24 JULY 1841, Page 2





Bsoms or rassrsans. CoNsrtrusoorm. I Abercromby,Col.Clack. ti Kinross. r Acheson, Visct. .Annagh County 1 A•Court, Capt... regrowth - Ackers, J. Lad? no Acland, Sir T. D. Devonshire, North - Aeland, T. D.... Somersetshire, W. - Acton, Colonel .. Wicklow Adare, Viscount.Glamargan shire - Adderley, C. B.. Staffordshire . . - Aglionby. H. A.. Cormouth .. 1

Ainsworth, P. -Bolton.. 1

Aldam, W. jun... Leeds 1

Alexander. N.... Antrim -

Alford, Viscount. Bedfordshire . . -

Allis, J. P Canlbridgeshire . .

Anson, Sir G... ALichfield 1 Anson, Hon. G. .Stafibrdshire. S 1 Antrobus, E Surrey, East....

Arbuthnot, H. Kineardineshire.. -

Archbold, R Kildare 1 Arclidall, M. E.. Fermanagh Armstrong, A... .Ring's County .. 1 Ashley, Lord.... Dorsetshire Ashley, A.11. C.Dorchester Astell, W Begodshire Attwood, M... .. Wgiteharen

Attwood, .1 Harwich

Bagge, W Norfolk. Wert Begot, Hon. W. Denbighshire . ... - Bailey. .1 Herefordshire. . Baillie, Col.H.D.Hrmiton Benne, J. Worcester Baillie, H. J. ...Inverness-shire - Bainbridge, E.T. Taunton . 1 Baird. W Falkirk Baldwin, C. B... Totnes Balfour J. M.. .. Haddington Bankes, G. Dorsetshire

Bannerman, A.. .Aberdeen 1

Barclay, D Sunderland 1 Baring, Ho. F.B. Thetford Baring. F. T. ...Portsmouth 1 BareBaring. J. .... Wercestershire,E -lb H. B....Marorough . - ri Berner , E. G...Greerateich 1 Barrington, Viset.Berlashire Baskerville, T. B. Herefordshire .. - Batman, Sir It... Londonderry Co - Beckett, Sir J... Leeds Bell, J .... Thirst( 1 Bell, M. Northarmberld..S.

Bellew, R. M Louth 1

Benett, J IF' iltshire, S. ... 1

Bentinck, Ld.G Lynn Bere.ford, CapL.Attalone

Beresford, Major Harwich ..... - Berkeley, Cpt. 3. Cheltenham 1 Berkeley.Cpt. F. Gloucester 1 Berkeley. H. F. . Bristol . 1 Berkeley. G Gloucestersh., W. 1 Bernal. R. jun Wyumbe I. Blackburne, 3.1. Warrington

Blackstone.W. S. .Wal/ingford.. .. -

Blake M 3fayo Blake, H. J Galway

Blake, Sir V. ... Ga/way

Blakemore, R... Wells Blewitt. R. I. ... Monmouth Bodkin, H. Galway Co. . • 1 Bodkin, W. H... Rochester Bolder°, Capt... Chippenham - Borthwick, P....Evesham . . .. .. -

Botfield, B Ludlow

Bowes, I Durham, S 1 Bowring, Dr. . . .Bolton 1

Bradshaw, J..... Canterbury

Bramston, T. W.. Essex, South - -

Bridgeman, H. Ennis 1

Broadley, R Yorkshire, E. R. - Broadwood, H—Bridgewater ... . - Brocklehurst, J. .Macclesfield .. .. 1

Brodie. W. B. -Salisbury 1

Brook, Sir A. B-Fernianagh

- Brotherton, J. -Salford I

Browne, Hon. W .Kerry 1 Browne, R. D. Mayo 1 Brownngg, J. S.Bostrm Bruce, Major C-Elgin County .. - Bruce, Lord E. .Marlbwough - Bruce, Lord Soirthanspton .

Bruen, Colonel Carlow County... -

Bryan, Major Kilkenny County. 1 Burke, L. W. Devonshire, North - Buckley, E Newcastle u.-L. .

Bulkeley, Sir R Plint 1

Buller, C. .Liskeard 1

Buller, E. Stained 1 1 1

NAM. or MIL.B.1.1. CoNrrrroweetur. .ri f


Roller, Sir J. Y -Devonshire, South - 1 Sunbury, H Carlow County.. - 1 Burdett, Sir F. Wiltshire. North. - 1 Burrell. Sir C. Shoreham - 1 Burroughes, H. .Norfulk, East . - 1 Butler, Hon. P. .Kilkenny County 1 Byng, Hon. G. S.Chat ham 1 Ilyng, 0. Middlesex 1 Callaghan, D. . Cork 1 Campbell, Sir H.Berwickshire .. , - Campbell of Monzie Argyllshire - 1 Canning, Sir S. . Lynn - Carew, Ho. IL S. Waterford County 1 Carnegie. Capt.. Stafford - 1 Cartwright. W. R.Northarnptonsh.S 1

Castlereagh. Visc.Dmon - 1 Cave, Hon. R. 0.21pperery ..... 1

Cavendish, G. H.Derbyshire, North 1 Cavendish, C. C.Youghall 1 Cayley, E. S.... Yorkshire, N. R 1 Chalmers. P. Montrose 1 Chapman, A. . .. Whitby - Chapman, B. ... Westmeath . .. 1 1 Chartens, F Gloucestersh., E. Chelsea, Lord.. Reading . Chetwode, Sir J.. Buckingham 1 Childers, J. W. Melton 1

Cholmondeley,H.Montgornery . - 1

Christmas, W.... Waterford 1 Christopher, R... Lincolnshire, N 1 Chute, W Norfolk. West .. . - Clay, W Tower Hamlets .. I Clayton, R Aylesbury 1 Clayton, Sir W. .Marlow ..... . 1

Clements, Col.. Coven Cavan

Clements. Visct. Leitrim 1 Clerk, Sir G Stamford . Clive, E. B Herefrrd I Clive, Hou. K... Shropshire, South Cobden. R Stockport 1 Codrington. C.. .0Ioucestersh., E - 1 Colborne, W .R..Richnunul 1 1 Cole, Hon. A. H.Enniskillen 1 1 Collett, W. R.. .Lincoln 1 Collins, W. Warwick 1 1 Colville, E. B.. Derbyshire, South - 1 Compton, H. C -Hampshire. South - 1

Conolly. Col... .Donegal

Coote, Sir C Queen's County.. 1 Copeland, W. T Stoke-upon- Trent. - 1 Curry, Rt. Hou.T Tyrone 1 Courtenay, Lord .Devonshire. South Cost per. Hon. W .Hertford 1 Craig, W. G. . Edinburgh 1 Crawford, W. S..Rochrlale 1 Cresswell, C. . ..Liverpool 1

Cresswell, B. ...Northanaberland N.-

Cripps, J. Cirencester 1 Crosse, T.1). Wigan Currie, R. Northampton .. 1

Cartels, H. B. , Rye 1

Dalmeny, Lord . Stirling 1 Dalrymple, Capt. Wigtonshire 1

Darner, Hon.Col.Portar/ington

Darby. G. Sussex, East.... Darlington. Earl Shrepslaire. South Dashwood, G. H Wycombe 1 Dawnay, Hon. H. Rutlandshire - Dawson, T. V. . /earth 1 Denisou, E. B... Yorkshire, W. R Denison, J. E. .31alton. 1 Deuison, W. J. ..Surrey, West 1 Dennistoun, J. .Glasgow 1 D' Ey ncourt, T.0 . Lambeth 1 Dick, Q Mahlon Dickensou, J. H. Sornersetsh., West Disraeli, B Shrewsbury Divett. E. Exeter 1 Dodd, G Maidstone Douglas, Sir C.E..Warreick

Douglas, J. S... .Rochester 1

Douro, Marquis .Norwich

Dowdeswell, J Tewkesbury

Drax, J. S. W. E. Wareham 1 Drummond, H .Perthshire 1 Duff J Baryflhire 1 Duffield, T Abingdon Dugdale, W. S.. Warwicksh.North - Duke. Sir J Hostas 1 Duncan, Visct. .Bath 1 Duncan. G. .. . .Dundee 1 Duncombe, A.. East Retford ... - 1 Duncombe„ T. S.Firtsbury. 1 Duncombe, W. Yorkshrre, N. R 1 Dander', Capt. D.Greenroich 1 Dundee, J. C Richmond 1 Duudas, D. ..Sutkerlandshire 1

Members. Constituencies. L

Dundas, F Orkney Shetland 1 Dupre.0 . S. Buckinghamshire. -

East. J. B.

Winchester. .... - Easthope, I Leicester. 1 Eaton, R..1 Cambridgeshire.. Eastnor, Lord. Reigate. Ebrington, Lord. PI ymouth 1 Egerton, Lord F.Lancashire,South Egerton, W. T. . Cheshire, North. - Egerton. Sir P. . Cheshire, South - Eliot, Lord Cornwall. East..

Ellice, E. 1

Ellice, E. juoior LeSt..cAester 1rew's 1

Ellis, W

Elphinston. H Lewes 1 Emir', Lord. .Pembrokeshire Escott, B. Winchester Esmoude. Sir T •Wexford 1 Estcourt, T. B... 04.dove,

xford University Etwall, R

Evans, W Derbyshire,Nortla 1 Eutoon, Earl of Thetford* 1 Dumfries 1

Ewart. W

Farnham, E. B Leicestershire. N. - Fellowes, E Huntingdonshire, Fergusou, Col. Kirkaldy 1 Fergusdon. Sir R. Londonderry 1 Ferrand, W. B. .Knaresborough.

Fielden, I ha m 1 Fielden. Blackburn

Filme.r. Sir E. ..Kent, West Fitzalan, Lord ...Infidel 1 Fitzharris, Lord. Wilton.

Fitzroy, Captaiu.Durhans

Fitzroy. Lord C.. BurySt.Edmund' s 1 Fitztvilliam,Ho.G. Peterborough. 1 Fleetwood.Sir H. Preston 1 Fleming..1..... . Hampshire. South Flower, Sir J. . Thetford. Follett. Sir W. .Exeter Forbes. W. Stirlingshire Forester, Hou.G Wenlock Format]. T. S. -Bridgewater . Forster. M Berwick 1 Fox, Colonel.... Tower Hamlets 1 Fremantle. Sir T. Buckingham French, F. Roscommon 1 Fuller. A. E.. . Sussex, East Gaskell. J Wenlock Gibson, T. M. . Manchester 1 Gill,

Plymouth 1

Gladstone. W. E. Newark Godson, R. Kidderminster... - Gordon. Capt.W Aberdeenshire . Gordon, Lord F Pafarshire 1 Gore. M. Barrts'aple Gore, W. 0. ....Shropshire. North Gore. W. R. 0 . Sligo Cmosty Gore. Colonel ...New Ross 1 Goring. C Shoreham Goulburn. H. ...Cambridge Graham, Sir J. .Dorchester Grainger, T. C Durham 1 Granby, Marg. of Stamford

Grant, Sir A.. .Cambridge Gmttan, H 1

Greenall. P. MWeiagtahn

Greenaway, C . Leominster 1

Greene, T. Lancaster Grey. Sir G. ..Deturnport 1 Grimsditch. 'T.. Macclesfield .. Grimston, Visct.. Hertfordshire Grogan. E. Dublin Groevenor,I.d.R. Chester 1 Guest, Sir .1. ... . Merthyr Tydril. 1 Hale, Sir IL B... Gloucestersh , W -

Belford. H

Hall. Sir B Lmei4eskterbonshiree , S.


Hamilton.C.J.S. Aylesbury Hamilton, J. H. .Dublin County Hamilton, Ld. C. Tyrone Hamilton. W. . Heliport, I. of W Haniner. Sir T... Hull

Harcourt. G. G. -Oxfordshire

Harar,dtiy leng, Sir H. Launceston B


Harford, S. Lewes 1 Harford J. S. . ..Cardigano Hams, .1. Newcastle-u. -L. 1 Hastie, A. . Paisley 1 ilaHaaes, B ttu'n.Capt. V. Weaford County. 1

Lambeth .......1

Hawkes, F. Dudley Hay, Sir A. 1.,... Elgin


Hayes. Sir E. .Donegal Hayter, W. G.... Wells . 1 kleatbcote, 3....Merton ..... 1 Heathcute, G. J.. Rutlandshire . 1 Heatheote, Sir W.Hampshire, N Heritage. E. .Grimsby . • 1 Heueage, G. H. .Devises

Members. Constituencies. L T

Henley. 3. W Oxfordshire . ... - 1 Henniker, Lord Suffo/k. East .. . - 1 Hepburn, Sir T.Haddingtonshire .. - 1 Herbert. Hon. S.Wiltshire, South. - 1 Heron. Sir R. —Peterborough ... 1 - Hill, Sir R Shropshire, N... - 1 Hill, Lord M. Evesham 1 .- Hillsborough, Earl Down - 1 Hinde, J. H. . .. .Newcastle-u.-T.. - 1 Hindley, C. ....Ashbni-under-L. . 1 - Hobhonse, H.W.. Hereford I - Hobhouse, Sir J.Nottinghans . I. - Hodgson, F. .Barnstfle - 1 Hogg, J. W. .Beverley - 1 Hollond. R. .. .Hastings 1 - Holmes. Hoo. W . Isle 4 Wight - 1 Hope, Hon. C. .Linlithgow - 1 Hope. A. J. B. .Maidstone - 1

Hope. J. W Weymouth . .... - 1

Hornby, J. 11lacklawn - 1 Horsman, E. .... Cockermouth 1 - Hoskins, K. ....Herefordshire . 1 - Hotham. Lord... Yorkshire, E. R - 1 Houldsworth, J.. Wakefield 1 - Houldsworth, 'T.. Nottinghamsh. N - 1 Howard, Hon. C.Cumberland. E 1 - Howard, Captain Cricklade 1 - Howard. Capt. E. Morpeth 1 - Howard, Hun. J-Malniesbury 1 -

Howard, Lord ...Shot/es/wry 1 -

Howard, P. H... Carlisle 1 - Howard, Sir R... Wicklow ' 1 -- Hughes. W. B... Cameroon .. - 1 Humphery, Aid. Southwark . 1 -

Hutt, W. Gateshead 1 -

Ingestre, Lord... StaArdshire. S - 1 luglia, Sir B.. H. Oxford University - 1

Irton, S.

Irving, J. Canaberland, W.. - 1 Antrim County... - 1 Jackson, Sergt Bandon - 1 James, W. Cumberland, East 1 - James, Sir W -Hull - 1. Jardine, W. . Ashburton 1 - Jermyn. Earl of..EstrySLEdstinid's - 1 Jervis, I Chester.. 1 -

Johnson, GeneralO/dharn 1 -

Johnson, W. G... Belfast - I. Johnston, J. H. .Dremfriesshire - 1 Johnston. Sir J. . Scarborough ... - 1 Johnston,, W. .Ifilmarnod 1 - Jolliffe, Sir W. .Peteryield - 1 Jones, Captain.. Londonderry C - 1 Jones, J. Carmarthenshire . - I. Kelburne. Lord -Ayrshire - 1 Kenem Bble., H. ....Surrey. East . - 1 K


Kei.. sir B..Eyopatrick - 1

Eye Kirk. P. Knatchbull - I

Knight, IT. 0....Nottinghamsh. N - 1 Knight, F. W. .. Worcestersh. W - 1 Knightley, Sir C.Northamptonsh. S - 1 L rbouchere, H. . Trzunten 1 - Lambton, H. ...Durham, North 1 - Langstou, J H. .0xford . 1 - Langton, W. G. . Somersetsh. East. 1 , Larpeut, G. de H.Nottinglorm ArE.C4miKentc.k.afersytus .. . : 11

1 -

Law, Hon. C. E.Cambridge U. - 1

Lawson, A Knaresberough . . - I

Layard, Captain Carlow 1 - Leader, J. T. ... Westminster .. 1 .- Lerfroevrey, r. . C. S. -Hampshire, North 1 .. u

Dublin University. - 1

Leh, E. C. .. Cheshire, North. - 1

Leicester, Earl of Bothnia - 1

Lennox, Lord A. Chichester - 1 Liddell , Hon. H.Durlurns, North - 1 Lincoln, Earl of.Nottinghanish., S - 1 Lindsay, H. IL. . Sandwich - 1 Lister, E. C Bradford . 1 ••• Liitstoutow E.

eL •-• Earlof.St. EUban's 1


- 1 Loch, J CotIvicerkaine 1 -

Lockhart, Capt. .Lanarkshire - 1 Long, W Wiltshire. North. - 1 Lopez, Sir R. Westbury - 1 Lowther, J. H. . Perk - 1 Lowther, Viset... Westmoreland - 1 Lowther, Col. C.Westmoreland - 1


Lynn, G. Lygou, General Woreestersh., W.- I Macaulay, T B Edinburgh 1 - Mackenzie. W .F.Peeblesshire ... -• 1 Mackenzie, T. .. RossandCromarty - 1

Mack innon,W.A.Lymington - 1 Grind - 1 1d• Geaegy, F. .Honiton - 1 Maenamam,W.N.Clare 1 -

M•Taggart, J. Wigton

her, P 1 Ma • Tipperary 1 • Members. Constituencies. L T

Mahou. Viscount Hertford Mainwaring, T. .Denbigh Mangles, R. D.. Guildford

1 1 1

Manners, IA. C. Leicestersh., N..

