The operations of the week have been of an unimportant character, and the general tendency of the market downwards. Money is more in demand, both in the Stock Exchange and commercially; and the rate of discount and for loans fully 5 per cent. The premium of Exchequer Bills has not suffered any depres- sion. Consols have fallen in all about j per cent; the closing quotation for Money being 881 1, while for the Account it may be quoted as 88f There were sellers at 884 for Account for a short time during the day, but the price afterwards improved.
In the Foreign Market, the transactions have been even of less importance than in the English, and the fluctuation of corresponding insignificance. A slight upward movement may be remarked in Spanish Stock, connected with the re- ported arrival of parties in Paris, bearers of propositions from the Government for the conversion or other arrangement of the debt. The advance in Active Stock is about per cent, the closing quotation of today being 214 22; the improve- ment in the Three per Cents may be stated at about the same, the closing quo- tation being 311 32.
A meeting of the Peruvian Bondholders was held this afternoon at the London Tavern ; Mr. G. It. Robinson in the chair. The meeting was called to receive a report or the abortive attempts made by the Committee to obtain some payment of the twenty-five years' interest now over-due upon the Peruvian Debt; and a rather voluminous correspondence between the Committee and Colonel Yfturegui, the Peruvian Minister, was made public. This correspondence is throughout of a most evasive character; and the only fact contained in it is the refusal of the Peruvian Government to carry out an agreement by which a portion of 120,0001., the proceeds of a contract for guano was set apart for the benefit of the Bond-
holders. It appeared in the course of proceedings that the supply of guano is almost inexhaustible, and that the republic possesses in that valuable manure alone ample means to fulfil its engagements. Resolutions were passed authorizing the Committee to urge the claims of the Bondholders upon the Peruvian Go- vernment, and to solicit the interference of Lord Palmerston in their behalf.
The ordinary torpor of the Share Market has been relieved by the promulga- tion of a proposal to convert the Newcastle and Berwick New Shares into York and Newcastle Extension Shares. The proposition occasioned an immediate de- mend for the favoured shares, of which some very large purchases have been made; and the result of the week's business has been to give an increased value of about 1/. to them; while the York, Newcastle, and the Extension Shares, as well as the Newcastle and Berwick Old Shares, have fallen in about the same proportion. The fears as to the continuance of the present rates of dividend upon some of the more important lines, to which we have before alluded, seem to become more general; and we have to notice an universal tendency to decline in most of the principal Shares.
The transactions in Foreign Shares have been unimportant: the market, which was already feeble, has today undergone a further decline, in consequence of a downward movement in Paris yesterday, of which intelligence has been received by special express. The extension of the term of the lease of' the Paris and Lyons Railway has not produced the slightest advance in the price, or disposition for speculation or investment in the Shares.
The Bank return for the week ending the 17th instant exhibits a decline under almost every item of account; the only exceptions being those of the rest, where there is an increase of between 30,0001. and 40,000/., and the Government secu- rities, the amount of which is the same. The decrease exhibits itself under the following heads—public deposits, 685,1641.; other deposits, 664,9961.; other se- curities,964,4791.; unemployed notes, 262,725/. The amount of bullion in the ag- gregate is 9,918,8501.: showing a decrease of 167,6251. as compared with the last ac- count. This return is not considered favourable, and the consequence of such a feel- ing among the speculators is a disposition to sell; under the effect of which, Consols have fallen 4 when compared with the closing prices of yesterday. The business occurring has not, however, been important. In the Foreign Market, prices are the same as yesterday, and the transactions insignificant. The Railway Shares attract but httle attention. the following being the Only bargains as yet recorded: Great Western, Quarter-shares, 191; Ditto, New 171., 94; Brighton, 55; Eastern Counties, 191; Norfolk, New 201., 8/; North-British, 311; Ditto, Thirds, 21; Scottish Central, 271; South-eastern and Dover, 364; Ditto, New, No. 2, 154; York and Newcastle Extension, 16; Ditto, Preference, 114.
No change or business of importance has occurred in the English Funds, which close at the morning's quotations. In the Foreign Market the only bargains re- corded are the following: Chiliau Deferred, 52i; Grenada Deferred, 31; Old Portu-
guese, 81; Portuguese Four per Cents, 31 304 ; Spanish Active, 21 ; Vene- zuela, 39. The transactions in Shares have been of a like trifling character, and we can only notice the occurrence of the following in addition to those given in the morning. Aberdeen, 29; Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 17; Eastern Counties, 191 20 194; Ditto, York Extension, 64; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 68 74; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 30; Great Western, 115; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 191; Ditto, New, 94; London and Blackwell, 6/ ; London, Brigh- ton, and South Coast, 55 4/ 5; London and North-western, 175 4 41 6; Man- chester and Leeds, 100; Midland, 124 5; Newcastle and Berwick, 28f ; North British, 3142 144; North Staffordshire, 104; Scotish Central, 27/; South-eastern and Dover, 36/ 6; York and Newcastle, 37; York and North Midland, 85; Northern of France, 1244; Orleans and Bordeaux, 544; Paris and Lyons, 444; Rouen and Havre, 25.
3 per Cent Consols 58f I Danish 3 per Cents 83 5 Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 881 f 88f I Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents• 574 f 904 1 111 per Cents 90f f Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 194 f Long Annuities 9 1-16 f New Grenada 19f 20 Bank Stock 196 4 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 30 1 Exchequer Mlle— 28 16 pm. Peruvian 35 7 India Stock 244 6 Russian 5 per Cents 111 19
Brazilian 5 per Coda
83 6 Spanish (Active) S per Cents 214 2
Belgian 44 per cents
93 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 314 2 Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent.... 37 9 Venezuela 38 40 Clillian 6 per Cents 91 3