, Ebrington, Brereton, Basden,C.B.,Dyneley, alackworth,Jack.son,Jmes. Coststaandia-Wm. John Cole, R.N., Robt. Gordon, Townshend, APConochie, R.N., Wni. Oldney, A: Hawkins, Powney, B. N., Bruner, John Forster, R.N., E. W. Gilbert, 'tamely Green, Charles Rich, Richard H. King, Nixon, Drinkwater; R.N., Sir Wm. Dickson, Wm. Tucker, Patrick John Blake, Cuppage, Agar, DelatoiSe, Lord Edw. Russell, Henry Houghton, Hayden, R.N., R. Oliver, Henry W. Scutt, Deere, Boa. J. Halide, W. H. Higgs, Gooch, W. Fi0d, Gunning, C. Frederick Collier, M. Quin, Nevin, J. F. Gordon,J. Hamilton, W. Blight, Sir George Young, Wm. Semen, Frederick de Roos, Rowland Mainwaring, Jos. Nies, George Evans, Carleton, Richard Stuart, Hugh Nurse, Chas English E. Sparshott, R.N., Samuel Sparshott, Charles Rich, 11.1V., Bertram, R.N., Home Smith, Cobb, J C. ii,W000nilki.npu,gHirlDR,c.N. .N.Vgnitas. 1-1,1oe:1,.,Rswicphitrrdd .sCkriolteur,. CAPTents-Gilbert, Nurse, Grace, Ellice, Main- lieresford, Henry Hatton, Marshal,Mac. dmald, B. Reynolds Fleetwood Pellew, Hill, Sir citleong,erStesatifiele-IdG,. L';Homn.ber4\peNaln'e'llpeaL"y'das, 'Legrugeth, Bullock, S. R. Rowley, Cadogan, Courtenay Boyle, Ryder Barton, Woolmore, Babcock, Hunter, Stet- son, C. Kerk, W. Parker, C.B., Sir Thomas Fel- lowes, Argles, R.N., Hon. James Stuart, Sir George Westphal, O. Vernon, Berkeley, E. Harvey, Murray, Kendall. W. Christian, C. Butler, Brand- reth, Tracers, Bridges,O'Brien, G. Gosling, Waite, Mildmay, Tomkinson, Pit, Baniaby Green, IVise, Dillon, Tower, Barden, D. J. Ballingall, Anson, Vincent, Maclean, K. ncell, J. Mau Archer Houblon, Macdonnell, Lewis, D. Hope, E. Palmer, C. Crate, De Starch, W. B. Collier, Cotgrave, Ussher, Heneage, Coney, nir. Philip Broke, Bridges, 'Grover, Alamein, Fair, D. IV. O'Brien, Thomas Ryan, George Martin. Byng, Hawker, Michael Seymour, Sir Charles Sullivan, Beechey, Pellew, J. Seymour, Harvey, E. Fletcher, Omma ney, C B., A.P. Gesin, Oldfield, Sir 13. C Wetherell, Cuthbert. Baynet, Watson, Inglefield, Blackwood, Shirrefi; Malskay, MeLeod, H C. Frandland, Bowles, Fuller. W. A. Montagu, Vivian, Trailing, Morier, Phillimore, Plumildge, Eyre, Sir John Phiffimore, W. Satz, eya, H. Gordon, Hugh Patton, Hon. J. A. Maude,

Carden, R. Blake, Pasco,

G. Higgins, Pearce, C. Gill, Eden, Brace, Al. H. Dixon, Luard, Wollaston; 0. Pechetl, Bucknall, Esterat, Manners, H. Byam Marten, G. J. H. Johnstone. Bromley, W. Symmonds, Beaufort, E. Curzon, S. Warren, Sir Robert H. Thornbrough, J. O'Brien,taigersfeld A. Fanshawe, C. Phillip, Sir. John Franklin, Basil Ball, H. Stewart, D. Dunn, Sir John Sinclair, G. Calcraft, Rotherham, Feast, Wolley, Sir R. Grant, W. Al, G.odfey, Her- :Ingham, Paget.

LIZOTICNANTs-Tonelnaehe, J. G. W. Curtis, Pasco, Rabett, Griffin, Crosbie, Lake,

Jones, Stanhope, Richmond, Kieper, Wingfield, Fyler, Faris, Poole, Newton, Wallace, Isar, Newn- ham, Campbell, Cooper, Murphy, Langdon, CRaurzowsT,Lnard, Brenton, Little,Forbea, Savage,


Lieut.. Col. George Higginson, on his appointment as Aide•de•Camp to the Commander-us-Chief, by Lord Hill. Lieut.-Colettreliomallen.alueray.beLoral.Gleplertna Mr. Stirling; by his father, Sir Walter Stirling. Lord al olyneux; by the Earl of Errol. . • Mr. David,Merier. his Majesty's Consul General in France, Sy the Earl of Aberdeen.

She R. Inglis; by he Lord in Waiting. Mr. Wilder, late Reddent at the Court of his High. nets the Rajah of Borer, by Earl Amherst. Mr. Joy, by the Marquis of Lansdowne.

Sir Alexander Malet, by the Duke of Buckingham Lieut.-Col. D'A guitar, by Sir Herbert Tin Ma Sir C. Scudamere; by Vice-Aden. Sir J. Bere.ford, Mr. Itothesiold, by the Duke of Gordon. Lieut.-Col. Walton, by Col. illacdonell. Mr. W. B. Kitchiner, by Co). alacdoned. Mr. Gore, Secretary of his Majesty's Legation at Buenos Ayres, by the Earl of Aberdeen. Mr. Charles Hoyle, by the Earl of Errol. lieut.-Col. Macdougall, on his appointment to the 79th Highlanders, by Gen. Lord Hill. Mr. Bisse Challober, by the Marquis of Ely. The Duke of Richmond, by the Lord in Waiting. The IM aluis of Bute, on being appointed his Majesty's Lord Lieutenant for the Counties of Glamorgan and Bute.

Earl of Moray, by the Lord in Waiting. Earl of Uxbridge, by Sir Charles Paget. .Mr. Jackson, ht. Majesty's Commissary Judge at Sierra Leone, by the Earl of Aberdeen. George Stafford Jerningham, attached to his Majesty's Embassy its the Netherlands, by the Earl of Aberdeen.