Manners. Ld..1. . Newark..

- 1 I

March, Earl of. .Sussex, West.. ..

- 1

Majortbanks, S.. Hythe Marshall, W... - Carlisle Ilar,ham, Lord-Kent, West Marslaud, FL ... Stockport.

Martin, J Tewkesbury 1 1

Martin, T Galway County.

1 Martin, W. Newport, Lof JP.

Marton (7 Lancaster Marlyn, C. C. .. Southampton ... Master, T. W. C. Cirencester

Mmterman, J. -London

Mettle, Hon. F... Perth

1 1 - 1

- 1

1 1 Maunsell. T. P. .Northamptonsh.N - 1 Ildeynell, Col....Lisburne 1

Miles, P. W. S. .Bristol - 1 Miles, W. Somersetshire. R. - 1

Mikes. It. M....Pontefract Ilitcalfe. H. • • • . Tynemouth Mitchell. T. A.-Bridport 1 1 1

Mordaunt. Sir .1-Warwickshire, S. - 1 Morgan, C.O. S-Monniouthshire . . - 1 Murgau, C. M. R.Brecon

- 1

Morris, D Carmarthen 1 - Morrison. J. - -Inverness

1 -

Mostyn, E.L.M.. Flintshire Mundy, E. M. -Derbyshire, S


- 1

Muntz, G. F. - .Birmingham 1 -

Murphy, F. S.. .Cork 1 - Murray, A Kirkcudbright.... Murray, C. It. S Buckinghamshire.


- 1 Napier. Sir C. ..Ma bone .. ..

1 -

Neeld, J tJrickksde


Neeld„ J Chippenham . .


Neville, R. Windsor


Newry, Lord ....Newry

1 liiclw.41, I. Cardiff 1

Norreys, Sir D. .Mallow 1 t Inorreys, Lord.. Oxfiirdshire

1 .2gort1ilioul. Lord.Dangannon I

O'Brien, A. ....Northamptonsh.N. - 1 O'Brien. W. S. -Limerick County. 1 - O'Brien, J. Limerick

1 - 0' Wien, C. ....Clare

1 - O'Connell, D. -Meath County

1 -

O'Connell, D. .Cork County . .. .

1 - O'Conuell, M. -Thrice

1 - O'Connell, M. J.Kerry 1 -

O'Connell. J. ...Kilkenny

1 - O'Connor Don ..Roscomewn ... .

1 -

0"Ferrall, R Kildare


Ogle, S Northumberland,S. 1 - Ord, W. Newcastle u.- Tyne 1 Ossuintop. Lord . Northumberland,N. - 1 Oswald, J. . ... ..Olasgow 1 Owen, Sir J. .. ..Pembroke


Packe, C. W. ...Leicestershire, S.


Paget. Colonel _Beau/saris


Paget, Lord A... Lichfield


Paget, Lord W.-Andover

1 Pakington, J. S...Droitreich 1

Palmer, G. Essex, Smith ..


Palmer, R Berkshire


Palmerston, IA.. Zverton

1 -

Parker, J. Sheffield

Patten, J. W. ...Lancashire.North

1 -

Pechell. Captain.Brightens - 1 1

Peel, Sir R Tanworth

I Peel, Colonel J. .Huntingdon - 1

Pemberton. J. -Ripon


Pendarves, E.W. Cornwall, West 1 - Pennant, Hon. E. Carnaroonshire . .

- 1

PercevaLColonel Sligo County .. .

- 1

Philips, G. R.. Poole


Phillips, Sir R.P. Haverfordwest. . .

1 -

Phillips, M. Manchester

1 Phillpotts, I. ...Gloucester 1

Pigot. D. R. ... Clonmel Pigot, Sir It Bridgnorth


- 1 Pinney, W Lyme 1 - Planta, J. ...... astings


Plumptre, J. P.. Kent, East

1 Plumridge,CpLJ.Attiseees 1 Polhill, Capt.. -Bed 1

Polliugtou. Lord .Pon act

1 Pollock. Sir F. -Huntingdon 1

Ponsouby, Hu.0 -Poole

1 Pousouby. Hn. J.Derby 1

Powell, C Limerick County.

Powell, Col. W Cardiganshire . ..

1 -

- 1 Power, J Wexford County.


Praed, W. St. Ives


Price, Col. R. -Radnor


Pringle, A Selkirkshire

1 Protheroe, E....Hair:fax 1 - Pryse, P Carligans

Posey, P Berkshire Ear, Sir W Brdeshire

1 1 1

Rarnsbottom, J.. Windsor

Ramses, I Ertinterrghshwe..

Rashleigh.W.Jun Cornwall, East.. 1 -

1 Bowdon. Col... .Armagh - 1 1

Reade, M Waterford


Redington, T. N _Dundalk


Reid, Sir J. R. . -Dover

1 Beanie, G. Ipswich 1

Repton, OW. ..St. Albans

- 1 Ricardo, J. L. -Stoke-upon-Trent.

Rice, E Dover 1 - 1 - Richards, It Merionethshire...


Roche, Sir I). . - Limerick


Roche, E. B. . ..Cork County. . .. 1 - Roebuck, J. A.. .Bath


Rollestou, Col... Nottinghamsh..S.

- 1

Roses Lord B. .. Cornwall, West. - I Rose. Sir G.H. .Christchurch ... . - 1 Round. J Maldon


Round, C Essex, North.... Rows, Caprnin Westminster - 1

- 1

Rumbold, C. E.. Yarmouth Rundle, J Tavistock

Rushbrook. Col. Suffidk, West . .

1 -

1 - - 1

Russell, C. receding


Russell, J Staffordshire, N..


Russell. Lord E.. Tavistock

1 Russel. Lord .L .London 1

Rutherford, A. Leith

1 Members. Constituencies. L

T1 Sanderson. R. .. Colchester - Sandon, Viset... Liverpool - Scarlett. Hon. R. Horsham -

1 1

Scholefield, J. -Birmingham 1 Scott, Hon. F ... Roxburglishire. -


Scott, R. Walsall 1 Scrope, G. P. ..Stroud 1

Seale, Sir J. -Dartmouth I

Seymour, Lord Totnes 1 Seymour, Sir 11 Midhurst . - Shaw, Rt. Hou.F.Dublin University -

1 1 Simi', R. L. - Dungaroon 1

Shelburne, Earl. Gane 1 Sheppard. T. Frame - Shirley, E. Monaghan - Shirley, E. J.... Warwickshire, S -

Sibthorp, Col. Lincoln -

Smith. A Hertfordshire .... -

1 1 1 1 1

Smith, B. Norwich I Smith. J. A Chichester 1 Smith. R. V Northampton - - 1 Swollen, A. jun. Dumbartonshire. . - Smyth, Sir G.11. Colchester -

Smythe, Hon. G.Canterbury - udbury

Sombre, 11 S I

1 1

Somers, J. P Sligo 1 Somerset, Ld.G.. Monmouthshire . . -


Somerville. SirW •Drogheda 1 Sotherou, T. B. .Devises


Stanley, E Cumberland, W.. -


Stanley, Hon. W . Anglesea 1 Stanley, Lord - .Lancashire, N -

Stansfield. W....Husidersjield .... 1

Stanton, W. 11- Stroud 1

Staunton, Sir G..Portsmouth 1

Stewart, J Lynaington


Stewart, P. Bi...Renfiewshire I

Stock. Dr. Coskel 1

Strutt, E 1

Derhy Strickland, Sir G.Preston 1 Stuart, H Bedford - Stuart. Lord J.. -4 yr 1 Stuart, W. V.... Waterford Co. ... 1 Stud, H. C Dorsetshire -

Sugdeu. Sir E. -Ripon -

Sutton, Hop. C. .Cambridge

Talbot, C. H. R. Glamorganshire- 1

Tancred, H. W -Banbury I

Taylor. J. A...../Forcestershire.B. -

Taylor, T. E. ...Dublin County... - Ternient. J. E. „Beyhst -

Thesiger, F. . .Woodsteek -

Thompson, Ald.. Sunderland -

Thor 'tell', T.—Wolverhampton.. 1

Thornhil . G.....Hwitingdonshire . - Tollemache, F...0mntham - Tollemache. J... Cheshire, South - Towline, Col. G. Shrewsbury - Towneley. I Beverley 1 Train, G Caithness-shire.. 1 Trench. Sir F... Scarborough - Trevor. Hon. G.Carmarthenshire . - Trollope, Sir G.. Lincolnshire, S.. - Trotter, J Surrey, West.. . . -

Troubridge,SirT.Sandicish 1

Tuthell, H Devonport 1 Tuite, 1.1. M. Westmeath 1

Turner E Truro 1

Tensor C....... . Lincolnshire, S.. - Tyrrell, Sir J. ... Essex. North. ... - Vane, Lord H.. .Durham, South .. 1 Vere, Sir C. B. „Suffblk, East. ... - Verner, Colonel -Armagh County. . - Vernon, G. H. .. East Belford . ... - Vesey, Hon. T... Queen' s County .. - Villiers, F Sudbury - 1

Villiers, C. P /Pideerkampton - 1

Villiers, Viscount Weynwuth. .. . . . - Vivian,Capt.J.C. Falmouth 1 Vivian, J. E.. Truro Vivian, J. H. . .Swansea. 1 Vivian, Major C.Bodmin 1 Vyvyan, SIR.. Helston - Waddington,11.S.Suffo/k, West . -


Wakley, T rIlisbury 1

Walker, R. Bury 1

Wall, C. B. Guildford.. 1 Wallace, R Greenock 1 Walsh, Sir J. B.. Radnorshire -

Warburton, H.-Bridport 1

Ward, II. G Sheffield 1 Wason, R Ipswich 1 Watson, W. H Kinsale 1 Warm, J. T.... South Shields . . . 1 Welby, G. E..... Grantham - Wernyss,Captain rlfeshire 1 West, J B Dublin

Westenra, Hn.H.Monaghan 1

Westeura, Hu. J. /Ng's County . .. 1 White, (Jul. H.. „Longford. . ..... 1

White, L.

White, S. Longford 1

Leitrim 1

Whitmore, T. C-Bridgnorth


Wigney, J. N....Brighton.... ... , 1 Wigram, J Leominster

Wilbraham, R.B.Lancashire. S. -

1 1

Wilde, Sir T.... . Worcester.. .. .. . 1 Williams, T. P... Marlow... .. ..... -


Williams, W Coventry 1

Wilmot, Sir J. E.Warwickshire, N. -

Wilson, M Clit hero 1

Wilshere, W. . Yarmouth 1 Winnington,Sir T.Berrdley.. ...... 1 Wodehouse. E. -Norfolk, East.... -


Wood, B Southwark 1 Wood, C ..... 1

Halifax. ........1

Wood, Colonel-Brecknockshire... -

Wood, Col. T. Middkser Wood, G. W..... Kendal 1 Wood. Sir M....London 1 Worsley, Lord...Lincolnshire, N 1 Wortley, J. S.. .. Yorkshire, W. R. - Wrightson, W. B.Northallerton .. . . 1 Wyndham, Col.. Sussex, West.... -


Wyndham, W... Salisbury"... ... - Wynn, C. W. ...Montgomeryshire. - Wynn, Sir W .W .Denbighshire.... . -

1 1

Yorke, Hon. E.. Cambridgeshire.. - Yorke, II. It. .. York 1

Young, ..

'Sir W LIBCauwn

rt nghantshire. cki

292 368

The foregoing list gives 292 Liberals and 368 Tories, making together 660 ; there being two double returns, one at Cardigan and one at Thet- ford, to which asterisks are placed. At Thetford, the numbers were equal for Lord Euston and Sir J. Flower, being 71 each ; the Mayor re- fused to give his casting-vote, and made a double return. At Cardigan, the Aberystwith poll-book was lost, and a double return made in con- sequence ; but Mr. Harford has announced that he will in no way im- pede Mr. Pryse in taking his seat, or oppose his reelection. Some Members placed in the Liberal column, because they have always been so heretofore, are now claimed by the Tories. Mr. Benett, at the Sheriff's dinner given at the time of the election, as well as at his nomi- nation, spoke against the Whigs, and led his hearers to suppose that he would support a Tory Governnient, though he did not say so explicitly; he also voted with the Tories on the want-of-eonfideneemotion. A Dublin correspondent tells us that Sir R. Howard, in consequence of his letter to the electors of Wicklow about twelve months ago, ought now to be classed with the Tories ; he was also supported by Colonel Acton, his new Tory colleague for Wicklow. The Morning Post asserts that Mr. Talbot has been converted to Toryism, and that his conversion " DJ as complete as it is honourable." If these three were carried to the Tory column, the numbers would be—Liberals 289, Tories 371.


At the last election there were 159 new Members ; on this occasion there are 181.

Ackers. J. Denison. E. B. Howard, Lord Rennie, G.

Denison, .1 . E. Repton, G. W. J.

Acton, Colonel Jardine, W. Adderley. C. B. Dickenson, J. H. Johnson. W. G. Ricardo. J. L. Aldarn, W. junior Dodd. G.

Douglas. J. S. Johnstone, Sir J. V. Roebuck. J. A.

Allis, J. P. Johnstone. W. Rose, Lord B.

Astell, W. Drax, E. Duncan, G. Jolliffe, Sir W. Ross, Captain Attwood. J. Knight. F. W. Russell, C.

Baird, M. Dunidas,Cna H. J. W.Langston, J. H. Russell, J. W.

Balfour, J. M. Elirii.to Banks, G. Einl n. Lord Larpent, G. de H. Ryder, Hon. D. Searlett, Hon. R. C. Escutt, B. E. Lawsou, A.

Barclay, D. Lasard, Captain Scott. u. Hun. F.

Baskerville, T. B. M.Emoulle, Sir T. Legh, J. C.

Beckett, Sir J. Ferraud, W. B. Leicester, Earl of Ssehyirmleoyur„BSir. H. B.

Berestord, Captain Fitzharris. Lord Lopez, Sir R. Beresford, Major Fitzroy. Captain Lyall, G. Swollen, A. junior Bell, .1. Forbes, W. M Geachy, F. A. Sombre. D. Berkeley,Capt. M. F.Fornian T. S. Maher, P. Stantou. W. II. Bernet, R. junior Forster. M. Mainwaring, T. Stewart, P.M.

Blake, SirV. Fox, Colonel Mangles, R. D. Stuart, H. Bodkin, W. H. Fuller, A. E. Manners. Lord J. Sutton. Han. C. M. Borthwick, P. Gibson, T. H. March. Earl of Taylor, J. A. Bowring, Dr. Gill, T. Marjo' ibauks, S. Taylor. J. E. Browue, Hon. W. Gordon. Lord F. Marsham L,,rd Towneley, I. Bruce, Lord

Buckley, E. Gore. H. JAC...loud Martin. W. Trail', G.

Martyu, C.C. Trollope, Sir G. Bulkeley. Sir R. Gore, W. R. 0. ; Masterman, J. Tuite. B. Bunbury. H. Goring, C. Mitcalfe, H. Tumor, C.

Campbell of Monzie Granger, T. C. Mitchell, T. A. Vane, Lord H.

Carnegie. Hon. S. T. Greenall„ P. Mostyo, Hon. E. L. Vesey, Hon. T. Chapman, B. Grogau, E. Murphy, F. S. v

Charteris, Hon. F. Hamilton, J. H. Murray. C. R. S. vVykviyaan...Csarilf. C. Christmas, W.

Chelsea, Lord Napier, Sir C. Wagon, It. Hamilton. W.

Haumer, Sir J. Neville. R.

Chetwode, Sir J. Hardy, J.

Clayton, It. Newry, Lord Watson, W. H. O'Brien. A. Wm., J. T.

