24 JULY 1841, Page 21


WAR-OFFICA, July 23.-1st Regt. Drag. Guards-Lieutenant William Warner Alleu, tram the 14th Light Dragoons, to be Lieutenant, Vice Gray, who exchanges. 7th Re- giment of Dragoon Guards-Cornet Arthur Knight to be Adjutant. vice Benton. who resigns the Adjutancy only. 1st Regiment of Dragoous- Coruet Evan Herbert Lloyd to be Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Croft, who retires; Thomas Jones. Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Lloyd. 9th Regiment of Light Dragoons-Surgeon Arthur Wood, M.D. from the 29th Foot to be Surgeon. vice Ingham, who exchanges. 14th Regiment of Light Dragoons -Lieutenant John Hamilton Gray, from the 1st Dragoon Guards, to be Lieutenant. vice Allau, who exchanges. 4th Regiment of Foot-Ensign Arthur Byrne to be Lieutenant, without purchase. vice Potter, appointed to the Royal Canadian Regiment; Sergeant-Major Thomas Millington lobe Ensign. vice Byrne. 16th Foot-Lieuteuant Felix Ashpitel, from half-pay of the 16th Foot, to be Lieutenant, vice Munro, promoted ; Colour.Sergenut Edward Collins to be Quartermaster, vice Douglas, appointed to the Royal Canadian Regimeut. 26th Foot-Lieutenant Patrick Duff, from the 77th Foot, to be Lieutenant, vice O'Brien, who exchanges. 27th Foot- Ensign Francis W. Johnstone, from the 92.1 Foot, to be Lieutenant. by purchase, vice Francis Smith. 29th Foot-Surgeon Charles Thomas Ingham, M.D. from the 9th Light Dragoons, to be Surgeon, vice Wood, who exchanges. 60th Foot-Lieutenant William Fanshawe Bedford to be Captain, by purchase. vice Gibbons, who retires ; Second Lieutenant Honourable Adrian Hope to be First Lieuteuant, by purchase, vice Bedford; Peter Burton Roe, Gent, to be Second Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Hope. 77th Foot-Lieutenant Bartholomew O'Brien, from the 26th Foot. to be Lieutenant, vice Duff, who exchanges. 78th Foot-Lieutenant Thomas Garrett, from half-pay of the 16th Foot. to be Lieutenant. vice Edward Hamilton Filioney, who exchanges. 9241 Foot-Patrick Bruce Juuor, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Johnstone. pro- moted its the 27th Foot.

Royal Canadian Regiment-To be Colonel-The Lieutenant-General Commanding the Forces in Canada for the time being. To be Captains, by purchase-Lieutenant John Thomas William Jones, from the 43d Foot, vice Blake, who retires ; Lieutenant James Egbert Simmons, from the 2.1 Foot, vice O'Doneglme, who retires; Lieutenant the Honourable James Colborne, from the 25th Foot, vice Cruickshank, who retires. To be Lieutouauts-Lieutenaut Arthur Maynard Gray, from half-pay 7th West India Regiment ; Lieutenant and Quartermaster Robert Douglas, from the 16111 Foot; Lieu- tenant Francis Hawtrey Cox, from the 29th Foot ; Lieutenant John Potter, from the 4th Foot. To be Ensigns-Leigh Goldie Cox, Gent. ; James Nicol Holmes. Gent.; William Frederick Waldegrave. Gent. ; William Henry Kingsmill. Gent. • Reginald Macdone11, Gent.; John Barnard Geale, Gent.; William Henry Sharpe, dent ; John Weyland, Gent. To be Quartermaster-Quartermaster. Sergeant Daniel Doherty, from the 43d Foot.

OFFICE or ORDNANCE. July 20.-Royal Regiment of Artillery-Second Lieutenant Graham Burrell to be First Lieuteuaut, vice Wilson, resigned.