Mr. Scott, by the Marquis of Lothian. Lieut.-Getz. Sir Williamn ilutchinso , on being ap- pointed Gmentor of Carrickfergus, by Rear. Admiral Sir Thomas Foley. 31r. Clifton, Secretary to the Victualling Board, by Sir U. Cockburn.

Mr. R. C. Mellish, by Sir Stratford Canning. Mr. Henry (Devine, by Lord Francis L. Gower. Mr. Curzon, by Earl Howe. Mr. A. Longleaf's, by the Earl of Cawdor. Mr. Elliot Roberts, by the Earl of Aberdeen. Major-(Cenral Grant, Governor of Trinidad, by Sir George Murray. Mr. Wale, his Majesty's Principal Painter in or- dinary, by Sir Robert Pee!, Bart. Mr. Hardwick, by the Lord in Waiting. Rear Admiral Gage, by Viscount Melville.

E art of Hnntillgdon,by the Earl of Altieclesfiehl Mr. Wray, Receiver of the Metropolitan l'olice, by Sir Robert l'eel.

Mr. Poynlz, by the Marquis of Exeter.

Mr. Tierney, Secretary of his Majesty's Legation at the Court of Bavaria, by the Earl of Aberdeen. Earl of Denbeigh, by Lord Clinton.

Mr. Henry Spencer Law, by teed Ellenborough. Mr. Villiers Stuart. by the Marquis of Bute. Mr. Seymour, by the Doke of Somerset. Air. Rose, King's Counsel, by the Lord Chancellor. M. H. Lawrence, by his It. H. the Duke of Sussex. Mr. Agar Robartes, by the lion Agar Ellis. Mr. Dorset Fellowes, by the Duke of Sussex. Mr. Richard Mayne, by Sir It. Peel. Capt.O.V.Vernois, R.N., by the Duke of Beaufort. Hon. John Bloomfield, Secretary to his Majesty's Legation at the Court of Sweden, by the Earl of Aberdeen.

Captain Manbe Hall Dixon, by Sir G. Cockburn. The Re, Pownall Bastard, by the Earl of Errol. Captain Manners, by Slr Richard Ring.

Rey. Edward Bury, by the Duke of Argyll. Capt. B. Esteems,* Mr. Bethnal' Estcourt, M.P. Commander Bremner, R.N., by the Lordin Waiting. The Rev. J. Burrard, by Sir Harry Neale. Commatider R. Crozier, by Viscount Melville. Rev. JohneMerewether, by the Earl of Errol. Rev. David 'Williams, by the Earl of Abingdon. Com. H. D. C. Douglas, by the Lord in %Vatting. Rev. CS astrodewortitaby Or. bionsherg.

Rev. George Earbrace, by Admiral %%anthem. Captain Pascoe, R.N., by Rear-Admiral Sir Thos. Hardy, Bart., H.C.B.

Mr. Fred. Seymour, by Capt. Geo. Seymour, R.N. William Horton, M.P., by the Duke or Gordon. Rear-Adniiral Sir T. Hardy, by Earl Bathurst. Mr. &Word Jemingham, by Lord Stafford. Admiral Sir E. Thernbrough, by Cis. Melville. Mr. Rushworthy, by Lieue-Gen. Sir IL Campbell. Captain Vivian, 7111 Hussars, by Major-General Sir Hussey Vivian. Capt. Phillimore. by Admiral Sir Charles Pale. Ca pa. Williams Sandom, R.N., on his return from foreign service, by Lord Melville. Hon. Capt. J. A. :Maude, C.H.. by Vis. Capt. B. Blake, on has return from the East Indies. Capt. 31orier, by Viscount Melville. Capt. Thos. Ryan, by the Duke of Montrose. Capt. Edward i■lett her, by Lord TeIgnmouth. Capt. Hawker, by the Lord in Waiting.

Cala. Donat klenchy n. It. N., by V ice-Adm. Right lion. Lord A. Beam lerk. K.C.R. Capt. Beechey, R.N.' by Viscount Meisel?, Capt. Ussher, R.N., by the Duke of Buckingham. Capt. Burdett, R.N., by Lord Melville. Capt. Anson, by Litut.-ti en. Sir G. Anson. Capt. J. A. Houghton, by Capt. Deans Duntlax,R.N. Ron. Edward Gore, Commander, R.N., by his Royal Highness tInt Duke of Sussex.

Lord alaryborough, on his being aperanted Master of his Majesty's Buck Hounds. Capt. Eyre, Mad Regiment, by his Father, Bear- Admiral Sir George Eyre, K.C.B. Lord Dudley Stewart., by the Hon. G. Agar Ellis, Hon. George Ellis Trevor. by Lord Clinton. Hon. and Rey. Edward Moore, by Loral Clinton. Mr. Colman, Lime of the Yeoman Guard, by the Earl of Macclesfield.

Ilughes,by Major-Gen. Sir W. K.Grant. Rev. T. B. Murray, by the Lord its Waiting. Mr. Broadhurst. by Ma,jor de Roos. • Col. Macdonell. on appointment as First Equerry to her Miami, Col. Sir C. Broke Vere, Aide-de-Camp to the King, by Lord Hill. Col. Hughes, by the Duke of Sussex. LieutoCol. Bainbridge, by Sir W. Gordon. Lieut.-Col. Gusset, by Sir Hussey Vivian. Mr: George Bankes, on his appointment as a Lord of the Treasury, by the Duke of Wellington. Mr. Hodgson, H.P., to present an Address of Con- dolence and Congratulation, from the Mayor, Burgesses, and Inhabitants of Barnstaple. Mr. Hart Davis, H.P., by the Lord in Waiting. Mr. R. Fielding Fittherbert, Clerk of the Cheque to the Yeomen of the Guard, by the Earl of Macclesfield.

Lieut.-Col. Beauchamp, by Ma .-Gen Sir ILVivian Lieut.-Col. Ellicombe, by Lord E. Somerset. Lieut.-Col. Peter Hawker, by the Lord in Waiting. Lieut.-Col. M. J. Smith, on promotion, by Lord B. Somerset.

Lieut.-Col. G. Pollock, on returning to India, by Sir A. Campbell. Lieut.-Col. Disbrowe, by Sir Herbert Taylor. Lord Dunglas, by the Earl of Aberdeen. Lord Sherbome, by Earl Howe.