It Cobden, . Harfurd, S. 's Herford, J. S. 0' Brien, J. West. J. B.

Colborue, W. R. Harris. J. Q. Collett, W. R. Hatton Capt. V. Ogle, S. H. Wtgoey, J. N. Paget, Captain A. Wigram, J. Courtenay, Lord Hay, Sir A. L. Paget, Lord W. Wilsou, M. Crawford, W. S. Henley, J. W.

Cresswell, B. Pennant. Hon. E. G. Wortley, Hon. J. 3. Hobliouse, II. W. Plumridge, Capt. J. Wyndham, Colonel

Crosse, T. B.Holdsnorth,J. Poltiugton, Lord Wyun. Sir W. W. Curteis, H. B. Horuby. J. Powell, C. Yorke, H. R. Dalrymple, Captain Hope, A. J. B. Ramsay, 3. Dawuay, Hou.H. Howard. Cuptain Rashleigh, W. junior. Dawson, T. V. Howard, Hon. J. Reade, H.


In the following list there are 182 names, being one more than in that of the new Members : this discrepancy is caused by Mr. O'Connell displacing two old Members, that gentleman being returned for two places.

Adam, Sir C. Dundas. Cap. C.W.D.Hope, H. T. Pollen, Sir J. W.

Price, Zug. Vila

Alston, R. Dundas, Sir R. L. Horsey. S. de Andover, Viscount Duugannou, Visct. Houston, G. Attwood, W. Edwards, Sir!. Howard, F 3. Prvme G. Baker, E. Ellice, Capt. A. Howick, Viscount Rich. C. W.

.un. C H.

Baines, E. Elliott, Hon. J. Hume, J. Barron, H. W. Barry, G. S. Ellis, J. Hurst, R. H. Hurt, F. Roche. W. Bassett, J. Ede. W.

Evans. Colonel Hutchins. E. J. Russell. Lord C ult,oG. B.

Beamish. F. B. Evans. 0.11. Hutton, It. Bernal, R. Ferran& R. Iugham, R. St. Paul, Sir FL Bth Fazakerley, J. N. Jenkins, Sir R. Salwey, Colonel

Beeneesi. ,ITit. E. Fector, J. M. Jervis, S. Sanford. E. A.

Scarlett. Colonel Blacken, C. J.. Sharpe, M. Blake, W. J. n, C. Jones, W. Fitzgibbon. Hon. R.. Kelly, F. Blair, .1. Fitzpatrick, J. W. Lamidale, Hon. C. Sinclair. Sir G.

Blennerhasset. A. Fitzroy, Hon. H. Lascelles, Ha. W. S. Ssimainteh. y.GRR.A..

Bolliug, W. Foley, E. T. Lemon, Sir C.

Brabazon, Lord Fort, J. Leunox, Lord J. G. Spencer, Hon. P.

Briscoe, J. J. Fortescue, T. Lucas. E. Spry. Sir S. T. Bruges, W. 11. L. Fox, S. L. Lushingtou, C. Standish, C. S. Bawer, Sir E. Freshfiehl, J. W. Lushiugton, S. Stanley, E. I. Burr. D. H. Gillou, W. D. Lynch, A. H. Stanley, W. H.

Buscfift J elt W. H. W. Gisborne, T. Maher. J. Steuart, R. Caira

Gladstone, J. N. Maidstone, Viscount Stewart, James Campbell, Sir J. Glynue, Sir S. It. Maryland, Major T. Strangways, Hon.!. Campbell, W. F. Goddard, A. Matthew. Captain Style, Sir C. Cantilupe. Viscount Gordon, R. Chapman, Sir L. H. Gore, .1. R. 0. Melgunti, Viscount Surrey, Earl of Mil Chetwynd, Major Goring, H. D. dway, P. St. John Talbot, J. H.

Miller, W. H. Talfouril, T. N.

Chichester. Sir J. P. Grattan, J. Cochrane, Sir T. Greg, R. H. Milton, Viscount Teignmouth. Lard Collier, J. Greig, D. Molesworth, Sir W. Thomas. Colonel Moueypeuny, J. G. Townley. R. G. Colquhoun, 7. C. Grey, Sir C. E. Morpeth. Viscount Turner. W.

Colquhoun Sir J. Grote, G. Moreton, Hon. A. H. Walker. C. CSi.r A. Cooper, E. I. Hall) HII,thalldlybeury.toHn: IA. D. Muskett. G. A. Vivian. Sir H. ce 0. rut tael til ya ,y H. Nagle. Sir It.

Crawford, W. Harcourt, G. S. Noel, Hon. C. G. Walter, J. Crawley. S. Harland, W. C. O'Callagliau. lin. C. White, A. W G. Hawkins, J. H. Palmer, C. F. ilbraham. G. Crewe. Sir a Parker. M. it. N. Williams. IL II Hetlicote, Sir G.

Winuiugton, . J.

Crompton, Sir S. Hector. C. J. Dalrymple, Sir A. Harries, Hon. .1. C. Parker, T. A. W. Wyse, T. Davenport, J. PParattniseolLSJir. H. Hoblieuse, T. B. Yates, .1. A. Davies, T. H. H. Hodges, T. L. Pease, J. Dunbar, G. Holmes, W.


At the last election there were sixteen exchanges ; the number is greater in this, being twenty-four.

Col. Abercromby has le-ft Stirliugshire for Clackmannan & Kinross.

J. Bailey Sudbury Herefordshire. E. Buller North Staffordshire Stafford.

C. C. Cavendish East Sussex Youghall.

Hun. II. Cholmoudeley. .. Denbighshire Montgomery. Gibs ai Craig Effinburghshire Edinburgh. B. Dimwit Maidstone Shrewsbury. Viscount Duncan Southampton Bath. Hon. J. C. Hondas York Richmond.

W. Ewart Wigan Dumfries.

Hou. G. W. Fitzwilliam..Richmond Peterborough.

Sir J. Graham Pembroke Dorchester.

G. J. Heathcote South Lincolnshire Rutlandshire.

Lord Hotham Leominster East Riding of Yorkshire.

W. Ilutt Hull Gateshead.

Hon. F. Maule Elgin Burghs Perth. Sir J. Owen Pembrokeshire Pembioke.

1). O'Connell Dublin Cork County" J. O'Counell Athlone Kilkenny.

Lord J. Russell s -oud I ondon.

R. L. Shell Tipperary Dungarvan.

Sir G. Strickland West Riding of Yorkshire.Prestou.

Colonel G. Tomline Sudbury Shrewsbury. Sir T. Wilde Newark Worcester.

• Mr. O'Connell is also returned for Meath. which seat he will resign on the meeting of Parliament.



Argyleshire W. F. Campbell b3,. Campbell of Monzie Athlone... J O'Connell Beresford Burnt eple Chichester Gore Bedfordshire Lord C. Russell Astell Bedford Crawley Stuart Blackburn Turner Hornby Bradfi,rd Basfield Hardy Buckingham Sir H. Veruey Sir J. Chetwode Cambridge Pryme Sutton Cambridgeshire Townley Allix Cheshire, North E. .1. Stanley Le,sh Cheshire. Suedls Wilbraham Tollemachu.

Cornwall. East Sir II. Vivian Rashleigh Cornwall. West sir C. Lemon Lord B. Rose Carlow Calaty Yates Bauhury Durselsleire Strangways Banks

J Evans Hamilton -/ Lord Brabazon Taylor

.5 O'Connell . West

/ Hutton Grogan

Dumbarte.mskire Sir J. Colquhoun Smollett Edinburghshire G. Craig .1 Ramsay Falkirk Gillon Baird Gloucestershire, East . Moreton Charteris Haddington Steuart J M Balfour Harwich Ellice Beresford ilertfrdshire Alston Ryder IlerernylshFre Sir R. Price Bailey

Melton Stewart hIGeachy

Horsham Hurst Scarlett Hull Hutt Sir T. Hanmer Kent, West Hodges Lord Marsham Knaree,orough t Langdale Ferraud

Lawson 5 Rich

Leeds Sir W. Molesworth Beckett Lincolnshire, South. S Handley Tumor

Heatheote. Sir G. Trollupe

Lincoln sir E. Bulwer Collett Crawford I yell London Pattison. Masterman Lad'osc. Salwey Ackers Mid hurst Spencer 'ir H. Seymour Montgomery Sr J. Edwards Sir H. Cholmondeley Newark Sir T. Wilde Lord .1. Manners Martin Haskins Newport, Tale of W.. .1 H non Blake 1 Northumberland. N... Lord Howtck B Cresswell Peterfield Hector Sir W. Jolliffe Pontefract st inley Lord Pollington Queen's County Fitzpatrick Vesey 5 Talfourd

Russell Reading I Palmer Lord Chelsea

.5 Bernal

/ Ho'house Douglas Bodkin

Rozburghshire Elliott Scott Rutlandshire Noel Downey St. Al ban's Muskett Repton Scarborough Sir C. Style Sir J. Johnstone Shrewsturo Slaney Disraeli Sonsersetshire, East... Sanford Dickenson Southampton Lord Duncan lliar4n Stal'orashire, North . . E. Buller Adderley Stirlingshire Abercromby Forbes Susses, East Cavendnah Fuller .5 Ld. J. Lennox Earl or March

Sussex, West -/.. IA. Surrey Wyndham . 1 I Wyse Chnstmas Waterford / Barron 11 1

Westbury Briscoe Sir R. Lopez Westminster Evans Roos Wicklow Grattan Acton .5 Stanaish Greeuall


I. Ewart Crowe Winchester Mildmav l'scott irtadssr fin,roon Worcestershire, West. Wilmington Yorkshire, West .R. {a urreth Sir G. Strickland

Dublin County Dublin Rochester Nes ille Knight Wortley Denison

1 1. 1 1 1 1 1



2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2




2 2 1 1


2 1




Sir J. Pollen by. Lord Paget 1 5 Lord Powerscourt Lord Duncan

/ Bruges Roebuck

Berwick Holmes Forster Beverley.. Fox Towneley 1 Bottum Bolling Bowring 1 Brighton Sir A. Dalrymple. Wiguey 1 Caithness-shire Sir G. Sinclair . . Trani 1 Cricklade Goddard Howard 1 Falmouth Freshfield Plumridge 1

Andover Bath



Lewes -I. Lord Cantilupe Elphinston

Marylebone 1

Newcastle.sender.Lynew..Mailtelerr NHaaprrisier


Preston Parker Rye Monypenny 1 South Shields 1


Renfrewshire ..... ...Houston H. G. Strickland f Fitzroy Harford

Lord Teignmouth

15axththm 1ew Larpeut 1 Wawn 1


P . Stewart

Lord Howard 1

I 1

Stockport T. Marsland Cobden 1



Stoke-sepni Treat. Davenport Ricardo .1 Bailey Laseelles slIcoolittls worth 1 2 Sudbury ' Tom 11 a e Sombre. 1 Wakefield 1

Gladstone Calcraft.. Drax 1 ll'arehans

Dalrymple 1


Wigtonsh ire —

38 The preceding table, which shows a gain of 78 to the Tories and of 38 to the Liberals—giving a balance of 40, counting 80 on a division, to the Tories—does not agree with some lists which have been published, in the particular of the Tory gains. The Morning Post claims a gain of 82 inserting four names in its list which are not in the above : they are those of Mr. Benett, Sir J. Flower, Mr. Talbot, and Sir R. Vyvyan. Benett, because "now a Conservative" though "formerly a Whig " ; Talbot, for the same reason ; Flower, because the Post chooses to consider him elected in the place of the Earl of Easton, at Thetford, though the Returning-officer has made a double return ; and Vyvyan, because Mr. Bassett, whom he succeeds at Helston, is not so stanch a Tory as his successor.


The list of the polls has been made as complete as the materials ac- cessible to us would allow. The numbers for 1837, which are given for comparison, are taken from an elaborate table in the last Westminster Review. The polls for the present election are from the official declara- tion (or what was stated to be such) wherever we could obtain it ; but this has been a matter of more difficulty than most persons have any conception of, as in numerous cases polls are inserted, even in the local papers, without any notification of their being official or otherwise, and in some instances, when we applied to persons near the spot, the answer has been that they could not obtain the official declaration. Nor is this to be wondered at, if it be true that the Returning-officer, instead of casting up the votes himself, is sometimes content with the accounts published by the candidates, and on the strength of the-Se declares who are the persons elected. Notwithstanding the many obstacles, however, by diligence in searching the local journals, and in some cases by apply- ing to their conductors, (who, with hardly an exception, have promptly answered our inquiries,) we have made the English polls tolerably complete ; there being only eight which are not official,—namely, Bod- min, Bury in Lancashire, Cardigan, Clitheroe, Frome, Newark, Peter- borough, and Wigan. With the Scotch polls we have not been so fortunate, having only eight official polls out of twenty-two : the re- maining fourteen, which are not given as official, (yet several of 'them probably are so,) are those for Buteshire, Dumfries, Elgin and Nairn, Elgin Burghs, Falkirk, Greenock, Haddington Burghs, Kilmarnock, Perth, Roxburghshire, Stirling Burghs, Wick Burghs, Wigtonshire, and Wigton Burghs. Of the Irish polls there are only four that are not official ; these are Dungannon, Kinsale, Newry, and Wexford.

[In the polls for 1841, L denotes Liberal, T Tory, C Chartist: these letters are in Roman characters when placed to the names of Members, in Italic when to those of unsuccessful caudidates.]



Abingdon. .T. Duffield T Andover .. .11. Etwall 131 L

Lord W. Paget 112 L

Sir J. rollen 105 T Anglesea. . . Hun. W 0. Stanley L Arundel Lord Fitzallan L Ashburton .W. Jardine L Ashton C. Hindley 303 L J. Harrop 254 T Aylesbury... C. J. B. Hamilton T

It. Clayton T

Banbury ...11. W. Tanered 124 L

H. Holbech 100 2' H. Vincent 51 C

Barnstaple ..F. H...dgson 361 T

M. Gore 399 T

Hon. J. Fortescue 347 1, Sw J. P. Chichester 332 L Bath Viscount Duncan . 1223 L

J. A. Roebuck 1151 L

Visct. Powerscourt 930 T W. H. L. Bruges 926 T Be.rtumaris.. . Colonel Paget L Bedfordshire . Vincount Alford T

W Astell T

Bedford Captain F. Polhill.. 933 'I'

H. Stuart 421 'I'

W. H. Whitbread 410 L Berkshire . . . R. Palmer T

Viscount Barrington T P. Posey T

Berwick ... .M. Forster 394 L R. Hodgson 343 T — Weeding 335 T Beverley .. , .3. Towueley 531 L J. W Hogg .. 529T

S. L. Fox 4892'

Beendley . .. .Sir T. E.Winnington 173 L

It. Monteith 168 2'

Birmingham G. F. Manta 2175 L

J. Scholefield 1963 I.

R. Spooner 1825 T Blackburn ..W Fieldeu 411 T

J. Itornby 427T

W. Turner 426L Bodnsin Major Vivian 225 I,

Earl of Leicester 149 T

Sir S. T. Spry 139 2'


Abingdon . T. Duffield Andover .R. Etwall

Sir J. W. Pollen

Anglesea....W. 0. Stanley L Arundel Lord Fitzallan 178 L

Lord D. C. Stuart 107

.Ashburtens . . C. Lushington 98 L

U. Brown 87 sfshton-under-C. Hiudley ..... 237 L

Lynn — Wood 201

— Stephens 19

dylesbury...W . Rickford 865 T

W. M. Praed 657T Lord Nugent 540 Banbury .... H. W . Tancred 181 L

— Jawney 75 Barnstaple . .Sir J. P. Chichester 387 L

F. Hodgson 356 T Hoa. W. S. Best 348

Bath Visct. Powerscourt.. 1087 T W. 11. L. Bruges... 1024 T General Palmer .... 962 J. A. Roebuck. .... 910 Beaumaris Captain Paget L Bedfordshire. Lord C. Russell I.

Viscount Alford T

Bedford Captain F. Polhill.. 497 T H. Stuart 419 T

S. Crawley 412

Berkshire .. . R. I alnaer 2550 T

Vise'. Barrington 2360 T

P. PUBIIV 2312 T

— East 1302

Berwick . . .R. Hodgson 357 T

W. Holmes 354T Sir R. Doukin 328

Beverley .. . .J. W. Hogg 623 T

G. L. Fox 582 T — Clay 380 — Rennie 347

Bewdley . .. Sir T. E. Winnington L

Birmingham. J. Attwood 2174 Is J. Scholefteld 2139 L — Stapylton 1099

Blackburn.. .W. Turner 515 L

W. Fielden 406 T

J. B. Smith 9 Boded* Major C. C. Vivian. 200 L Sir S. J. Spry 13D T

—Ellis 98 Foul, 1841.

