On the 15th July, at Sbawford House, near Winchester, the
Lady of Major-General Frederick, C.B., of a son.
On the 15th, in Walton Place, the Lady of the Hon. Cornwallis Maude, of a daughter. On the 16th, at the Parsonage. St. George's, Camberwell, the Wife of the Rev. Samuc, Smith, of a son. On the 17th, at Batheaston, the Lady of Captain Sydney C. Decree, R.N., of a son. On the 18th, at Burley Grange, near Leeds, the Lady of William H. Birchen, Esq., of a son and heir.
lately, at Tiptree Rouse, near Keivedon, Essex, Mrs. Meth', of a son, still-born. MARRIAGES.
On the 17th June, at the Cathedral, Barbadoes, Lieutenant E. G. Hon, second son Of the late Captain Fiore, R.N., of Pole Bore, Wexford, to Maria, second daughter of Lientelant.Colonel Reid, Governor of the Windward Islands.
On the 14th July, at Topeliffe, 0. Williams junior, Esq., of Askitt Hill, Roandhay, near Leeds, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of 1Villiam Tetley, Esq., of Aaenby Lodge, near Thirsk.
On the 15th, at St. Giles's, Camberwell, the Rev. Dr. Cbampneys, Head Master of the Collegiate School. Glasgow, to Sarah Leake, eldest daughter of the late Rev. T. H. Walpole, Vicar of Winslow, Bucks. On the ltith, at Monkstown Church, Sir Thomas Erskine, Bart., of Cambo House, and Alrdree, Fife, to Zelda Maria, only daughter of John Ffoiliott, Esq., M.P. for the County of Sligo. On the 16th, at Brompton. Edward Augustus Bond, Esq., to Caroline Frances, daugh- ter of the late Rev. R. H. Barham, Rector of St Faith's, Loudon. On the 17th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Lord Beniedale, Son of the Earl of Caithness, to Louisa Georgians, youngest daughter of G. R. Philips, Esq., M.P., and the Hon. Mrs. Philips. On the 20th, at St. James's, Westminster, the Venerable the Archdeacon of Wilts, to Frances Laura, daughter of the late W. Dawson, Esq., of Wakefield. On the 20th, at St. Pancras Church, George Marshall Knipe, Esq., EIghty-ninth Regiment, second son of G. H. Knipe, Esq., of Beiturbet, Cavan, to Jessie Maria, daughter of the late Sir Simon Howard, of Carlisle, many years President of the Me- dical Board at Madras.
On the 20th, at Offchurch, Warwickshire, Charles Thomas Whiles, Esq., fourth son of the late Rev. William Shippen Wines, of Astrop House, Northamptomthlre, to Mary railway, second daughter of the Rev. Henry Wise, of Offehureh, amid the Priory, Warsvicic.
On the 200, at Backwell Church, Somersetshire, Bradshaw Barker, Esq , youngest "DTI of the late John Barker, Esq., of Langshaw. Danifriesshire, to Rebekah Maria, eldest daughter of Colonel D. E. BurrOWes, K.11., Backwell House, Soulersetalatre.
Lately, at Hamburg, Francis Edward, *on of William Colegrave, Hag., of Bryanston Square, and Braoebridge and Mere Hall, Lincolnshire, to Maria Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Robert Bruce Chichester, E.g., of Lower Seymour Street, Portman Square. DEATHS.
On the 12th July, at Sligo, of fever, Captain Waldron Barn Kelly, Stair-Officer of Pensioners, and late of the Twenty•second Regiment, youngest son of Lieutenant- Colonel Kelly, of Tilbury Fort.
On the 16th, at Tunbridge Wells, the Rev. T. H. Fallow, Incumbent of St. Andrew's, Marylebone.
On the 18th, Hugh William Boulton, Esq. the First Life Guards, second son of the late Matthew Robinson Boulton, Esq , of Soho, Staffordshire, and Tew Park, Oxfordshire; In his 25th year.
On the 19th, Matilda Lewellyn, third daughter of Joseph Pugh, Esq., of Porchester Terrace, Bayswater; in her 18th year.
On the 19th, in Craven Street, Dr. Tobin, R.N., Surgeon of her Majesty's Dockyard Devouport.
On the 19th, at Field House, Whitby, Colonel Samuel Rudyerd, of the Royal Regi- ment of Artillery, son of the late Lleutenant-General Henry Rudyerd, of the Royal Engineers.
On the 200, Louisa, second daughter of the late Sir Robert Baker, Bart., of Dun- stable House, Richmond, Surrey ; in her 54th year.