Lord J. Somerset, by the Duke of Beaufort. Lord G. Somerset, by ditto.

Lord Forbes, by the Earl of Sefton. Col. Higgins, on haying the Order of the Guelph. lieut.-Col. Sir C. Cuyler, by Sir John Hamilton. Lord Stafford, by the Duke of Norfolk. Lieut. Little, by Vice.Admiral Sir H. Blackwood. Capt. Beaufort, by Lord Melville. Capt. Sir R. Howe Bromley., by Earl Howe. Capt. W. Symonds, by Lord Melville. Capt. Thombrough,by Adm. Sir E. Thernbrough. Capt. Chas. Phillips. by Vice-Admiral the Hon. Sir Henry Blackwood, Bart. K.C.B.

Capt. Sir J. Franklin, R.N., 1:;.). Viscount Melville. Caps David Deene by Rear-Admiral Sir Robert Waller Otway, ka...B. Capt. Sir John Sinclair, by the Duke of Gordon. Capt. G. Calcraft, by the Right Hon. J. Calcraft.

Capt. E. Curzon, by Sir E4scard Codrington. Capt. Feed. by Admiral Sir;E. Thornbthugh: Capt. Sir R. Grant, on 'initiation bySlr C. Ogle. Capt. II. M. Caffrey, by ice-Adm. Sir C. Rowley. Hon. John Carnmie; by Viscount SteVincent. Capt. Deans Donde% by Sir J. P. Beresford. Lod liurghersh on his return on a leave of absence from his mission in Italy. lord Monson. by the Earl of Warwick. Lord George Bentinek, by the Dukeof Portland. Hon. William Law, by Lord Ellenborough. Vice-Admiral Sir G. Moore, by Viscotint Melville. Vice-Admiral Sir Harry Neale, by Vis. Melville. Rear-Adm. Sir E. Hamilton, by Adm. Sir C. Pole. Mr. C. Murray, by the Lord in Waiting. Rear-Admiral Rudd, by Admiral Sir C. Pole. Mr. Every, by Vi.count A,Ithrook.

Mr. al asterton Ure, M.P., with an Address from Weymouth, by the Earl of Fife.

Major-General Sir A. Bryce, Cll., on his promo- teas, by the Lime-General of the Ordnance. al r. Cumberland. by V iscotmt f roderich. Al r. Fraser, by the Duke of Gordon. Mr. G. Hamilton, by Lord Melville. 3Ir..f. II. Calcraft, by the Right Hon. 3. Calcraft. :Mr. R. G. Colgubottn, by the Duke of Montrose. Mr. Morrison, by the Duke of Gordon. Mr. J. G. Lambe. with an Address from Brighton, by Captain Morgan, M.P.

Sir JanesSit:swot/art., by the Duke of Sus sex. Lieut.-Col. N it kle, on his. ppointment to the cons. mand attic Guth Regiment.

Lieut.-Col. K ing, by Major-lien. Sir ID. Vivian. Lieut.-Col. W. Raleigh fillbert, by Sir G. Murray. Commander It. Stewart, by the Lord in Waiting. Commander II. lietsce, by Sir G. Cockburn. Commander C. English, by the Lord In Waiting. Commander C. Rhea by V keount Melville. Commander Bertram, by Sir G. Cockburn, Commander Horne, by the Earl of Oxford. Commander Smith Cobb, by Viscount Melville. Commander Woolnough, by the Lord in Waiting. Commander Hood, by V iwonnt Melville. Capt. Gordon Higgins, on being appointed to the Rocket Troop, by Sir A. Dickson. Capt. C. Gill. by Sir Thomas Hardy. Capt. F. Brace, by Viscount Melville. Capt. Luard, by Lord Corabermere. Mr. Brougham, K.C., by the Lord Chamberlain. Archdeacon Hollineworth, by the Bishop or London. Lieut. 1) .1. Campbell, by Sir G. Murray. Commander J. Hamilton, bra Rear-Ad. Winthorp. Major.tieneral Sir A. Campbell, on his return fauns As-a, by Earl Amherst. Commander Sir G. Young, on coming to his title, by Lord Aylmer, Mr. Berkeley Paget. by the Lord in Waiting. Commander al. Harwell, by Sir Chas. Ogle, Batt. Commander F. de Roos, by the Earl of hnol. Commander J. Nies, on his return from the Medi- tier:mean, by Sir (C. Cockburn. Commander G. Evans, be Viscount Melville. Rey. Dr. Vivian, by the bishop of London. Dr. Kier, by Lord Melville. Colonel Greenwell, by Lord Hill. Dr. Southey, by Adm. Sir ./. Beresford. Lord li illeen, by the Lord in Wasting. Colonel Sir A. Dickson, by feral Hill. Rev. Dr. Burton, by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Mr. Planta, by the Duke of Wellington. Mr. Hammond, to present an Address from South- ampton. Viscount Stormont, by the Earl of Mansfield. Dr. A. Black. on going abroad, by Earl Amherst. Mr. Mandeville, br the Earl of Aberdeen. Lieut--CuL Cieavetand, by Sir A. Dickson. Lieut.-Col. Barrington. by Sir C. Grant, K.C.B. Capt. Dillon, R.N., by the Duke of Sussex. Major P. W. Pedlar, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir .7. Fraser. Capt. Waite, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. K. Grant. Copt /Andra*, R.N., by the Loyd in Waiting. Capt. alacdounell, by Lord Glenivon. Commander R. Oliver, by Rear-Admiral Sir • Thomas Hardy, Bart. Capt. Cotgrave R.N. by Lard-Melville. Capt. Vincent, by the Earl of Errol. Capt. David Hope, R.N., on his promotion and re- turn from service in the Mediterranean. Capt. Sir Philip Broke, It .N • by Vas. Melville. Mr. Roger Monk, by the Earl of Macclesfield. SirE. Clyde East, by the Duke of Buckinghants Mr. Deckhouse, by the Earl of Aberdeen. Sir George Grey. by Earl Grey.

Rev Dr. Barrett, by the Bishop of London. Commander W. Blight, R.N., by Vis. Melville. Commauder Michael Quin, on his retorts from the li eeliterranean, by Sir G. Cockburn, G.C.B. Capt. lira by General Lord Hid.