Bolton P. Ainsworth 670 L Dr. Bovaing 614 L P. Bothwell 536 T W. Bolling 441 T Boston I S. Brownrigg.. 526 T Sir J. Duke 515 L C. A. Wood 465 T

Bradford.... J. Hardy 612 T E. C. Lister 5401, W. Bustled 536 L

Brechnocksh. Colonel Wood

Brecon C. M. 11. Morgan. T Bridgnorth . .T. C. Whitmore ... 493 T

Sir It. Pigot 477 T F. Howard 222L Throgmortou 66 L Bridgewater. H. Broadwood 279 7' T. S. Forman 275 T

E. Drewe 250L

A. Robinson 245 L Bridport ....H. Warburton 304 1., T. A. Mitchell 282 L 3. Cochrane 244 T Brighton .... Captain Pechell .... 1943 L .J. N. Wigney 1235 L Sir A. Dalrymple... 872 T C. Brooker 19 C Bristol P W. S. Miles.... 4193 T F. H. F. Berkeley. 3739 L W. Fripp 3681 T

Buchingh-m- Sir W. Young ... .. 2578 T

shire C. G. Du Pre .... . 2572 T C. R. S. Murray... 2547 T

Dr. J. Lee 495L

H. M. Vane 450 L

Buckingham .Sir T. Fremantle... 1'

Sir J. Chetwode .... T

Bury R. Walker 325 L 11. Hardman 288 T

Bury St. Ed-Earl of Sermyn 341 T snouts Lord C. Fitzroy .... 310 L Horace Twiss 298 T R. Alston junior .... 256 L Caine Earl of Shelburne L Cambridgesh.Hon. E. Yorke T R. J. Eaton T J. P. Allix T Cambridge U. Rt. Hon. H. Goulburn T Hon. C. E. Law ... T Cambridge ..Hon. C. M. Sutton. 758 l' Sir A. Grant ....... 722 T

R. Foster junior.... 695 L

Lord C. Russell .... 656 L Canterbury .. G. S. Smythe 823 T J. Bradshaw 729 T T. Hodges 720 L

Cardiff 3 Nichol . T

Cardtgansh. .Col. W. E. Powell .. T

Cardigan*. . . P. Pryse 305 L J. S. Harford 285 T • A double return : the Aberystwith poll-book lost.

Carlisle P. H. Howard 419 L W. Marehall 343 L Sergeant Goulburn.. 296 T Carmarthen- Col. G. R. Trevor ... T shire J. Jones T

Carmarthen.. D. Morris

Carnaroonsh..E. G. D. Pennant... T Carnaroon...W. B. Hughes 416 T Captain A. Paget ... 387 L Chatham ....Hon. G. S. Byng.... 956 L Lord Dufferin 234 T

Cheltenham .Capt. C. J. Berkeley 761 1,

J. A. Gardner 655 T Cul. P. Thompson .. 4 L Cheshire, N.. W. T. Egerton 2732 P

C. Legh.. 2652 T

E. J. Stanley 006 L Cheshire, S. . Sir P. Egertm 3110 T J. Tollemache 3034 l' G. Wilbraham 2365 I, Cluster Lord R. Grosvenor.. L J. Jervis L Chichester. ..J. A. Smith Lord A. Lennox ....

Chippenham .3. Neeld 166 T Captain H. Bolder° . 129 T

W. J. Lysley 96L

Christchurch. Sir G. H. Ruse

Cirencester .. J. Cripps T. W. C. Master....

Clitheroe.. .M. Wilson 175 L — Cardwell 170 T Cockermoulla. H. A. Aglionby 129 L E. ilorsman 127 L Maj.. Gen. Wyndham 100 T Colchester ..R. Sauders Sir 0.11. Smyth....

Corntoall,E.. Lord Eliot 2981 T W. Rashleigh jun... 2781 T J. S. Trelawney .... 1633 L Cornwall, W.E. W. Pendarves Lord B. Rose Coventry... . W. Williams ....... 1870 L Rt. Hon. E. Ellice.. 1829 L T. Weir 1290 T

&tickled. ...J. Neeld T Captain Howard ... L

Cumber/and, C. NV. Howard 2086 I.

East W. James 1988 L Captain Stephenson 1906 T Cumberland, E. Stanley T West S. Irton T Dartmouth .. Sir J. H. Seale L Denbighshire. Sir W. W. Wynne .. T Hun. W. Begot. .... T Pores, 1837.

Bolton P Ainsworth 615 L W. Bolling 607 T Knowles 538

Boston 3 S. Brownrigg . 459 T Sir J. Duke 442 L Major Handley 362 — Collett 156 Bradford.. . E. C. Lister 637 W. Bustleld 622 L Hardy 443 W. Busfield junior 383 Brecknocksh. Colonel T. Wood . 1220 T Major G. Holford ... 570

Brecon C M. R. Morgan .. 156 T

J. Lloyd 102 Bridgnorth ...L. C. Whitmore .... 492 T 11. 11. Tracy 371 L R. Pigot 367

Bridgewater .11. Broadwood 279 T

P. Courtenay 2-7 T

Sir T. Lethbridge 5 R. B. Sheridan 2 Bridport ILWarburtuu 283 L S. Jervis 232 L Baillie 212 Brighton .... Captain Pechell .... 1083 I, Sir A. Dalrymple 819 T J. N. Wigney 801 G. Faithful 183 Bristol P W. S. Miles 38 t8 T F. H. F. Berkeley .. 3212 L Fripp 3156 Buckingham. Marquis of Chandos. 093 T shire G. S. Harcomt 2754 T Sir NV. You°. 2633 T G. 11. Smith 2078

Buckingham .Sir T. Fremantle ... 235 T

Sir H. Verney 156 L Sir J. Chetwode .... 138 Bury It Walker 251 L Cobbett 107 Sergt. Spankie 91 Bury St. Ed Lord C. Fitzroy ....289 L mund's Earl of Jermyn 277 T Bunbury 275 !In. F. G. Calthorpe 245 Cable Earl of Shelburne L Cambridgesh. E. T. Yorke T R. J. Eaton 7' R. G. Townley L Cambridge Rt. Tin. IL Goulburn T University. Hon. C. E. Law .... T Cambridge . . Hon. T. S. Rice ... 690 L G. Pryme 678 L — Knight.. 614 J. H. M. Sutton 599 Canterbury. J . linidshaw 761 T Lord A. Conyngham 755 L —Gips 751 H. Vittiera 628 Cardiff John Nicholl T Cardigansh. . Col. W. E. Nivel'. T Cardtgan. . P. Pryse t L

Carlisle . P. II. Howard NV. Marshall

Carmarthen. G. II. Trevor 0469 T

shire. J. Joues 2155 T Sir J. W. Williams.. 2076 Carmarthen..D. Morris 334 L D. Lewis 289 Carnarvonsh. J. 11.0. Gore T Carnaroon...W. B. Hughes 405 T Captain A. Paget ... 385 Chatham.... Captaiu G. S. Byug. L

Cheltenham.. Capt. C. F. Berkeley 632 L — Peel 298

Cheshire, N.C. J. Stanley L W. T. Egerton T Cheshire, S.. Sir P. 0. Egerton... 3125 T G. Wilbraham 3015 L E. Corbett 2646 Chester Lord It. Grosvenor.. 1282 L J. Jersis 1109 I, Hon. F. D. Ryder... 352 Chichester .J. A. Smith.. 990 I, Lord A. Lennox.... 387 '1' — Cobbett 252

Chippenhas .J. Neeld T

Capt. H. G. Bolder° T

Christchurch. Sir G. H. Rose 116 T Col. Cameron 105 Cirencester. . I. Cripps T T. W. M. C. Master T Clitheroe. ...T. Fort 164 L Whalley 155 Cockennouth . H. A. Agiiouby .... 169 L E. Iforeman 122 L — Benson lit Colchester. . R. Sanderson 472 T Sir G. H. Smyth 45 T — Todd 306 Cornwall, E. Lord Eliot 2430 T Sir H. Vivian 2294 L

Sir Iv. Trelawney... 2250

Cornwall, ME. W. W. Pendarves L Sir C. Lemon L Coventry ...Rt. Hon. E. Ellice 1778 L NV. Williams 1748 L H. Thomas. 1393 — Hill 1511 — Bell 43 Cricklade ...J. Neeld 833 T A. Goddard 736 T — Howard 719 Cumberland, Major F. Aglionby. 2294 L East W. James 2124 L Sir J. Graham, Bart. 1605 Cumberland. E. Stanley T West S. Ilion Dartmouth .. Lieut.-Col. Seale .

Denbryhsh. .Sir W. W. Wynne... PoLIA, 1841.

Denbigh T Mainwaring 365 T Capt. M. Biddulph 309 L Derbyshire, G. II. Cavendish North W. Evans Derbyshire, E. M. Mundy &°34 T South C. II. Colville 3209 T W. Gisborne 2403 L Lord Waterpark.... 2325 L Derby E. Strutt 874 L Hon. J. C. Ponsonby 783 L Chaudos Pole 587 T Devizes T F Sotheran T G. H. W. Heueage.. T

Detionport . .H. Tufnell 976 L

Sir G. Grey 932 L G. It. Dawson 780 T Detyroshire, Sir T. D. Acland ... T North L. NV. Burke T Devonshire, Sir.!. Y. Ballet T South Lord Cottr:enay T

Dorchester .. Sir James Graham .. T A. II. C. Ashley . , .. 1' Dorsetshire . . Lord Ashley T H. C. Skirt T G. Banks T Dover Sir J. It. Reid 1000 T E. Rice 960 L Sergeant Ilalcombe 516 7' A. Genoa-ay 281 L Droitwich .. .3. S. Pakington T Dudley F. Hawkes 436 T H. A. Smith 183 L

Durham, 11. 1,1 mbton L

North Hon. T. II. Liddell. T

Durham, Lord II. Vane 2547 L South J. Ilowea 2483 L J. Ferrer 17b9 T Durham T C. Granger L Captain Fitzroy . T

Essex. North-Sir J. Tyrrell T C. Round T Essex, S... .T. W. Brarnston .... 2310 T

G. Palmer 0230 l'

— Alston 503 L Evesham. .Lord M. Hill 188 L P. Borthwick 161 T G. Rushout 137 T Exeter Sir W. Follett 1302 7' E. Divett 1192 L Lord Lovaine 1119 T Eye Sir E. Kerrison T Fatmeuth ...Captain J. C. Vivian 462 L Capt tin J. Plumridge 932 L II. Gwyn .... ...... 381 T E. .1. Sartoris 240 T binsbury . T. Wakley L T. S. Duncombe.... L

F7intshire ...Hon. E. L. Mostyn.. 1236 I, Sir S. R. Glynue.... 1193 I' Flint Sir It. Bulkeley L

Frome ......P. Sheppard 154 T

J. Starch 138 L Gateshead...W. I hitt L

Glamorgan- C. It. M. Talbot ... L shire Viscount hdare 1'

Gloucester. C. M. B. Codrington shire. E. Hon. F. Charter's- Gloucestersh.,1Ion. G. Berkeley...

West R. B. Hale Gloucester. J. 1 hillpotts 753 L Capt. H. F. Berkeley 732 L 11.1'. Hope 646 T Lord Loftus 510 1'

Grantham .. .0. E. Welby T

11n. F. J. Tullernache T

Greenwich...Captain D. Dundee 1747 L E. G. Barnard 1592 I, Sir G. Cockburn 1274 T Grimsby F Het:rage L Guildford. . .11. D. Mangles 242 L C. B. Wall . 221 L.

Colonel Scarlet t177 'I'

II. Currie _ ,

Iraqis:F Protheroe 411 L

.. C. Wood 384 L Sir G. Sinclair 319 T Hampshire, C. S. Lefevre L North Sir W. Ileatlicure ... 'I Hawpshire, J. Fleming T South 11. C. Compton T

Harwich .J. Attwood 94 T Major Beresford 94 T liagshaw 83 L 1). Le Marchant.. 74 E Ilastiegs ....R. Hulloed Hon. J. Planta T

Haverfordwest Sir It. P. B. Phillips

Helston Sir R. Vyvvan 156 T W. R. Vigers 133 L Herefirdshire K. Hoskins T. B. H. Husker'. ille J. Bailey Hereford ....Colonel E. B. Clive. 531 L II. NV. Ilobhouse.... 499 L 1). II. Burr 309 T HertfordshireViscouut Grimstou... 2585 T

Hon. D. Ryder °-5° T A Smith 252,5 T

R. Alston 1732 L Hertford... .. Hon. NV. Cowper....

Vises nit Mahon

Honitun Col. H. D. Baillie.

F. A. MeGeachy

Horsham. .Hon. R. C. Searlett.

HudderVie/d.W. R. C. Stansfield. POLLS, 1837.

Denbigh .. .W. Jones 411 T — Biddulph 338 Derbyshire, Ho. G. Id. Cavendish 2816 L North W. Evans 2422 L — Arkwright 1983 Derbyshire, Sir G. Crewe, Bart T South F. Hurt T

Derby E. Strutt 836 I.

lin. J. G. Ponsouby. 791 L Hon. F. Curzon 525 — Colville 456

Devizes 7' 11.3. B. Esteourt T

Capt. J. W. Dundas. L Detoeport ...Sir E. Codrington .. I.

Sir G. Grey. Bart. .. L

Deronshire. Viscount Ebrington. I.

North Sir T. D. Acland ... T Devonshire, Sir J. Y. Buller ... 4975 T Smith M. E. N. Porker... 4670 T J. C. Bulteel 3744 Dorchester .. Hun. A. H. Cooper. T R. Williams junior.. T Dorsetshire . . Lord Ashley T H. C. Start T

I112.B.J..RCi.,Ststratigwaye L

Dover 854 L Sir J. R. Reid 829 T J. IL Feeler 742

Droit wich . . .Cpt I S Packingtm Dudley F. Hawlies 335 TT

H. Tnrner 283 Durham, N..Ilun. II. T. Liddell.

22332547 LT

II. Immtdon Sir NV. Chaytor, Bart. 2064 Durham, S. J. Pease L J. Bowes L

Durham ....Hon. A. Trevor .... 465 T NV. C. Harland 373 L Granger 371

Essex, N.... Sir J. T. Tyrell, Bt.. T

Charles G. Round... 1' Essex, S. ...T.. N .... 2511 T

p.Va1..1114msten C. 0260 T C. E. Brantil 5 115680

Ereskam ..... G. hawk's Ruatout.. T P. Burthwick 166 T I,ord Marcus C. Hill 156 Exeter 'ir NV. Follett T E. Divett L

Eye sir E. Kerr loon. Bt.. T Falmouth ... Sir R. M. Rulfe..... 523 I.

J. W. Freshfield .... 434 T Ca,itain Plumridge.. 363

Fin slimy . .. T. Wakley 4957 L T. S. Dinacurube.... 4895 I.

T. Perceval 2470 Flintshire ...Sir S. R. Glynne, B. 948 T E. M. L. Musty', ... 909 Flint Captain C. Dundas.. 591 L It. J. Mostyu 393

Frome T Sheppard 124 T

Sir C. Boyle 120 Gateshead... C. Rippon 1136 L Williamson 151 0/amoryansh.Viscount Adare 2009 T

C. R. M. Talbot . ... 1791 L

Mr. J. J. Guest 1590 Gloucester- C. NV. B. Codrington T shire. East Hort. A. 11. Moreton L G1 .ucester- Ilon. G. Berkeley... L shire. West R. Blagden Hale ... T Gloucester. .H. T. Hope 727 T .1. Phillpotts 710 L Capt. M. F. Berkeley 630

Grantham. .G. E. Welby 191 T

Hon. F.J.Tollemache 308 T Turner 299 1 Greenwich...NV. Attwood 1368 T E. G. Barnard 1194 L Captain Napier 1158 Grimsby . E. Heneage L Guildford .C. B. Wall 252 T Hon. Majer Scarlett. 188 T J. Mangles 159

Halifax E. Protheroe 496 2.

C. Wood 486 L Hon. J. S. Wortley. 308 Hampshire, C. S. Lefevre L North Sir W. Heatlicute.... T Ilanythire, J. Fleming 2388 T South H. C. Compton ..... 2371 T Sir G. T. Staunton .. 2080 Sir .1. A. Garment:ley. 1962 Harwich ....lion. J. C. Henries.. 75 T Captain A. Ellice... ','5 I.