Capt. II. Hatton, R.N., Gentleman Usher of the Privy Chamber to the King, by the Lord in Waiting. Commander Nixon, on his return from the West Incites. by the Earl of Itusslyn. Lieut. elms. J. F. Newton, by Sir C. Rowley. Limo. Walaangdotalt.N., by the Earl of Darlington. Commodore Collier, on his return from the Coast of Africa. by Sir G. Cockburn. Commander Gunning, R.N., by Commissioner Sir Michael Solemn

Commander Field, by Sir C. Cole, Bart. Lieut. C. W. Rewdon. by Sir N. King, K.C.B. Commander Lihou, R.N., by Sir J. Situniarez. Commander Sir Win. Dickson, Bart , on coining to his title, be Col. Sir A. Dickson, K.C.B. Capt. Beresford, Groom of his Majesty's Privy Chamber, he the Lord in Waiting.

Commander IL Hoghton, R.N., on Ids-promotion. Comma.. Drinkworth, R.N., by Sir T. 3I. Hardy. Commander A. M. Hawkins, on his appointment to his Majesty's sloop Raleigh, by Sir U. Cock- burn, G.C.B.

Ceinmander E. W. Gilbert, be Sir G. Cockburn. Lieut. W. H. Poole, by Lord Edward Somerset. Coin. K. H. King, R.N., by Capt. Sir P. Broke, Bt. Comma. Dean., on his return from the West Indies. Commander Lord E. Russell, R.N. by the Duke of Bedford.

Lieut. Robert Wallace, by Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas Dowder, K.C.B. Commander Hayden, IL N.. on his return from the Mediterranean, by Iced Melville. Lieut. liaris, on his return from foreign service, by Lord Edward Somerset, K.C.B. Commander Delafosse, R.N., by Vis.

Lieut. Lawrence Eyler, by the Earl of Tyrconnel. Lieut. Wingfield, by Col. Sir A. Dickson, K.C.B. Commander Cu visage, by Lieut.-Gen. Cuppage. Lord Redeolale, by the Duke of Richmond. Captain Carden, R.N. by Lord Melville. Com..5 gar, R.N. by the Hon. G. A.Ellis, eons. W. Tucker, R.N.. by the Lord in Waiting. Lieut.-Col. Sal wey, by Colonel Macdonnell. Commander MaKonschie, R.N., by Admixal Sir Philip Durham, K.C.B.

Commander W. Oldsay, by Sir G. Cockburn. Mr. Brayeres, by the Duke of Wellington. Dr. Charles Clarke, by the Duke of Gordon. Mr. A. C. Stgeling, by Lord Prudhoe. Mr. Martin Archer Shoe. by Sir R. Peel. r. Henry Howard, by Sir R. Peel.

Sir wafter Stirling by the Lord in Waiting. Lieut.-Gen. Sir W iliiam Inglis, by Lord Hill, on being appointed Colonel of the 5-ith Regiment. Lord Carbery, by the Duke of Sussex. Mr. Ellermaa, Consul-General for Hanover in the Netherlands, by the Lord. in •Waitieg. Major-Gen. Wheatley, on being appointed Keeper of his Majmty's Privy Purse, and on promotion. The Earl of Errol. by- the Lord in Waiting. Major-Gen. Sir Edward Kerrison, on his appoint- ment to theColonelm of the lath Light Dragoons. Sir Robert Gardiner,* Prince Leopold. Mr. Sheriff Richardson, by Sir Robert Peel, when his Majesty was graciously pleased to confer the honour of Knighthood upon him.

Mr. SherifrWard, by Sir Robert Peel.

Lord Arundel, by the Duke of Buckingham. Air. Under Sheriff Richardson, by Sir -11.. Peel,

Mr. Under Sheriff Young, by Sir R. Peel. Lord Tullamore, by the Duke of Argyll. SirCharles Wetherell, op being appointed King's Counsel. - Mr. Davies, on his appointment to be his Majesty's Personal Medical Attendant,bythe Earl of Errol. Lieut.-Gen. Lord Aylmer, on his appointment to • be Capt.-Gen. and Gover.•In•Chier of the Pm- yinces of Lower and Upper Canada, by Sir George Murray.

Capt. Shirrelf, R.1,1., by the F.arl of Abingdon. The Rev. Henry Barnaby Greene, late Domestic Chaplain to his Majesty, as Duke of Clarence, by the Lord in Waiting.

The Rev. Wm. Urger, by Mr. SherifTRichardson. The Rev. W. II. Dickinson, by the Dean or Carlisle. Rev. E. Beaton, by the :archbishop of Canterbury. The Rey. Hendon, linuwens, Prebendary of Lin- coln, by his father, Mr. Itanwens. Major the Hon. George Keppel, by the Duke of Sussex.

The Hon. Wm. Temple, Secretary to his Majesty's Embassy in Russia,* the Earl of Aberdeen. The lion. Mr. Devereux, by N'iscount Hereford. Hon. Captain Spencer, by Earl Spencer. The Hon. Commander Best, on his appointment to his Majesty's yacht William and Mara, by Vice- Admiral Sir B. Martin,.

Capt. Wetherell, by Lieut.-Gen. Wetherell.

C actsht a. r e su t. hbert, on his marriage, by Earl Mount-

Capt./lobson, by Vice _4d. Sir J. P. Dermford, Bt. The lion. Capt. Gordon, by the Earl of Aberikan. Capt. ingleliels1, by Admiral Sir George Cosibunt. Capt.C. Celrille Frankland, by Rear-Ad. Colville, Capt. Oldlield, on being appointed Commanding Royal Engineer at Newfoundland, by the Lieut.- Gen. of the 0ntim.e. Mr. Horne, King's Counsel, on being appointed Attorney-Gruen' to the Queen, by the Lord Chancellor.

Lieue•Col. Edward Wildman, Carabineers, by the Hun. lien. Tavlor. Mons. Manuel E. de Gnrodiza, Mexican Minister, by the Earl of .l border.. Capt. George 31 omit, R.N., by Admiral Sir George Martin.

Mr. Buithnell Estcourt, 31.P. for the University of Oxford, by the hoed in Waiting. Mr. Tucker, Surveyor of the Navy, by Viscount Met yillc.

alr. William Henry Tinney,Ig the Lord in Waiting, on his appointment as King's Counsel. Capt. the lion. Janus Stuart, by the Earl of:Moray. Capt. George J. Hope Johmtone, R.N., by his father Vice-Admiral Sir NV..i. !tope. Rev. Thomas Harding, Chaplain to Mr. Sheriff Ward, by Mr. Sheriff Ward. Commander Patrick John Blake, R.N., by the Earl of Abingdon.

The Dean of St. As:441,11y Sir John Nichol!. Capt. Ellice, R.N' by Admiral Sir Geo. :Martin. Sir George Pocock, Standard-bearer in the Band of Gentlemen Pendoners, by Lord f Icreford. Capt. Henry liaison, R.N., Gentleman I lsher of the Privy Chamber to the King, by the Lord Chamberlain.

Mr. Nash, by the Duke of Wellington. Corn. Powney, R.N., by the Rev. Dr. Blomberg. Her. Dr. Butler, by the Earl of Abenleen. MajaGen.SieJohn Ellen on hisa1pointment to the Colonelcy of the 17th Light Dragoons (Lancers). The Bishop of London presented a copy of the Ser- mon preached before his Majesty, at the Chapel Royal, St. James's. ' Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas Bowser, K.C.B., by the Duke of Gordon.

Mr. Dutton, by Earl Howe. The King's Advocate, by the Lord Chancellor. Mr. Baring Wall, by Lord Clinton. Earl of Sefton, by the Duke of Dorset. Mr. Borounk, by Sir Richard Borough.

Marquis of Worcester, by the Duke of Beaufort. Earl Cawdor' with a Deputation of the Highland Society' of London, to present an Address. Earl of Tyreannel, by the Lord in Waiting. Mr. Marrableatry the Duke of Buckingham' the Lord Steward abis Majesty's 'Household, on cbeintappointed Secretary to the Board of Green


Sir Matthew Tierney, on being appointed Physi- cian in Ordinary to the King, and Physician to his Majesty's Household at Brighton. Sir Witham Davison, on taking leave on returning to Hanover.

Hon. Lieut. Abbott, lith Dragoons, by his father, Lord Tenterden.

Sir Arthur Chichester, by the Earl of Belfast. Rev, Dr. Dukins, on tieing appointed principal Chaplain at Head-quarters. Mr. Frost,. the President of his late Majesty's Co- ronation Fleet, to present the Address of that Loyal Institution, which was most graciously re- ceived, and Mr. Frost had the honour to kiss Isis Majesty's hand.

Mr. Stirling, by his father Sir Walter Stirling. Lieut.-Col. Le Breton Aid-dc-Camp to a1ajor- (ieneral Sir Colin Heiken.

Lieut. T. Richmond, R.N., by the Rev. Dr. Kuper. Lieut. Griffin, by Sir George Cockburn. Lieut. Curtis, on his nitwit *um India, by Captain Blake.

Lieut. Rabett, on his return from the Mediterra- nean, by Viscount Maynard.

Lieut Crossbie, by Lieutorien.Crossbie.

Lieut. Lake, by 11-earaishoiral Lake. Lieut. Forbes, by Vireald. Sir Charles Rowley. Lieut. Williams, by Sir George Cockburn. Lieut. Jones, by- Liena-Gen. Sir Wm. Inglis. Lieut. Tonersa the. by Rear-Admiral Toilemache. Commander'1'ownshend. on his return from abroad, by the Duke of Leeds, K.G. Prebendary Dennis, of Exeter, B.C.L.. to present his iv Key to the Regalia. or a development of the symbolical design or the various fortis ob- served In the ceremonial of a Coronation... Rev. 31. Pusey, by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Lieut. Brtheton,on his alaje.ty's Accession to the Throne.

Lieut..Gen. Ithlynenx, by the Duke of Beaufort. Lieut.- Col. Pearse, by the aiarquis of Worcester. Marquis of Chasid., with the Wed India Address, by the Duke of Buckingham. Col. Jones, Aid.dtaCamp to the King, by General Lord Hill.

Mr. Sulivan, by Sir Henry Timeline.

Mr. Dame Radcliffe, by the Master of the Horse. Maj.-Gen. Anderson, by Admiral Sir G Moore. Lord Wm. Lennox, by the Dute of Richmond. The Earl of Chichester, by the Duke of Leeds. The Rev. Dr. Woodcock, by the Lord in Waiting. Viscount Borringdon, by the Earl of Morley. Sir Henry Seton, by Prince Leopold.

Major lirearos, on going to jt la Isis regiment, by the Earl of Errol.

The Earl of Brecknock, by the Marquis Camden. Major Dyneley, by Lord Ellenborough.

alaj. Mackworth, by Gen. Lord Hill. Dean of Chichester, on his preferment, by Sir Robert Peel.

Dean of Carlisle, by the Bishop of London. Lieut.-Col. Arbuthnot, on his return from the Cape of Good Hope, by the Right lion. C. Arbuthnot. Rev. Dr. Birch, by the Bishop of London. Lieut. Col. Cradock, by the Earl of Aberdeen. Rev. Dr. Acland, by the Bishop of London. Viscount Ingestrie, by Earl Talbot. Lord Grimston, by the Earl of Verulam. Dr. Clark, by Sir Henry Mardi:me.

Marquis of TItchfield, by the Duke of Portland. Capt. Wise, to present an Address from the Corpo- ration and Inhabitants of Plymouth.

Capt. Woolmore, the Deputy Master of the Trinity House, to present an Address. Mr. Charles Edward Jenkins Director of the Eclectic Society, to present the Address of that Body, signed by the Duke of Grafton, on which occasion Mr. J. had the honour to kiss his Ma- lestre hand.

The Earl of Tyrconnel, by the Lord in Waiting. Lieut.-Gen. Sir J. Fuller, ht. Sir Robert Peel. Archdeacon Jones, by the Bishop of London. Archdeacon Cambridge,* ditto.

Rev. Dr. Hamilton, by ditto. • Earl of Pomfret, on coming to his title, by the Earl of Westmorland.

Mr. 11°bl-souse, M.P., by the Lora Chamberlain. Major Wright, on his appointnient to be Gentle- man Usher to her :Majesty the Queen.