E. Tower 73 F. R. Bonham 66 Hastings lit. Hoe. J. Pianta.. 401 T R. Holland 382 L — Briatme 312 Haverfordwest Sir R. B. P. Phillips 296 L — Scourfield 163 Helston Viscount Cat:Mope .. 160 T A. linEer 126

Herefordsh. K. Hoskins L

E. T. Foley T Sir R. Price I.

Herefrtd . . .. Lt.-Col. E. B. Clive 444 L D. II. Burr 930 T R. Biddulph . 420 Hertji,rdsh, Viscount Grimeton .. T A. Smith T R. Alston L

HertArd .... Capt. W. F. Cowper 373 L Viscount Mahon.... 306 T — Currie 297 Iloniton Colonel IL D.Baillie 294 'I' J. Stewart 225 L Sir A. C. Grant 203

Horsham .R. H. Hurst 147 L

T. Broadwood 145 Huddervield.W. It. C. Stunsfield 323 L

Forza, 1841.

Haft Sir J. Haumer 1844 T

Sir W. C. James 1830 T

3. Clay. 1761 L P Colenel Thompson 1646 L andingdon- E. Fe'loses Hatingdon..Sir F. Pollock Colonel 3 Peel H-200 S 3. Majoritxuaks . L 15mewisii......R. Wason. 659 L

G. Brunie 657 I.

F. Kelly 611 T lit. Hon. J. C.Herries 604 7' ide ofIFight.W. H. A. Holmes T

Kendal G. W. Wood

Mot, East.. . Sir E. Kuatchbull

J. P. Plumptre

gad, Wed . . Sir E. Filmer

Lord Horsham ladderstiester R. Godson 208 T S. Ricardo 200!, .Kenresbormigh A. Lawson 150 T W. B. Ferrand 192 T

C. Sturgeon 83 L Lambeth .... B. Hawes 2601 L

T. D'Eyncourt 2558 L

J. Baldwin 1999 T T. Cabbell 1763 T Lancashire. Lord Stanley T

North J. W. Patten T

Lnucashire, Lord F. Egertou T South R. B. Wilbraham T

Lancaster. ..T. Greene 693 T G. Marton .593 T

J. Armstri lig 577 L

14111.11CeStU... Sir H. Hardinge T

Leeds ir J Beckett 2076 T

W. Aldam junior 2043 L

J. Home 2033 L Lord Jocelyn 1926 T Leicestersh., Lord C. Manners T North E. B Farnham T Leicestersh.,14. Halford 2638 T

South C. W. Packe 2629 T

T. thsberne 1213 L Colonel Cheesy 1136 L Leicester.. — J. Easthope.. L

W. Ellis L

Leominster. ..C. Greenaway

J. Wigram

Lows S Harford

H. Elphinstoue Hon. H. Fitzroy., Viscount Cautilupe

Lidifkld.. . .Sir G. Anson ..

Lord A. Paget Cap ain Dyott

Lincolnshire, Lord Worstey 5401 L North R. A. Christopher 4522 T Hon. C. H. Cud 3819 T Liscoinshire. C. Tumor 4581 T

South Sir G. Trollope 4562 T

H. Handley 2948 L Lincoln Colonel Sibthorp . 541 T

W. R. Collett 481 T

Sir E. L. Balwer 443L C. Seeley 340 L liskeard . . ..C. Buller L

Lieerpool....Viscount Saadon 5979 T C. Cresswell 5792 T

Sir J . Walmesley 4647 L Lonl Pal mermon 4431 L

London J. Ma.sterman 6339 T Sir M. Wood 6315 L G. Lyall 6290 T Lord John Russell 6221 L

M. W. Attwoud 62122' 3. Paulson 6070 L W. Crawford 60t5 L .1. Pale 6017 T Imillorn B. Botfield 232 T

J. Ackers 219 T

Colonel H. Salwey 156 L Lyme Regis .W . Theory 123 L T. Hussey 110 T Igetingtun ..J. Stewart 170T

W. A. Mackinnon 149 T

Major Keppel 106 1, 14910 Lord G. Beniinek... T

Sir S. Canning T

.11eiselesfieki .3 . Brocklehurst 534 L

T. Grimsditch 410 T

S. Storks.. 3.1 L Maidstone.. .A. J. B. Hope 765 T

G. D. dd 725T

D. Salumous 424 L Maiden Q. Dick 4722'

J. Round 446 T

T. Abdf 413L Illalmesbur y .Hon J. Howard 125 I. L. A. Burton 105 T Melton J W. Childers L J. E. Denison L Manchester . Mark Phillips 3695 L

T. M. Gibson 3575 L

Sir G. Murray 3115 T W. Entwiele 2694 T Marlborough Lord E. Bruce T

H. B. liartug T

Marlow T P. Wdliame 233 T SirW. H. Clayton 170 L R. Hampden 169 T Marylebone . Sir B. Hall 9661 L

Sir C. Napier 45137 L B. B. Cabnell 3410 7' Sir J. J. Hamilton 3383 7'

F. V. Sankey 61 C hisrionethsh..R. Richards T

Perm 1837.

Hidl — Wilberforce 1514 T

Sir W. James 1505 T W. Hutt 1497 B. Wood 1430

Iliartivdoash. E. Fellowes 1392 T

G. Thornhill 133/ T J. B. Rooper 990

Ifsntiagdos. . Sir F. Pollock T

Colonel J. Peel T

Myths Visconti, Melguud 243 L Hon. Capt. Beresford 136 Ipswich T. M. Gibson 601 T

H. Tufnell 595 L F. Kelly 593 R. WaS011 593

Isleof FrightW . H. A. A. Holmes 628 T Capt. C. D. Pelham. 560 Kendal . . G. W. Wood L Kent, East.. SirE. Knatchbull 3607 T

J. P. Plumptre 3029 T T. Ri ter 2205

Kent, West. . Sir W. R. P. Geary 3581 T

T.L.Hudges 3334L Sir E. Filmer 3E29

KidderminsterR. Godson 198 T

J. Bagshaw 157

Knaresborough H. Rich 172 L

Hun. C. Langdale 124 L A. Lawson 118

Lambeth... . B. Hawes 2934 L

C. T. D' Eyncourt 2811 L C. Baldwin 1694

Laneash're. Lord Stanley

/Vieth J. W. Patten

Lancashire, Lord F. Egerton 7329 T South R. It. Wilbraham 7645 T

E. Stanley


L. Townley 6044

Lancaster.. .T. Greene 614 T

G. Halton 597 T P. M. Stewart 953 — Grew 347

Launceston. .Sir H. Hardinge Leeds.. ..... E. Baines 2098 L

Sir W. Mo!esworth 1880 L

Sir J. Beckett 1759 Leicestershire.Lord C. Manners North E. B. Farnham Leicestershire.H Hal ford South C. W. Parke Lincolnshire. Lord Worsley North R. A. Christopher • • Lincolnshire. H. Handley South 6.3. Heathcote T Lincoln .Colonel Sibthorp.... 514 T

Sir E. L. Bulwer.... 436 L Hon H. Ellis 392

Colonel Churchill 330 Lisheard. . Buller 113 L

S. T. Kekesich 95

Liverpool Viscount Sanders 4786 T

C. Crewmen 4652 T W. Ewart 438t H. EI ph iustone 4206

L esion .Aldermrui Wood.... 6517 L

W. Crawfurd 6071 L J. Pattison 6070 L G. Grote 5879 L H. Palmer 5873 • Lient..Col. Salwey 197 L Viscount Clive 192 T — Alock.. 166

Lyme Regis..W . Pinney 121 L

Hampden .. 87

Lyniington . .3. Stewart 161 T

W. A. Mackinnon 138 T Gregsou 97

Lynn Lord G. Bentinck 469 T Sir S. Canning. ..... 383 T Hon. Major Keppel. 369 Macclesfield. 3. Brocklehurst 546 L

T. GI imsditch 471 T — Gregg. 292 Maidstone...W. Lewis 782 T B. Disraeli ..... 668 T Colonei Thompson 529 E. Perry 25 Ma/don Q. Dick 420 T J. Round 407T J. B. Lenoard . . 395

Malroesbury .Viscount Andover 112 L

Salter 95

Malton V iscouut Milton .... L

J. W. Childers L

Manchester C. P. Thompson 4158 L

M. Phillips 3759 L W. E. Gladstone 2281

Marlborough.Lord E. Bruce

Ma or H. B. Baring T

Marlow . .Sir W. IL Clayton 1..

T. P. Williams T

ifarykbone B. Hall 3512 L

Sir S. Whalley 3350 L Lord Teignmuuth 299$ G. A. Young 764 Sir W. Hume, But 666

Merionethsh IL Richards T Leicester S Duckworth 1816 L

J. Easthope 1816 L Seret. E. Goulburu 1454 T. Gladstone 1453

L _Leominster. lord II. them 395 T

T C. Greenasay.. 364 L — NI igmm 266

411 L Lewes Sir C. R. Blunt.... 413 I.

409 L Hun. H. Fitzroy.... 401 T

. 407 T T. Brand 398 . 388 T Captain Lyon.-- . 381 L I Lichfield... .Sir G. Anson 289 L Lord A. Paget 281 T

Potts, 1891.

Merthyr Tydvil . Sir J. J. Guest...

Middlesex G. flyng

Colonel T. Wood

dharst .Sir B. B. Seymour Monmouthsh .Lord G. Somerset ..

C. O. S. Morgan ...

Monmouth . R. J. Blewitt 472 L —Edward. 0 C blontgoinerysh.C. W. W. Wynn Montgomery. H. Cholmoodeley. 464 T Sir J. Edwards 437 L Morpeth. . E. Howard Newark W. E. Gladstone ... 633T Lord J. Manners ... 630 T T. B. Hobhoase .... 392 L Newcastle- E. Buckley 720 T

under-Lyne.J. Q. Harris 565 L

W. R. Miller 416 T Newcastle- W. Ord upon-Tyne.J. H. Hinde Newport.IaleW Martin 254 T of Wight W Hamilton 252 T T. Gisborne 229 L W J. Blake 226L Ninfdh,East.Hon. E. Wodehouse 3498 T

H. N. Burroughes 3437T

Sir W. Folkes 1379 L 1Vorfb111,1Pest-W . Baena

W. L. W. Chute

NorthallertonW . B. Wrightson ... 129 L

E. Lascelles 115 7' Northampton-T. P. Mauusell . T

shire, N. A. 0 Brien T Northampton-W . R. Cartwright 2426 T shire, S. Sir C. Knightley 2,324 T Earl of Eustou 925 L Northampton.B. V. Smith 990 L

R. Currie 970 L

Sir H. Willoughby 896 T Dr. kV Donall 176 C Northumher- Lord Ossalston 1216 T land, N. B. Cresswell 1163 T Lord Howiek ..... 1101 L Northuniber- S H Ogle. L land, S. M. Bell T Norwich. . . B. Smith L

Marquis Douro T

Nottingham- T. Holdsworth T shire, N. H. G. Knight T Nottingham- Earl of Lincoln T shire, S. Colonel Rollestou T Nottingham.. 0. de H. Lament 529 L

J. C. Hobbouse 527L J. Walter 144 7'

T. B. Charlton 142 T Oldham General Johnson . L

J. Fielden L

Oxfordshire .Lord Norrevs

0.0. Harcourt J. W. Henley

0.rford Uni- T. R. G. Estcourt versity Sir R. H. Inglis .... Oxford J H. Langston . 1349 L

D. Maclean 1238 T

N. Malcolm 1041 T Pembroke ...Sir J. Owen 282 T Colonel H. Owen 184 T J. Childs 94 L Pensiwoltesh —Lord Emlyn Peterborough G. W. Fitzwilliam 318 L

Sir R. Heron 255 L

T. Gladstone 245 T Peterscield.. .Sir W. Jolliffe Plymouth .T. Gill 821 L

Lord Ebrington 787 L

Alderman Johnson 552 T Pontefract Lord Pollington .. 464 T

R. M. Billies 433 T

J. Gully 253 L Poole Hon. C. Ponsonby .. 232 L

G. R. Phillips ...... 210 L

G. P. Ruse 1922' Portsmouth—F. T. Baring Su G. Staunton . .

Preston Sir H Fleetwood ... 1655 L Sir G. Strickland... 1622 L R. T. Parker 11470 T

C. Swainson 1255 2'

Radnorshire .Sir J. Walsh 975 T Lord Harley 504 L Radnor Colonel R. Price ..

Reading ..C. Russell

Lord Chelsea 576 T 564 T 409 L

T. Mills

396 L

W. Tooke

Reigde Viscount Eastnor . 106 T

Dr. Bedford 9

Retford,East G. H. Vernon Hon. A. Duneombe Richmond ... Hon. J. C. Dundee .

W. R. Colborne Ripon J Pemberton Sir E. Sugden '1'

Rochdale. . . .W. S. Crawford.. 399 L J Fenton 3352' Rochester ...J. S. Douglas 539 T

W. H. Bodkin 4972'

Viscount Melgund 495 L F. Dashwood 488 L Rutlandshere . G. J. Heathcote 767 L

Hou. H. Downey 6762'

Hon. C. G. Noel 664L

Pou.s, 1837.

jferthyr 3.3. Guest 309 L Tydvil Bruce 135 Middksex... G. Byng 4796 L

Colonel T. Wood, 4582 T J. Hume 4380 W. Pownall 4273

Mdlairst .W. S. Poyntz L

Monmouthsh—Lord G. Somerset T W. A. Williams L

Monmouth .3. R. Blewitt 440 L

J. Bailey junior 386

Montgomerysh.C. W .W W. Wynn T Montgomery—Col. Edwards 472 L

P. Corbett 473

Morpeth . .Lord Leveson L Newark .... W. E. Gladstone T

Sergeant Wilde L

Newcastle- W. H. Miller 669 T

under-Line.S. De Horsey 635 T R. Badnall 292

Newcastle- W. Ord 1792 L

spon-Tyne.J. H. Hinde 1701 T C. J. Bigg 1187 .1. B. Coulson 1127

Neuport .... 3. H. Hawkins 2642,

W. J. Blake 2632, W. Martin 244

— Hamilton 736 Norfolk, E. . E. Wodehouse 3645 T

H. P. Borroughes 3523 T

W. H. Wyndham 8237

R. H. Gurney 2978

Norfa, IP. W. Bagge 3178 T

L. W. Chute 2877 1' Sir W. Polkas 2838 Sir J. Astley 2713

NurthallertonW . B. Wrightson L Northampton-I. P. Hammel' 1849 T

shire.North.Viseount Maidstone 1801 T Viscount Milton 1404

Northampton-W. R. Cartwright T shire, South.Sir C. Kuightley T Northatripton.R. V. Smith 1095 L Raikes Currie 1033 L C. Ross 925 Northumber- Viscount Howick land. N. Lord Ossulston Northumher. M. Bell Norwich ....Hon. R. Scarlett land, S. Christopher Blarkett 1865 T Marquis of Douro 1863 T

1843 B. Smith 1831 M. Nurse

Nottingham- J. Holdsworth 1693 T /579 T shire, N. H. G. Knight 1478

J. Foljambe

Nottingham- Earl of Lincoln shire, S. Launeelot Rolleston Nottingham.. Sir R. C. Ferguson 2056 L

2052 L Sir J. C. Hobhouse 1397 — Plowden 1396 H. Twiss 548 L

Oldham General Johnson ...

J. Fielding 544 L 305 — Jones 273 — Lees 30022'

Oxfordshire. . Lord Norreys 2885 T

G. G. Harcourt

J. A. W. Parker.;.. 2767 T Stoner 1458 Oxford Uni- 3.0. B. Estcourt versity Sir R. II. luglis T Oeford D. Maclean 1249 T

William Erie 1203 L

W. H. Hughes 900 Pembroke . .. Colonel H. 0. Owen Penihrohesh..Sir J. Owen Peterburough.J. N. Fazakerly 311 L

Sir R. Heron 2282, — Sarties 234

Petersfield . .Sir W. H. Jolliffe 124T

C. J. Hector 123

Plymouth . . Collier 780 L

T. Bewes 772 L Sir G. Cockburn 551 Capt. P. Blackwood 466

Pontefract It M. Milnes 507 T

W. M. Stanley 403L Sir C. E. Smith 123

Poole .......Charles Pousonby 278 L

G. R. Philips 259 L Sir H. Willoughby 242

Sir J. B. Walsh 222 Portsmouth . .F. T. Baring 634 I.