Rey. Dr. Fly, by the Bishop of London. Vi-count Villiers, by the Lord Chamberlain. Rev. Dr. Iltights, on his reappointment as Deputy Clerk of his Majesty's Closet, by the Bishop of London. Commander William John Cole, R.N., on his pro- motion, by Sir G. Cockburn, G.C.B. The Duke of Argyll, and a numerous diipuLation of the Highland Society, presented:1n Address. Capt. Courtenay Boyle. R.N., by Lora Clinton. Capt. Ityng, by the Lord in Wai Capt. Strmtfield, on promotion, by Lord Edward Somerset, K.C.H. Capt. the Hun. Mast. Wellesley, by the Duke of Wellington. Capt. the Hon. W. Waldegrave, RV., on his pro- motion, by load Itailstock.

Mr. Lloyd, Its Vi,couat Clive.

Sir John Conroy, by the Lord in Waiting.

Capt. Sir Thomas Pciioae,, by the Duke of Sussex. Lieut.-lien. Wetherell, on his appointment to rho Government of Blackness Castle.

Lieut. L. Kuper, R.N., by the Rey. Dr. Kuper.

31r. Randall, Gentleman Usher Quarterly Waiter to his 3Iajesty, by the Lord Chaniherlain. Major Hyde, As:a:tent. Masten. seal Marshal of the Ceremonies, by the Lord Chamberlain.

3Ir. Sumba'', Gentleman Usher to the King, by the Lord Chamberlain.

The Bishop of Gloucester, by the Doke of Wel- climtro.n, on his appointment to the See of Glen- Rev. Dr. Blomberg, on his appointment as Chan- lain to hi. Maje,ty'sliott,ehold,and Deputy Chak of the Closet, by the Bishop of London.

Admiral Sir Sidney Smith, on his appointment as ,d Lieut.-en. of Marines, by the First Lord of the Sir James Fe:totem, by Use Lord In Waiting. Lient.-Col. Masters, Geotientan (',bey to his Ma. je,tv.; Pricy Chamber, by the Lord Chamberlain. Lord "Waterpark, by the Duke of Devonshire. Lord Jame, I elfryan. eta being appointed Lord of the Bed-chamber. by the Marquis orWInehmter. Mr. Mash, Gentleman I ',her Daily Waiter to lea 31ajesty, by the Lord Chamberlain. Comtnheary•Ai eta Turtmand, on his return from Canada, by Viscount Coral:term:re.

ColomIThorntomAidnele-Camp tohislate Ma2edy, kissed hand, oft his re-animas:meet. Colonel Mac-donne-I, on his appointment as FULL Equerry Its his Majesty.

Mr. Vc-sin„I ;entleman lather Quarterly Waiter to the King, by the Lord Chamberlain. Mr. Keith Altlae, by Earl Howe. Capt. Mar,hall, }tanner of the Ceremonies at Chel- tenham, by the Lord in Waiting.

Mr. T. Ramo:en, Gen:tell:511 I hher Daily Waiter to his aIojesty. by the Lord Chamberlain. Commander Wm. John Cole. R.N., on his pro:nos non, by Sir I:ear, Cori:bunk, fi.C.B. Lieut.-Gem Sir Herbert Taylor, on being appointed 1,'ir, 3sitciftie,It t,stiede-Camp and Private Secretary to 1 Lord Downes, Aiamtle.Cturip to the King, by Lord Hill.

Ensign D. flith Reet., by Sir J. Conroy. Rev. Dr. IGissell, by the Bishop of Louden. ale Wm. ninon, Keeper of the Royal Academy, by Sir lichen Peel.

31r. T. liakock, Clerk of the Cheque to his Ma- jesetrye'rrdeoliacd of Gentlemen Pensioners, by Viscount H Dr. Burnett, aledical Commissioner of the Navy, by his Grace the Duke of Richmond.

3thi.-Gen. Sir Colquhoun Grant, by Isis Royal highness the Duke of Cumberlan4.

Rev. Dr Martyr, by the Bishop of London.

Mr. William Astell, Chairman, Mr. Robert

Campbell, Deputy Chairman; Mr. John Thorn- hill. Mr. Neil Benjamin Ealmonstone, and Lieut.- Col. Joists Baillie, M.P.. Directors or the East India Company, to present an Address front the East India Company, Mr. Williams, on being appointed Solicitor-Gene- ral to the Deem, by the Lord Chanceller. Mr. Grenville Pigott, by the Duke of Bucking:lane. Vice-Admiral F111:111illg, from the West Indies. The Marquis of Cis-slides, Viscount St. Vincent, Sir Henry Martin, Mr. Colquhoun. Mr. D.C.,' kin Pennant, Mr. Birch. 31.P., 31r. H. Bright, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. George ilibbert, :11r. Neill :Mal-

colm, It Mr. Dawkins, and Mr. James 'Mitchell, with the West India :Ware". Mr. Ellis, principal Liarariatt of the British. Mu- seum, by Sir Robert Peel. Mr. Witham', anached to the Legation at :Ma- drid, b. Sir Jame, WI:it'll:Al.

lie. Willis,,a Harrison, Atterney.fleneral of the Duchy of Cornwall, and one of his :klaje.ty's C01,131,4:1, by the Lord Chancellor.

Doctor ,latent, by the Lord its Waiting. 31r. Pemberton, by the Loma Chatweithr, on his appointment as King's Counsel. Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Ogle, by Sir George Cockburn, on his return from service. Rear-Admiral Sir %%swam Johnstone IlIope, by Viscount Melville.

Mr. William J. Alexander, by Adm. Sir C. Pole. Mr. Lloyd. by the Duke of Hiwkinghiun, to deliver up the insignia of an order.

Mr. Bickersteth, one of the King's Counsel, by the Lord Chancellor.

Sir William Dundas, by Lieut.-Gem Sir Henry Campbell. Sir Samuel Scott, Hart , M.P., on coming to hie title, by Vice-Admiral Sir T. firm Martin. Mr. Lloyil, by Viscomt Clive.

Rear•Admiral Maitland. by :he Earl of Fife- 31r. Colquhaun, Agent and Consubtieneral for the Hanse Towns, by the Earl. of Aberdeen. Mr. Lowilham, Selicitorof his Majesty's Duchy of Cornwall, by the Lord Chancellor. Sir Win. iteechey, It A., on his recent appoint • 1,2: the Marquis el .l nests:ay. Sir Arthur Chichester, by the Earl of Belfast. LieutoCol. C. Rowan, by Sir Robert Peel. Mr. Horst:M.1:mnd- of LiverJool, by Sir R. Peel. alr. George /Mewed, M.P. for Lymiamon, by Sir H. Neale.

Mr. Whyte Melville, by the Duke of Leeds. Mr. Job's Baker, Ili. 51 ajecy's Constslotieneral to the United States, by Lord Aberdeen.

Mr. E, Vaughan, by the lit. Hon. J. C. Derrier, Mr. Mythiletonititletultils, by Lord Worcester. air. Bonham Carter, M.P. for Portaaemdb, to pre- sent an address from the Corporation.

Sir Sandfind Graham, by Sir Charies Pole. Capt. Denser, by Sir George Murray.

His Majesty stood to receive the general company on the south side of the Throne-room, having at his side Prince George of Cumberland, and surrounded by his Royal Brothers. Of the Naval Officers, a great number wore the new regulation uniform.

THIIRSDAY.—The King inspected the Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards, on the Parade of St. James's Park. The regiment was com- manded on this occasion by the Duke of Wellington, its Colonel. The Queen remained on the ground in her private carriage during the in- spection ; when it had terminated, her Majesty withdrew to the house of Earl Bathurst. The King afterwards inspected some squadrons of the Ninth Lancers, under the command of the Earl of Rosslyn. The King and his Staff, accompanied by the Royal Dukes, afterwards joined the Queen, and partook of breakfast with the Earl and Countess of Bathurst.

At three o'clock his Majesty held a Court at St. James's Palace, for the purpose of receiving the addresses of both Houses of Parliament, praying his Majesty to dismiss Sir Jonah Barrington from the office of Judge of the Irish Court of Admiralty. The deputation from the Peers consisted of the Duke of Buckingham, the Duke of Leeds, &c. ; that from the Commons included the Secretary of State for Ireland, Sir Alexander Grant, Sir Henry Hardinge, and Sir George Warrender. The address was read by the Duke of Buckingham. A Privy Council was afterwards held, when the draft of the Royal Speech for proroguing Parliament was agreed on.

The Queen received several letters of condolence and congratulation at her apartments at St. James's, while the Court and Privy Council were sitting. Among the personages introduced to her Majesty for that purpose, were—Monsieur ethic., the Ambassador from the Netherlands, who delivered a letter of condolence from his Sovereign ; Count Heerdt, Grand Marshal of the Court of the Netherlands, who delivered a let- ter of felicitation ; the Prince Duke de Laval Montmorency, Ambas- sador from the Court of France ; and Baron Billow, the Prussian Minister, who delivered similar letters of condolence and of congra- tulation. Her Majesty was attended by the Duchess of Leeds, Countess Brownlow, and Earl Howe (Chamberlain). The receptions took place in the Drawing-room. Their Excellencies were introduced by Sir Robert Chester, as Master of the Ceremonies.

In the evening, the King honoured Lord Hill with his company to dinner, at Westbourne House, Paddington. A select party had the ho- nour of dining with his Majesty.

The Queen dined with the Princess Augusta, at her residence in the King's Palace, St. James's.

FRIDAY.—His Majesty went in state to the House of Peers, for the purpose of closing the session of Parliament.

The King's Guard were drawn out with their state colours, the Band in their state uniforms, in the principal court-yard of the palate. The Yeomen of the Guard, who were in waiting in the state rooms throu,,l1 which the King passed in going to his carriage, and those also who walked in the procession, wore their coronation dresses.

About half-past one o'clock, the procession began to form, in the fol- lowing order.

Four Marshalmen, two and two. Carriage drawn by four bays. Mr. Martin an Captain Hatton, two Gentlemen Ushers, and the Exon, Mr. Monk.

Carriage, drawn by four bays. Sir Andrew Barnard, the Equerry in Waiting, an the Page of Honour. Carriage, drawn by four bays. Sir William Freernantle, the Treasurer of th Household; Sir Charles Pole, as Master of the Robes ; the Marquis of Hasting as Lord, and the Honourable Cecil Forester, as Groom in Waiting.

Carriage, drawn by six tine black horses of the Hanoverian stud. Duke of Buck- ingham, as Lord Steward ; the Earl of Macclesfield, as Captain of the Yeoman Guard; Viscount Combermere, as Gold Stick in Waiting; and Lord Glenlyon, us Lord in Waiting. Twenty-six of the King's servants in livery, two and two. The state coach, drawn by eight cream-coloured horses, a groom to each hors, driven by the state coachman, the Yeomen of the Guard walking in front and at the sides of the carriage.

The King entered the carriage at twenty minutes before two o'clock. The Duke of Leeds, as Master of the Horse, and the Marquis of Win- chester, as First Lord in Waiting, rode in the carriage with his Majesty. The Queen, accompanied by the female members of the Royal Family, appeared on the leads of the colonnade, at the west side of the Court- yard, for the purpuse of witnessing the procession. Iler Majesty led by the hand the Princess Victoria, the Duchess of Kent retaining the other hand of the Printers : the Princess Augusta, the Duchess of Gloucester, and the Princess Sophia stood near the Queen, who was attended by the Lord Chamberlain, the Master of the Horse to her Majesty, leer Ma- jesty's Chamberlain, and the other officers of the Household, together with all the Ladies in Waiting. The Queen and party afterwards re- moved to the room on the first floor at the south side of the Palace, for the purpose of leaving a better view of the procession ; and then pro.. ceeded to the garden to see it pass down the Park.