J. B. Carter 631 L Sir G. Cockburn 519 Viscount Fitzharris 439

Preston H. Fleetwood ......11726 L

R. T. Parker 1821 T

3 Crawford /562 Radnorshire .W. W. De Winton..

Radnor Lieut.- Col. R. Price.

Reading . Sergeant Talfuurd .. 468 L

C. F. Palmer 457 1.

C. Russell 448

Reigate Viscount Eastnor ... T lietford,East G. H. Vernon 1372 T

Hoe. A. Dtmcombe 1352 T — Mason 1234

Richmond . . .110n. T. Dundas L

A. Spiels L

Ripon J Pemberton T

Sir E. Sugden T

Rochdale. . .3. Fenton 374 L

Ramsay 349

Rochester . . R. Bernal 488 L

J. B. Flobliouse 473 L — Douglas ..... 495 Hon. Captain Best 413

Rdlandshire.Sir G. N. Noel T

Sir G. Heathcote T

'Scarborough...Sir J. V. Johustone - 296 T Sir F. Trench 253 T Colonel C. Phipps 237 L Shaftesbury .Lord Howard 219 L Captain Matthew 202 7' S7u/leld.....J. arker 1853 L H. G. Ward 1812 L D. Urquhart.. 509 7' W. Sheppard 460 7' Shoreham... Sir C. Burrell 959 T C. Goring 856T Lord E. Howard 653 L

Shrewsbury . .Colonel Tomline 790 T

B. Disraeli 780 T

Sir L. Parry 595L C. Temple 547L

Shmshire, Sir R. Hill T North W . O. Gore T Shropshire, Hon. R. H. Clive T South Earl of Darlington T Somerset:h., Col. W. G. Langton L East W. Miles T Sonsersetsh.,.T . D. Acland T West 3. H. Dickenson T Southampton. Lord Bruce 648'7 C. C. Martyn 645T E. J. Hutchins 556 L C. E. Mangles 553 L Southfihields.J. T. Wawa 240 L R Ingham 207 T G.Fyier 34 7' Southwark ..Ald. Humphery L B. Wood L Staffbrdshire, I. W. Russell North C. B. Adderley StaMishire, G. Anson Viscount Ingestre Stalbrd Hon. S T. Carnegie 681 T E. Buller 587 L W. Holmes 339 7'

Stamford... .Marquis of Grauby T

Sir G. Clerk T Stockport. . .. H. Moreland. ... 550 L R. Cobden 530 L Major T. Marsland 334 7' Stoke-upon- I. L. Ricardo 881 L Trent W. T Copeland 614'7 Hon. F. D. Ryder 495 T Stroud W. H. Stanton 594 L G. P. Scrope . . ... 528 L Sir W. Wraxall 377 7' Sudbury F. Villiers 284 L D. Sombre 281 L C. Taylor 271 T D. Jones 2717' -Seblk. East. Lord Henniker 3279 'f Sir C. B. Vere 3178'2 S. Adair 1787 L Stsfiblk,West.Colonel Rushbmok T H. O. Waddiugton T • Smederland ..D. Barclay Aid. W. Thompson . Surrey, East.H Kemble E. Antrobus Storey, West W. J. Denison J. Trotter Susses, East G. Darby 2398 T A. E. Fuller 2367'7 J. V. Shelley 995 L Sussex, West Earl of March Colonel Wyndham S wansea ....Major J. H. Vivian Tamworth... Sir R. Peel 365'7 Captain A' Court 241 T Captain Townshend 147 L Taunton ....Hon. 11. Labouehere 430 L E. T. Bainbridge. 409 L W. Wilberforce 381 7' J. Hall 218 7' Tavistock. ... Lord E. Russell J. Rundle Tewkesbury. .W. Dowdeswell 193 L J. Martin 189T J. Easthope junior 181 .L Thetford . . F. R. Baring . 86T Lord Euston • 71 L Sir J. Flowers 71 T • A double return.

Thirsk 3 Bell Tiverton J Heatheoat

Lord Palmerston L Tower W Clay 4706 L Hamlets Colonel Fox 4096 L G. R. Robinson., 2183 7' A. K. Hutchinson 1775 L T. E. P. Thompson 831 L Pous, 1811

Br H. B. Cartels

C. H. Frewen • Albos's..G. W. J. Repton Lard Listowel H. T. Morley G. A. Haskett E t. lees W. T. Pmed E. J. Ley . Wyndham W. B. Brodie Hon. A. J. Ashley

BsClisrd J Brotherton W. Garnett ..... Sandwich ...Sir T. Troubridge

H. H. Lindsay 262 L 104 T 290 T 257 L 251 7' 159 L 272 T 268 L 366 T 293 L 234 T 991 L 873 7' Southwark.. . Alderman Humphrey 1941 L D. W. Harvey . 1927 L .1. Richards 847 • - Harrison 2 Staffordshire, Hon. W. B. Baring. 4322 T North E. Buller 3182 L Sir 0. Moseley 2556 Staftbrdshire, Colonel Anson 3173 L South Viscount Ingestre 3126 T - Dyott 3046 Sir J. Wrottesley 2993 Stafford... . Major Chao yud 565 L R. Farrand 504 T Hon. W. B. Baring. 464 - Blount 348 Stamford .... Lt.-Col. J. Chaplin Marquis of Granby Stockport. . .. Major J. Mandaud 480 T H. Moreland 471 L T. Cobden 918 Stoke-upon' Alderman Copeland 683 T Trent 3. DAN CDpOrt 670 T W. Bridges 4/2 B. Sheridan 969 Stroud G. P. Scrope 698 L Lord!. Russell 681 L Sergeant Adams 297 Sudbury .. .Lt.-Gn.Sir E. Barnes 372 T Sir J. Hamilton 342 T B. Smith 131 -Turban 19 Sts§1,1k, East.Lord Henniker Sir C. B. Vete Seblk, West H. Logan 2217'7 Colonel Rushbrook 2173 T Sir H. Bunbury 1560 H. Wilson 1505 Sunderland. .Ald. W. Thompson 688'7 A. White 628 L D. Barclay 591 Surrey, East. Capt. R. Alsager 2176 T H. Kemble 2155'7 Hon. L. King 1865 J. Angerstein 1823 Surrey,Wee Hon. G. Perceval 1536 T W. J. Deuisou 1578 L H. Long 1543 Sussex, East G. Darby 2256 T Hon. C. Cavendish 1793 L - Fuller 1749 H. B. Curteis 1619 Sussex, West Lord J. G. Lennox 1291 T Earl of Surrey 1247 L - Windham 1049 Swansea ... Mayor!. H. Vivian Tam worth . .Sir R. Peel 399 T Captain A Court 249 T Captain Townsliend. 185 Taunton ....H. Labouchere 469 L E. T. Bainbridge 414 L - Lee 409 Tavistock ... Lord Russell J. Rundle Tewkesbury .W. Dowdeswell 219 T J. Martin 192 L J. Peel 169 Thetford ....Earl of Euston Boo. F. Baring Thirsk Sir S. Crompton .... L Tiverton 3. Heatheote 323 L Viset. Palmerston 246 L - Dickenson 180 Tower Hasa- W. Clay L lets RLHou.S.Lushington L Press. 1837.

Rye W. G. Monypenny.

St. Alban's . Hon. E. Grimatori .. 361'7 G. A. Muskett 348 L B. B. Cabbell . 219

St. Ives J Halite

- Praed Salisbury. .W. B. Brolie W. Wyndham

Sa/fbrd 2 Brotherton

- Garnett Sandwich . .. Sir J. Troubridge Sir J. Carnac G. Price Sir B. Brydges Scarborough..Sir F. Trench Sir W. Styles..

Sir J.V. P. Johnstone Shaftesbury. .3. Poulter Captain Mathew

Sheffield 3 Parker

H. G. Ward - Thoroely Shore/ions.... H. D. Goring Sir C. M. Burrell .

D. Salomons Shrewsbury.. Sir R. Jenkins IL A. Stoney J. C. Pelham G. H. Dashwood.

Shropshire, Sir R. Hill North W. 0. Gore Shropshire, Hon. R. H. Olive South Earl of Darlington Somersetsh., Col. W. G. Langton • East W. Miles Somersetsh.. J. D. Acland West E. A. Sanford C. K. Tyute - Dickenson Susdhampton. J. P. Dottin Lord Duncan - Martyu Lord C. Paget South Shields R. Ingham

. •

272 T 223 890 I. 828 406 L 401 L 370 330 225 T 211 L 192 225 L 219 , 2186 1976 L 655 850 T 773 T 619 700 T 697 L 655 537 3852'2 3547 L 3456 3420 587 T 564 L 543 509 Perla, 1841.

Totnes Lord Seymour I. C. B. Baldwin T

Truro E' Turner L

J. E. Vivian T Tynemouth .. H. Mitcalfe 295 L W. Chapman 218 T Wakefield... J. Holdsworth 328 L Hon. W. S. Lascelles 300 T Wallingford-W. S. Blackstone T Walsall R. Scott 334 L J. M. Gladstone 311 T Wareham. .E. Drax 211 L J. H. Calcraft 186 7' Warrington-3. 5. Blackburn .. T Warwick- W. S. Duedale shire, N. Sir J. E. Wilmot Warwick. Sir J . Mordaunt T shire, S. E. Shirley T Warwick. .W. Collins L Sir C. Douglas T Wells W . G. Hayter L R. Blakemore T ii'enlock ... . Hun. G. C. Forester T 3. M. Gaskell T Westbury . Sir R. Lopez T Westminster. Captain.Rous 3338 T J. T. Leader 3281 L.

Col. De Lacy Evans 3258 L Westmore- Vbcount Lowther T land Colonel C. Lowther T Weymouth.. . Viscount Villiers 259 T G. W. Hope 257 T R. Bernal 253 L W. D. Christie 251 L

Whitby A Chapman T

White/gases.. M. Attwood T Wigan P. Greene]] 273 T T. Ii. Crosse 268T C. S. Standish 264 L C. P. Grenfell 263 L Wilton Lord Fitzharris T Wiltshire, Sir F. Burdett T North W . Long T Wiltshire, J. Benett L South lion. S. Herbert T Winchester. -J. B. East 320T B. E. Escott 293'7 R. B. Crowder. 191 L F. Pigott 161 L

. Windsor J. Ramsbottom. 316 L

R. Neville 311 T W. P. Fergusson... 265 L Sir!. De Beauvoir 130 T Wo/verhanip-C. P. Villiers L ton T. Thoruely L Woodstock.. .F. Thesiger Worcestersh.,J. Barueby East J. A. Taylor Worcestersh.,General Lygon T West F. W. Knight.— T

Worcester. .Sir T. Wilde 1187 L

J. Mollie 1173 T R. Hardy 875 L Wycombe. .G. 11. Dashwood 189 L R. Bernal junior 160 L J. A. Freshfield 130 T R. Alexander 86 T Yarmouth.. .W. Wilshere 945 L C. E. Rumbold 943 L T. Baring. 501 7' J. Suames 491 T Yorkshire. E. S. Cayley L North R. Hon. W. Duneombe. T Yorkshire, R. Broadley T East R. Lord Hotham T Yorkshire. Hon. J. S. Wortley-13165 T West B. E. B. Denison 12780 T Lord Milton 12080 / Lord Morpeth 12031 L

York 3 IL Loather 1625 T

H. B. Yorke.. 1552 L D. F. Atcherley 1456 T SCOTLAND.

,dberdeensh.. Hon. W. Gordon Aberdeen.... A. Bannerman 780 L -Issues 513

- Lowery 30 C Argyllshire . Campbell of Mingo

Ayrshire ....Lord Kelburne Ayr Burghs .Lord J. Smart Banffiltire: 1. Duff 317 L Lord Reidhaven 274 T Berwickshire Sir H. P. Campbell T

Buteshire . .Sir W. Rae 138 T

- Dunlop 92 L Caithness-sh-G. Tmill L Clackmannan Col. Abercrombie. L and Kinross Dumbartonsh.A. Smollettjunior . T Dumfries-sh.. J. J. H. Johustoue T Dumfries. .W . Ewart 412 L Sir A. Johnstone 351 L Dundee G. Duncan 577 L J. B. Smith 445 L Edinburghsh. J. Ramsay T Edinburgh. ..G. Craig L T. B. Macaulay L

23itra:d Major C. Bruce 372 T

General Duff 773 L

Pous, 1837.

Lord Seymour J. Parrott 192 2. 169 L.

121 Sir G. Adams 383 Ie Turner 254 7 J. E. Vivian 226 W. Tooke 269 Is Tynentouth .. G. F. Young 253 C. E. Grey 3072' Wakefield. ..Hou. H. S. Lascelles 281 D. Gasket' 159 Wallingford . S. Blackstone 118 Teed 316 I.

fPaisaff F Finch 296

C. Forster . 170 T Wareham . .3. H. Caleraft 155

E. Drax 278 r Warrington.. J. Blackburn

E. D. Davenport ... 255 if'orwicksh., W. S. Dugdate 3326 T North Sir J. E. Wilmot 2678 T Sir G. Skiiiwith 2292 - Bmcebridge 1787 Warwicksh., Sir J. Mordaunt South E. Shirley ..... Warwick .W Conine 499 I. 4682'

Wycombe . .11. Smith I.

G. H. Dashwood Yarmouth ... C. E. Rumbold 790 L W. Wilshere 779 L T. Baring 699 - Gambier 685 Yorkshire, N. Hon. W. Duncombe T E. S. Cayley I. Yorkshire, E. R. Bethell 3587 T R. Broadley 3256 T P. B. Thompson 2984 Yorkshire. W.Viscount Morrie:1i . 12638 Sir G. Strickland 11992 3. ',. Wurtley 11566 York .. ..... J. H. Lowther 1476 Hen. J. C. Duudas 1292 Sergeant Atcherley- 1185 SCDTLAND.

Aberdeensh. .Capt. W. Gordon.., 12241 Sir T. Burnett 807 Aberdeen... A. Bannerman Argyllshire. .W. F. Campbell 712 Campbell of Monzie 462 Ayrshire . Sir .1. Dunlop 1559 Lord Reiburne 1370 Ayr . . Lord J. Stuart 368 Alderman 3ohneWne 361 Banffshire ... James Duff 292 Captain G. Ferguson 214 Berwinkshire Sir H. P. Campbell. T Buteshire Sir W. line T Caithness- Sir G. Sinclair 189 shire Traill 146 Clackmannan } Sir C. Adam L and Kinross Durnbartonsh. J. Colquhoun 453 I..

A. Smollett 411 Dunsfriessh... J. 3.11. Johnstone T

Dumfries ... . Lt. Geo. M. Sharpe I.

Dundee Sir H. Parnell 663 2.

J. Gladstone ..... 331 Edinburghsh. Gibson Craig 703 Is Sir G. Clerk 661 Edinburgh.. .Sir J. Campbell L T. B. Macaulay L

Elgin and Colonel F. W. Grant T

Nairn C. L. Bruce Tann Truro Sir C. Douglas E. B. King 439

Wells W. G. Hay ter r. . R. Blackmore I. rvmkek ....Capt. G. W. Forester T

J. M. Gaskell T Westbury 3. 1. Briscoe 98 Is Sir R. F. Lopez 96 Westminster .3. T. Leader 3793 L Col. Be Lacy Evans 3715 I. Hon. Sir G. Murray. :420 Westmore- Viscount Lowther T land Hon. H. C. Lowther T Weymouth . . Viscount Villiers 291 r

G. W. Hope 268 r

T. F. Buxton 211 Sir G. Stephen 158

Whitby A. Chapman r

Whitehaven M. Attwood 1' Wigan C. S. Standish 249 L R. Potter 245 Is J. W. Kearsley 229 - Greenall 211 Wilton E. Baker T Wiltshire, N.Sir F. Burdett 2365 T W. Long 9197'2' P. Methuen 1876 IF'iltshire, S. J. Benett L Hon. S. Herbert T Winchester. At. East 260 T I'. St.!. Mildmay 2442. Escott 215 Windsor . ..J . Ramsbottom 326 L R. Gordon 292 L Sir!. D. Beauvoir 132 Capt. Bulkeley 140 Wolverhansp. C. P. Villiers 1058 L ton T. Thorneley 1024 I.

Capt. R. Burton 623 3. Bonbon 613 Woodstock .. H. PeUou 126 r

Lord e. Churchill 117

Worcestersh. H. St. Paul 2595 T

East J. Barneby 2528 2'

E. Holland 2175 J. H. Foley 0168

Worcestersh. Col. II. B. Lygon 2'

West H. J. Winnington L.