The degree of bustle in Whitehall and Parliament Street during and previous to the procession, was almost equal to that of a coronation. By eleven o'clock, the windows and balconies from Charing Cross to Old Palace Yard were crowded with elegantly-dressed company. From the Horse Guards to the Parliament Houses, at various stations, and in front of many of the houses, there were seats and scaffoldings for the additional accommodation of company ; and these stations were sold for 5s. and 10s. each, and some of them at a sovereign each ! In front of the Banqueting House there were also many seats raised. The interior of Henry the Seventh's Chapel, the top of the Chapel, and even the roof of the Abbey were crowded. St. Margaret's Church, at the windows, on the roof, and on the roof of the Vestry-room, also displayed a crowded collection of com- pany: and at its steeple was flying a large new flag, with the letters W. R. conspicuously emblazoned. The crowd was so great in the line along which the procession was to pass, that it was with considerable difficulty the police and the military could secure adequate carriage road. It is not easy to estimate the numbers that London poured into the line of street from Charing Cross to the Parliament House on this occasion, but it could hardly fall short of two hundred thousand. Every foot of ground was filled—every nook and cogne of vantage had its occupant ; roofs of houses, yea, chimney-tops, were tenanted on the occasion • and carts, cars, waggons, open, close, public, private,—all kinds of vehicles that the wits and necessity of man have invented—were planted in the street and by the side of it, and every one of them was not merely crowded, but crammed. The tops, sides, shafts, wheels, the backs of the horses, where- ever a foot could find a resting-point however narrow or insecure, there a foot was planted. the day was beautifully fine ; the good 41- mour of the people, as sunny as the weather ; their jostlings were friendly, their squeezes kindly; the spirit of the King animated the mass, and every man, and woman and child even the police and the military, seemed to have but one desire, and that desire was to make themselves as agree. able as possible to their neighbours. To crown all, not a single accident marred the perfect enjoyment of the day. Almost all the company who had tickets for the Long Gallery, the Painted Chamber, or the House of Lords, had arrived by half-past twelve o'clock. Soon after one o'clock the several branches of the Royal Family arrived at the Peers' entrance. The Duchess of Cumberland and Prince George, dressed in regimentals, arrived first of this Royal party. Soon afterwards, the Duke of Sussex, the King of Wurtemberg, Prince Fre. derick of Prussia, and Prince Esterhazy arrived. The Duke of Wel. lington came in a plain dress black frock coat, on horseback, followed by a single groom. The King arrived at two o'clock. His Majesty was huzzaed along the whole line of road. He repeatedly bowed in acknowledgment of the. popular compliment. He appeared to be ire good health and excellent. spirits. " In the House," says the Herald, "his command of manner, and firmness and clearness of tones, excited universal remark and admi. ration." The Times especially notices his earnestness in delivering the concluding paragraph. The House was as usual thronged with the Peeresses and their fa. milies. The Peers were in their scarlet robes,—the only relief to the sombre aspect shed around by the general mourning.

After his Majesty had retired, almost all the Peeresses and other com- pany passed by the Throne, seating themselves on it as they passed along. These ceremonies occupied about an hour ; during most of which time the Duke of Sussex remained in the House, in conversation with an extended party collected around him.

His Majesty returned to the Palace at five minutes after three o'clock Over his Admiral's uniform the King wore a purple velvet mantle with a large star on the left side, having a cape of ermine. On passing through the Entiie Room to the State Rooms, the King paused before an open window, and bowed twice to the assembled multitude.

About half an hour after his return from Parliament, the King and Queen took an airing in an open barouche in the Regent's Park and its neighbourhood.

The King of Wurtemberg landed at the Tower Stairs at seven o'clock yesterday morning, from the Lightning steam-packet.! Lord Clinton and

Colonel Fitzclarence received the King, and attended him in one of the King's carriages to Grillon's Hotel. About nine o'clock, the King, ac- companied by Lord Clinton and Colonel Fitzclarence, arrived at Grillon's in a private carriage, to pay a congratulatory visit, and remained about half an hour. The King of Wurtemberg went afterwards to the Palace at St. James's, and paid his respects to the Queen. He then accompanied the King to the House of Lords. The King and Queen gave a grand din- ner in the evening, at the palace of St. James's,!to the King of Wur. temberg, in honour of his Majesty's arrival. The male and female mem-

bers of the Royal Family, and a select part of the nobility and gentry, were present to meet the King. The King of Wurternberg travels under the name of Count de Teck.

Some confusion, if we may rely on the account of a contemporary, was occasioned in the arrangements at Apsley House on Wednesday, in consequence of the King's proceeding to Knightsbridge Barracks after inspecting the Life Guards in Regent's Park. The delay was consider.. able ; and the anxiety of the noble occupant, when the royal carriages drove past without halting on their way to Knightsbridge, is said to have been great. He even followed the Royal party, we are told, but without success, for he could not get access to them. At length, the inspection of the barracks was over, the King arrived to breakfast, and all was sun- shine where clouds had so lately lowered.

It is reported, that when his Majesty was walking up St. James's Street on Monday, a female approached him, and requested to kiss Isis hand—" With all my heart," said the King., " provided you don't bite it."

We have thus narrated the Various acts of royalty, public and private, that have taken place within the week. It will not be expected of us to chronicle the events of every week with the same minuteness of detail ; but the first of a new reign, even of an ordinary King, is a period of ex- citement, and William the Fourth is no ordinary King. His progress' has furnished, and will'probably continue to furnish, more matter of inte- rest to his people than that of any monarch who has hitherto figured in a political journal, daily or weekly.

His Majesty has been pleased to declare himself Captain-General of the Honourable Artillery Company, vacant by the death of his late Majesty, who held that appointment ever since March, 171;(3. The King has been pleased to appoint Lieutenant-General Lord Aylmer, K.0 B. to be Captain-General arid Governor-in-Chief of the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the island of Prince Edward. The King has been pleased to appoint Major-General George Mackie to be Governor and Commander-inschief of the island of St. Lucia. Tile King has been pleased to reappoint Lord lVfaryborough to be Master of the Royal Buck-hounds ; and his Lordship has accepted the reappointment con amore. It is Cumberland (not Cranbournc) Lodge that had been appropriated by the King as a residence for the Duke of Sussex, in his capacity of Ranger of Windsor Great Park. His Royal Highness, it is said, in- tends, in furtherance of the wishes of his Majesty, to throw open the walks and drives of the Great Park to the public ; instead of keeping them for the exclusive use of a few individuals, forming what is called " the Court," as in the last reign. Lady Isabella Wemyss, who is appointed one of the Women of the Bedchamber to the Queen, is sister to the Earl of Errol, and is married to Colonel Wemyss, brother of the member of Parliament for Fifeshire. It is his Majesty's intention to review the whole of the Foot Guards doing dutyiu London, the two Regiments of Life Guards, the Royal Horse Guards Blue, the 9th Lancers, and the 14th Light Dragoons, in Hyde Park, on Monday next. Theground to be kept by the fith Dragoon GuardS.