Worcester...!. Bailey T

T. H. H. Davies- Li Pmts. 1841.

SIginBurghs. Sir A. L. hay — Duff Falkirk W. Baird W. D. Gillen .fffeskire ....Capt. J. Wemyss Leith Hon. A. Rutherford.

Linlithgowsh.Hon. C. Hope Montrose. ...P. Chalmers

4)Ylme-Y aadun D das

Shetland • • Paisley A. Hastie _Peeblesshire .W. F. Mackenzie Perthshire.. H. H. Diummond Farlizrzhire .. Lord F. Gordon L 43lesgow .3. Oswald. Deuntstoun 2728 L J. Campbell 2416 T Mills 355 0


309 T 406 L Haddin gtonsh.Sir T . B. Hepburn. T Haddington I. M. Balfour 268 T Burghs R. Steuart.. 264 L Inverness-sh..H. J. Baillie Inverness ...J. Morrison ..... • Kilmarnock .W. Johnstone 490 L J. C. Culquhoun 479 T Kincardinesh-Hon. H. Arbuthnot T Kirkaldy.... Col. R. Ferguson Jrtrkced- A. Murray 672 L briyhtskire — Maxwell .. 249 T Lanarkshire . Captain Lockhart T Perth F Manle 356 L — Black 257 T Renfiewshire P. M. Stewart 959 L Colouel More 915 T Boss and


T. Mackenzie T Cr - Rozbirrghsh.. Hon. F. Scott 830 T Hon. J. Elliott 98 L St,Andrew• s. E. Ellice junior 366 L T. Makgid 258 T Selkirtuhire.. A. Pringle T Stirlingshirc .W. Forbes 1019 T

Sir M. Bruce 895L

Stirling B. . . Lord Dalmeuy 438 L — Aytoun 420 L Sutherlandsh. D. Dundas L Wick Burghs J. Loch 270 L — Dempster 189 T Jfigtonshire.. Capt. Dalrymple 403 L J. Blair 398 T 'Raton B....3. M•Taggart 157 L

Col. V. Agnew 129 T


_Antrim 3 Irving

N. Alexander Armagh Co.. Visct. Acheson Colonel W. Verner Annagh Col. J. D. Rawdou _Athlone Captain Beresford 30 T — Farrell 17 1 Bandon Sergt. Jackson T

Belfast I E. Tennent 927 T

W. G. Johnsou 913 T Earl of Belfast 821 L

Rces 792L

Carlow Ca...Colonel Bruen 705 T II. Banbury 704 T J. A. Yates 697 L D. O'Connell junior 696 L Carlow Captain Layard . L 1 Carrickfergus.P. Kirk Cashel . Dr. J. Stock L Cavan J Young T H. J. Clements 1' Clare Major Maenamara . 1076 L C. O'Brien 1072 L — Vandeleur 723 T — Molony 48 T Connell... ..D. R. Pigot L Coleraine .... E. Litton Cork County.. D. O'Connell 1274 L E. B. R elle 1274 L W. P. Leader 406 T R. Longfield 357 T Cork F S Murphy 1986 L D. Callaghan 1464 L Colonel Chatterton 1017 T — Morris 131 T Donegal Sir E. Hayes T Colonel Couolly '1' Downshire...Vioct. Castlereagh T Earl of Hillsborough T _Downpatrich .D. Kerr T Drogheda ...Sir W. Somerville .. L Dahlia Co... .3. H. Hamilton .... 1051 T T. E. Taylor ....... 1092 T Lord Bushman 1009 L 0.11. Et ans 1006 1, Dublin 3 B. West 3860 T E. Grogan 3839 T D. O'Connell 3692 L R. Hutton 3662 L Dublin L'ni- Rt. Hon. F. Shaw T cersity Rt. Hun. T. Lefroy T Dundalk ...T. N. Rediugton L

Dungannon. .Lord Northland 56 T — Falls 52L

Dungarvan . .11. L. Shell. L Pozzs, 1837.

311 L Elgin Burghs Sir A. L. Hay 297 T 482 T Falkirk W. D. Gillou 930 L L Ilfeshire .... Captain J. Wemyss. 1087 L Hon. J. C. Bruce 569 Forfarshire.. Lord D. Hallyburton Glasgow . . Lord Wm. Beutinek. 2768 L John Dennistonn . 2732 L

— Campbell 2062

R. Monteith 2690 Greenock. . Al. Wallace 404 L Smith 206 Haddingtonsh. Lord Ramsay 302 T R. Ferguson 207 Haddiagton R. Steuart 268 I.

Burghs Sir T. B. Hepburn 237 Inverness-sh..A. W. Chisholm. 334 T — Grant 216 Inverness... . E. M•Lrod 336L G. Mackenzie 317 Kilmarnock. .3. Colquhouu 509 T Dr. Bowring 438 Kincardinesh.Hon. H. Arbuthnot Kirkcaldy ...R. Ferguson

Kirkcial- brig/as/are-1 Hon. R. C. Fergussen L

Lanarkshire.A. D. M•Lockhart 1486 T Hon. C. A. Murray 1425 L Leith Rt. Hon. A. Murray .

T Lintithgowsh. Hon. J. Hope 262 T Hon. F. Greville... 130 L Montrose. .P. Chalmers • Orkney F Duudas L L Paisley ..... A. Hustle ...... T Peeblesshire .W. F. Mackenzie 251 T — Carmichael . 245 T Perthshire.. . Viscount Stormout 1495 T Hon. Fox Maule 1379 Perth Hon. A. F. Kinnaird 355 L Sir J. P. Thriepland. 188 Renfrewsh. .G. Houston 821 T Captain Stewart . 704 Ross aid Crornarty T. M'Kenzie Rozborghsh. Hon. J. Elliot 803 L Hon. F. Scott 759 St. Andrew' s.E. Ellice junior 290 L T. Mackgill 261 Selkirkshire .A. Pringle 281 T R. Pringle 196 Stirlingshire.W. Forbes 659 T Colonel Abercromby 858 Stirling B. Lord Dalmeny Sutherland .11mi. W. Howard .

Hick Burghs. J. Loch L

Wigtonskire .3. Blair 362 T — Murray 314 Wigton B. -J. M•Taggart 157 L Sir A. Aguew 123 IRELAND.

Antrim Lieut: Gen. O'Neill T J. Irving T Armagh Viscount Acheson L County Colonel W. Verner T Armagh W. Curry 235 L J. Kidd 203

Athlone J O'Connell L Bandon I D. Jackson 133 T

Captain Cavendish 81 Belfast I B Gibson 941 L Earl of Belfast 922 L J. E. Tennent 901 G. Dunbar 869 Carlow Co.. N. A. Vigors 730 L J. A. Yates 730 L Colonel Bruen 643 H. Banbury 613 Carlow W. H. /Saute 180 L F. Bruen • 158 W. Bagenal 2 Carrickfergus.P. Kirk 939 T — Rennie 416 Cashel .. . Rt. Hon. c Woulfe L

Caron H. Maxwell T

J. Young T Clare Major Macnamara L C. O'Brien L Connie( .. . .Rt. Hon. N. Bali... 284 L — lintehiuson 141 Coleraine.. . E. Litton 129 T

A. Alexander.. 77

Cork County G. S. Barry 19i9 L E. B. Roche .. 1917 L B. Loug6e,d 1164 Hon. R. F. King 1130

Cork F R. Bearnish 1951 L

D. Callaghan 1935 L

J. Leicester 1407 Col. J. C. Chattertou 1391

Donegal. . Sir E. Q. Hayes T Col. E. M. Couolly T Downshire...Viscount Castlereagh T Earl of Hillsborough T Downpatrick.D. Kerr 154 T — Keown 149

— Thompson s

— White 3 Drogheda ...Sir W. Somerville L Dublin G. H. Evans... L County Lord Brabazou L rub/in D O'Connell 3556 L R. Hutton 3542 L G. A. Hamilton 3467 J. B. West 3461

Dublin Cal- F. Shaw 852 T

certify T. Lefroy 839 T Dr. Stock 186 Dundalk T Redington L Dungannon. .Viscount Ntrthland T Dungarran...Hon. C. O'Callaghan 270 L hi. Galway 168 Penis. 1841.

Ennis II. Bridgeman

.Risaiskiilxii. A. IL Cole

Fermanagh M. Archdall Sir A. B. Brook

Galway Co... J. J. Bodkin

T. B. Martin

Galway M. J. Blake

Shy. Blake

Kerry M. J. O'Connell.... 744 L Hon. W. Browne.... 751 L A. Blenuerhasset . 495 T Mahony 69 T

Ki/dare It M. 0' Ferrell

R. Archbold

/Kilkenny Cu.. Colonel P. Butler... L Mit'or Bryan L Klkenny .. . J. O'Connell L King's to . Hon. J. C. Westenra L A. Armstrong ... .. L Kinsale W. H. Watuou 98 L — Attwood 79 T

Leitrim Q White L Viscount Clements.. L Limerick Co..W. S. O'Brien L C. Powell L

Limerick Sir D. Roche

J. O'Brien

Lisburn Cap.ain Meynell . .

Londonderry Sir R. Batt son

County Captain T. Jones ...

Londonderry. Sir 11. Ferguson ....

Longford.. .L. White

631 L Colonel H. White... 621 L A. Lefroy 482 T

Louth it M. Bellew

447 L T. V. Dawson 930 L M. Fortescue 358 T — M'Clintock 4 T Mallow Sir D. J. Norreys. .. 108 L M. Longfield 52 T Mayo 11 D. Browne L M. Blake. L Meath D O'Connell L H. Grattan. L Monaghan. - Hon. H. Westenra .. L E. Shirley T Newry Lord Newry 319 T Sir J. M. Doyle 237 L Portarlington Hon. G. L. D. Darner T

Queen's Co... Sir C. Coots T Hon. T. Vesey T

Roscommon. .F. French

O'Conuor Doix

Ross Colonel Gore

Sligo County. Colonel Perceval

W. R. 0. Gore

Sligo J P. Somers L

Tipperary.. .P. Maher. 153 L 0. Cave. 1052 L —Barker 407 T —Maude 380 T Tralee M. O'Connell L

Tyrone Lord C. Hamilton.. T T. H. L. Curry T Waterford Co.Hon. R. S. Carew L W. V. Stuart L Waterford. .W. Christmas 286 T M. Reads. 259 T H W. Barron 202 L T. Wyse 199 L Westmeath. . H. M. Tuite L B. Chapman L

Werford Co.*Capt. V. Hatton . L J. Power L II. K. G. Morgan ... T Wexford... . Sir T. Esmond° . 145 L —Bourne 101 T Wicklow . .. Colonel Acton. 663 T Sir R. Howard 603 L J. Grattan 563 L

Youghall. C. C. Cavendish.

• The numbers at the close of the poll for Wexford County have not yet been re- ceived; but from the ',limbers polled up to the fourth day, there eau be no doubt of the return of Messxs. Hatton and Power.

Pou.s. 1137.

Kan& H Bridgeman

Enaisks/lea.. Hon. A. H. Cole Fermanagh. .Viscount Cole Captain M. Archdall Galway Co... 3. Bodkin J. B. Martin L. T T T L


Galway A H. Lynch 498 L.

14. j. Blake 376 L Wallis 262 Daly 262 Borne


Kerry Co....M. 3. O'Connell.... 697 L.

A. Blennerhasset ... 546 T" F. W. Mullins 498 J. Hickson 112 101dare R. M. ifFerrall .... 762 L R. Archbold ... ... 728 I..

R. Burke 226 E. Rutliven 2 Kilkenny Co. Hon. P. Butler • L Major Bryan L.

Kilkenny , Joseph Hume L Tang's Co ..N. Fitzsimon L.

Col. J. C. Webtenm. L

Kinsale P Mahony

103 L Colonel Thomas .... 91 Captain Westenra... 8

Leitrim S White

L Viscount Clements L Limerick Co.W. O'Brien 859 L.

Col. R. H.Fitzgibbon 855 L A . O'Brien 14 Limerick.... W. Roche.. 973 L Sir D. Roche 960 L.

Mauusell 387 Wilson 101 Lisburn Captain H. Meynell, T Londonderry Sir R. Bateson T Co. Captain T. Jones


Londonderry. Sir R. Ferguson 211 T G. R. Dawson 138 Longford .. L. White 671 L Colonel H. White 667 L.

A. Lefroy 561 C. Fox 566 Louth R. M. Bellew L II. Chester L.

Mallow . .. . . Sir D.lephsan Norris


Mayo Sir W. Bmbazon.... L R. D. Browne L Meath M. 0 Counell L H. Grattan L.

Monaghan...Hon. H. R. Westenm L E. Lucas T Newry...... I. Ellis 238 T — Brady 305 Portadington.Colonel Darner 81 T — Dunne 64 Queen's Co.. .Sir C. H. Canto..... 1224 T J. W. Fitzpatrick ... 943 L Hon. T. Vesey 894 C. H. Canto 40 Rosmmam:m.. F. French L.

The O'Couuor Dun.. L Ross.. J. H. Talbot L Sligo County. E. J. Cooper 511 T Colonel A. Perceval 493 1' — Jones 368 — APDermott 6 Sligo 3 P. Somers 239 L . Martin 232 Tipperary . R. L. Sheil 1516 L.

O. Cave ... ....... . 15 0 I.

— Barker 480 — Moore 473

Tralee 1 Bateman 75 r M. O'Conuell

65 Tynme Hon. H. T. L. Corry T Viscount Alexander. T Traterfordpo.Captain W. V. Stuart L J. Power L Waterford... T. Wyse 632 L.

H. W. Barron 602 L Major Beresford .... 427 — O'Reilly 347 Westmeath...Sir M. L. Chapman. 804 L.

Sir R. Nagle 798 I.

— Handcock 393 Sir B. Levinge 388 Wesf,rd Co . J. Maher L J. Power L

;Telford . . C. A. Walker L.

Wicklow . .1. Grattan 698 L Sir R. Howard 697 L.

Major Acton 623 — Humphreys 6 Youghall .. .F. J. Howard 168 T — Nicol 166


Losinorr CITY. Lord John Russell has issued the following long'- expected address- " TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF LONDON.

" Gentlemen—I request you to accept my sincere and hearty thanks for the honour you have conferred upon me by electing me one of your Representa- tives in the Commons Rouse of Parliament.

"I should have made this acknowledgment at an 'earlier period, had I not been desirous of explaining to you the course which the general state of the returns will make it my duty to pursue. "in order to do this the more clearly I must refer to some past events.

"In the early part of last year, when a resolution declaring a want of confi- dence in the Government was brought forward, I distinctly announced the intention of proposing additional taxes to meet the increased expenditure of the country. "In the present year, so soon as the Estimates bad been completed, and the probable amount of the revenue could be calculated, her Majesty's Ministers took into their serious consideration the disparity which still existed between the income of the country and the cost of its establishments. "We found that the new taxes were not sufficient to supply the deficiency.

"We were of opinion that we could not, with due regard to the honour and safety of the nation, reduce its naval and military forces. "But, upon a careful view of our commercial imposts, we came to the con- cinidon, that by removing prohibitions and lessening restrictions, it was possible to replenish the treasury, and at the same time to secure to the working-classes a greater command of the necessaries of life at steady and moderate prices. " The first measure brought forward on this subject was intended to give in- creased freedom of trade to our Colonies. But in defending this measure, in a debate before Easter, I stated that the Cabinet were resolved to apply the same principle to our whole commercial policy, and had prepared propositions .to carry their views into effect. " In the face of this declaration, it has been asserted that our commercial and nancial plans were brought forward only because we had been defeated upon a clause in the Irish Qualification Bill. "It was difficult to refute our arguments ; it was easy to misconstrue our motives ; and those who were incapable of discovering reasons, have not been -unequal to the labour of inventing facts. "Others have said that, with a precarious majority in the House of Com- mons, we ought not to have announced measures of such vast importance. "But had we resigned with a deficient revenue, and without pointing out the means of improving it, the same persons would, with far more justice, have accused na of being afraid to meet the difficulties we had caused, and of im- posing upon our successors an unpopular or impracticable task. "it appeared to us, on the contrary, that it was our duty to lay before the Mouse of Commons plans which we deemed beneficial; when defeated there, we advised her Majesty to appeal to the people at large. "As soon as the new Parliament meets, we shall take the first opportunity 'of asking for a clear and decided judgment upon the policy we have proposed. "The result of such an appeal may now be easily foreseen. In the English cities and boroughs there is a small majority in our favour. In the Scotch cities and boioughs, a very decisive majority the same way. In the Irish boroughs and counties there is also a majority in favour of the policy of the present Ministers. In the Scotch counties the majority will be the other way; and in the English counties that majority will be overwhelming.

"To those who recollect Lord Stanley's description of our English county representation, or who have observed the effect of the Chandos clause of the Reform Act, this result will not be at all surprising. It should be added, how- ever, that the manufacturing districts have not, as might have been expected, tended to restore the balance. As no Ministers of the Crown can stand with- out the confidence of the House of Commons, our retirement from office will immediately follow the condemnation of our policy. In this altered position, it would be inconsistent with my notions of public duty to harass the Govern- ment of the day by vexatious opposition, still less to deny to the Crown the means of maintaining the reputation of the country abroad and internal quiet at home.

" But when the great principles of religious, civil, and commercial liberty -tome into question, those principles must be firmly and fearlessly supported. Whatever party may be in power, they are so inseparably connected with the progress of society, that, although the country may doubt, may pause, may ponder, it will examine, discuss, and finally adopt them. "I am encouraged to this conviction by former victories. "Out of power, we obliged our opponents to abolish those tests by which political office was made exclusive and a religious sacrament profaned. "Out of power, we forced our adversaries themselves to free the Roman Ca- tholics from those disabilities which they had declared indispensable for the maintenance of the Constitution and the safety of the Church.

"In power, we obliged those who had refused to allow representatives of Manchester, Leeds, and Birmingham, to sit in the House of Commons, to sub- mit to a much larger and more sweeping measure of Reform. "In power, we obtained the sanction of Parliament to the abolition of slavery in our Colonies.

"In power, we have destroyed the monopoly of privileges in our municipal corporations. " In power, we have carried into practical effect the principles of equality of civil privileges between Protestants and Roman Catholics, and have thereby se- cured to the Crown the affectionate loyalty of the people of Ireland.

"None of these measures received the hearty assent of the main body of our -opponents; to several they opposed a violent and persevering resistance. But truth triumphed over them, and will again. Returned to office, they may adopt our measures, and submit to the influence of reason ; or, if they refuse to do so' they will be obliged to relinquish power ; and the monopoly of trade will share the fate of religious intolerance and political exclusion.

"But, for the attainment of this object, it is necessary to be vigilant and united; to oppose zeal to zeal; to watch minute details as well as to maintain great principles ; in short, to exert for a great and salutary end the same un- tiring activity which has been exhibited in a more questionable cause. " As we do not distrust the justice of the measures we have proposed, let sot temporary failure check our perseverance. " I am well aware, indeed, that in the city of London, and in some other places, great exertions have been made and large sacrifices incurred, in behalf

• of this cause. Nor can I conclude without again expressing: my grateful sense of the support I have received in the late unexpected, and, in many respects, unexampled contest.

"I have the honour to be, gentlemen, your obedient and faithful servant, "J. RUSSELL."

" Mint°. 19th July 1841."

CORK COUNTY. At the final close of the poll on the 15th, the -numbers stood—O'Connell, 1,274; Roche, 1,274; Leader, 406; Long- field, 357. Mr. O'Connell arrived the same evening, immediately -after the declaration, and presented himself to ten thousand of the people at the Window of the Chamber of Commerce— Be now stood before them in the position of representative of the greatest county in Ireland—as the representative of over one million of the inhabitants of the country ; whilst by the voices of over three hundred thousand he had been returned for the county of Meath. He did not indulge in personal vanity ; be spoke of the triumph as a tribute of regard to himself, and as a high and haughty evidence of the popular will and power. It was of vast importance that he should now stand in the triumphant attitude allotted to him by the power of the people—a power which, once evinced in Ireland, settled the ques- -tion as between party and party.

The Dublin Assessor and his "vile machinations" came in for a libare of Mr. O'Connell's animadversions; and he expressed a very benignant pity for the madness of the English constituencies in sup. .porting the Tories. Boasting of the superior physical strength and 'morality of the Irish, he asked if they would be slaves ?—

" Peel—Stanley—Tories of England ! we defy you, we despise and abomi- mate you I You shall not—must not—dare not trample upon the liberties of the Irish people. But the faction must be met. I want a weapon to meet them with; arm me with it ; join me in the cry for Repeal. (Great cheers, and cries of" We will! ") Having the high honour of representing the county of Cork, I feel myself expanding from my natural dimensions into a moral and political gigantic height; and from that eminence I now dean= Peel and Stanley, and every slave who does not become a Repealer. (Great cheering.) And I pledge myself that I will not in future support any Admi- nistration that may be formed, however liberal, that will not leave the Repeal an open question. Repealers must be admitted to be loyal subjects, and I will support no Administration that dares to disparage a Repealer."

The meeting heartily cheered the resolve. He did not omit a spice of the old threat of war-

" The faction talk of the coming struggle with the people; but let them commence it if they dare. Let them look abroad to their position with regard

to the other nations of the world, and let them commence a struggle with any one of them if they dare. Will they dare go to war with America, and leave the Irish people discontented ? I speak the language of defiance ; and I now

tell the faction, that I defy England to go to war with any nation until they do Ireland' justice. If that faction come into power, and make war upon the

liberties and limit the franchise of the Irish people, I tell them that they are not safe with any other nation of the world. They may bring troops into Ire- land, but they must raise taxes to pay these troops ; and if they attempt to

levy new taxes in England, any such attempt will be repelled by violence and force—any recourse to which I utterly disclaim and repudiate; but I tell them that the people of England will refuse to pay those taxes."

Duman CITY. The Tory papers triumph because Mr. O'Connell, as they say, has given in his adhesion to Mr. Waller's " celebrated " deci- sion against the specification of " house and premises" as a qualifica- tion, because he has recommended that new notices of registry should be served for every elector in whose affidavit or certificate the word " premises " was inserted. [This is nonsense : Mr. O'Connell may very fairly like to guard against the wholesale disfranchisement of the last election, even though it was upon a quibble, without being taken to admit that the quibble was sound law.] DUBLIN COUNTY. Mr. Pierce Mahony is in ill odour with the Libe- rals of Dublin just at present, because he did not vote for Lord Bra- bazon and Mr. Evans. He makes it a sort of set-off that he lost Kin- sale election in consequence of Lord Brabazon's absence, and that Lord Brabazon had once treated with discourtesy his recommendation of a gentleman to the Commission of the Peace. However, the curious point in the affair is, that Mr. Mahony, borrowing an idea from the House of Commons, introduced a new convenience for election-com-

mittee-rooms : wishing to be at the nomination at Kerry, he found a Tory voter to pair off with him ; the pair was broken, but he was not aware of the fact till too late. [This hint is likely to be taken by lazy electors ; and at the next general election there will probably be, besides the enumeration of votes, a goodly list of "pairs."]

CARLOW COUNTY election terminated on Saturday, in the return of

Colonel Bruen and Mr. Banbury, the Tory candidates. The Sheriff announced the numbers thus—Bruen, 705; Banbury, 704; Yates, 697;

D. O'Connell junior, 696. The Liberals make bitter complaint of the ob- struction offered to the voters in their interest ; and Mr. Smith, the agent for Mr. Yates and Mr. O'Connell, handed a paper to the Sheriff just before the declaration, formally protesting against the "partial, illegal, and un- constitutional conduct" of the Sheriff himself and his Assessor, because they had refused to afford civil and military protection to the voters ; against the collusion between the Sheriff and his Assessor with the counsel, agents, and partisans of Colonel Bruen and Mr. Banbury; against their refusal to admit certain votes, or to allow time for bringing up voters who had been obstructed ; and against the " duress " and inti- midation of voters by the Tory candidates. It is alleged that the Sheriff, for no apparent reason, blocked up all access to the Court-house on Friday, and thus kept out voters who were going up for O'Connell and Yates ; and an affidavit was required from several voters, including two Justices of the Peace, before the Sheriff would allow some soldiers to be sent for their protection.

The correspondent of the Morning Chronicle helps to account for the result thus-

" It will come with some surprise upon the English reader to learn, that one reason why this contest has been lost to the Liberals—by those who are

struggling for a free trade in corn—has been occasioned by the Carlow tenantry of the Earl Fitzwilliam voting with the corn monopolist, Colonel Bruen, while at the last election they voted against him. Of course the Earl Fitz- william is too good a man to punish his tenantry for their votes, even though they do vote for a man who will not allow his own tenantry with impunity to vote against him. The Protestant tenantry of a Catholic landlord, Mr. Tighe, also voted with the man who denounces the religion of seven-eighths of his

countrymen as an idolatry '; and the defeat, too, is to be ascribed to the ab- sence of several of the leading Whigs ; for instance, Mr. Begot, the High Sheriff of the County Dublin, Mr. Tighe, Mr Vigors, a relative of the late Member, and some others. Had they all acted like Mr. Hatchell, Q. C., who, at great inconvenience to himself, came down here to vote, the result must have been far otherwise."

KERRY COUNTY has elected Mr. M. J. O'Connell and Mr. William Browne. The numbers at the close of the poll on Monday were—for

O'Connell, 744; Browne, 751; Blennerhasset, 445; Mahony, 69. On Saturday, it was intimated that Mr. Blennerhasset would retire, on account of the intimidation and obstruction offered to his voters.

Immediately after the close of the poll on that day, Mr. Jeffcott, counsel for Mr. O'Connell and Mr. Browne, said that the oppo- site party having complained of intimidation, he had to request on the part of his clients that a sufficient military force would, be sent out to protect the voters in Mr. Blennerhasset's interest. Mr. De Moleyns, on the part of Mr. Blennerhasset, observed that it would have been better had the Liberal candidates, instead of now ostentatiously offering military protection, abstained from that agitation which had made it necessary. The High Sheriff, too, remarked that most disgraceful obstructions had been offered to the voters on Mr. Blenner- hasset's side. That gentleman's Committee issued a statement on the same day, explaining the grounds on which they had recommended his retirement. They say that when it was first announced that Mr. Browne, the brother of the Lord-Lieutenant of the county, was to come forward, they expected that "the great principle of freedom of election" would be respected ; whereas the coalition between Mr. Browne and Mr. M. J. O'Connell had been followed by an agitation resulting in a series of outrages and an organized system of intimidation hitherto unknown in the county-

" Spiritual and temporal denunciations from the altar, threatening notices, &c., were accompanied with the most profuse promises of farms, gifts of money under the guise of travelling-expenses on the part of one of the Radical can- didates. (On this part of the case the Committee do not at present wish to be more explicit or to employ stronger language.) As the period of the else-

tion approached, organised mobs attacked in every part of the county the voters and supporters of Mr. Blennerhaaset. At Hilforglin, a party of his friends coming in to vote were attacked by a furious mob, deliberately posted for the purpose of intercepting them. The result of this attack was the death, on the following day, of one of Mr. Herbert's tenants, from the effects of the wounds inflicted on him. At Listowel, several of the electors in the interest of Mr. Blennerhasset, one of them a Protestant clergyman, were nearly mur- dered by the mob, notwithstanding the presence of a strong party of the Ninetieth and Dragoons, who were prevented from acting by the unaccountable vacillation of the Stipendiary Magistrate Mr. Cheevers, though their commanding-officer and eight of his men were severely injured on the occasion. At Abbey teale, on the borders of the county, gentlemen coming down to vote for Mr. Slimmer- basset were on three successive days forcibly dragged from her Majesty's mail and retained in close custody; some of them, under terror of their lives, having been compelled to swear that they wo.ild not vote for the Conservative candi- date; whilst others were only released from their confinement on a promise of returning to their homes in Dublin or elsewhere. It is unnecessary ro parti- cularize more fully the disgraceful and lawless outrages which have taken place in every part of the county. One thing is especially worthy of remark, that after the elections had once commenced, and when the previous agitation was felt to have fully accomplished its object, an ostentatious tranquillity reigned in the immediate precincts of the town, in order, if possible, to invest the actual election with the semblance of legality and good order, whilst the violence and intimidation continued to the full extent in all other quarters. It is almost superfluous for the Committee to advert to the moral effect which the preva- lence of this 'reign of terror' has naturally and inevitably produced. Several gentlemen coming to vote for the Conservative candidate stopped short at Newcastle, and have subsequently returned to Dublin without voting, afraid to encounter the outrages of Abbeyfeale."

Larrant. A report has reached us, that the election of Lord Cle- ments for the county of Leitrim is invalid, in consequence of the per-

son who proposed hint not being a registered freeholder. On the matter being made public, the electors were canvassed by Mr. Gore, brother to the Member for Sligo, and a contest may now be looked for.—Long- fordJournal. Journal. CLARE COUNTY. Government have offered a reward of 100/. for the detection of the person who struck a farmer named Robert Eus:ace a blow on the head of which he died, during an election-riot in which an aggravated assault was committed on Mr. Vandeleur, the unsuccessful Tory candidate. YORKSHIRE, NORTH RIDING. There is a vacancy here already, occa- sioned by the death of Lord Feversham; whose eldest son, Mr. William Dancombe, represented that division of the county in the last Parlia- ment, and was reelected lately : he is now Lord Feversham. EXETER. Mr. Buller's friends are preparing for another, election, in the prospect of Sir William Follett's accepting office under the new Ministry. PRESTON. We learn that it was currently reported in Preston this week, that Sir Hesketh Fleetwood is about to be raised to the Peerage, in order to make room for Lord Morpeth.—Bolton Free Press.

DURHAM CITY. At the election for this city, Captain Fitzroy read letter from the Marquis of Londonderry, stating that Mr. Sheppard, the new Tory candidate, had "bolted; why, God knows." Mr. Shep- pard has issued an address to the electors, in which he explains that the withdrawal of Lord Londonderry's support was the cause of his retiring- " Lord Londonderry is the enemy of a nation recently murdered, and of whose life England was the stay, the defence, the guardian, and the guarantee. Lord Londonderry is the friend of the chief of that state by which this murder has been committed. Lord Londonderry is the enemy of Poland, and the friend of Russia. I am one of those who have devoted themselves to expose to England the danger of a similar fate from the same hand—to show that the design exists and the means are being employed; I have consequently been dealt with by Lord Londonderry as the enemy of Russia. That these designs exist—that Russia uses these means—that her system is covert hostility to England, and her aim England's downfal—every man sees who has fully investi- gated the subject ; and this is the danger to England, that there is collusion with Russia on the part of the servants of the British Crown, and that there is an unnational partiality for Russia in the bosoms of Englishmen whose duty it -were to penetrate her schemes, to repudiate her crimes, and to array against her further steps English justice, honour, pride, and power."

Mr. Sheppard, therefore, was a victim to the designs of Russia, and to Lord Londonderry's hostility on account of his adherence to the "one exalted patriot, David Urquhart," who has devoted himself to expose the designs of the Great Bear of the North. He did not openly denounce Lord Londonderry's defection, however, at the time, in order not to peril Captain Fitzroy's chance of success.

CORNWALL, EAST. At a dinner of the Liberals after the election, on the 15th, the circumstances under which Mr. Trelawney was defeated received some explanation from himself and Sir William Molesworth, -who presided. The Liberal candidate had little time to combat the agricultural prejudices of the farmers ; he had neither the funds nor the organization of his opponents ; he did not ransack every hole, and corner for votes ; but, submitting his opinions explicitly to thetlectors, he received the spontaneous support of 1,600 of the yeomanry-600 more than he had counted on.

BOLTON. Details illustrating the oppressive behaviour of the great Tory manufacturer to his workpeople have appeared in some of the papers this week ; but we have not had room for them ; neither, we understand, have they been quite complete.

ABERDEEN. There are various rumours afloat respecting Mr. Banner- man, the recently-elected Whig Member for Aberdeen. It has been said on good authority, that Mr. Bannerman has declared that he cannot hold his situation of Commissioner of Greenwich Hospital, and vote against Sir Robert Peel's Administration. He has only one of two alternatives to adopt—either to resign his office and join the contemplated crusade against the Conservative Government, or relinquish the honour of re- presenting the city of Aberdeen in Parliament and retain his Commis- sionership. It is generally thought that he will resign his seat, and that before long the Conservatives will have another opportunity of testing their strength in favour of Mr. Innes.—Times.

MONTROSE BURGHS. It is reported that Mr. Hume is to replace Mr. Chalmers, who is willing to resign in his favour.

LEITH BURGHS. The Caledonian Mercury speaks of Mr. Robert Steuart as likely to succeed Mr. Rutherford, the Lord Advocate, should he resign his seat ; but the Edinburgh Observer seems to hold that Mr. Hume has the better chance.