Lb e (Tour'.
THE Queen =Me up from Osborne on Thursday, to attend to the busi- nessof the prorogation. Her Majesty held a Privy Council at Bucking- ham Palace, attended by Prince Albert and all the members of the Cabinet. The Royal Speech on closing the session of Parliament was ar- ranged. At the Council, the Right Honourable Henry Labouchere was appointed President of the Board of Trade, and Lord Morpeth Lord-Lieu- tenant of the East Riding of Yorkshire. The Honourable William Las- cellos and Sir William Meredyth Somerville were sworn in as members of the Privy Council. The four new Colonial Bishops were presented to the Queen, by Earl Grey. Her Majesty gave audience to the Earl of West- moreland, Lord Howard de Walden, Sir Thomas Cartwright, and the Right Honourable Riohard Pakenham. The Marquis of Lansdowne, Lord John Russell, Viscount Palmerston, and Lord Morpeth, also had audience of her Majesty.
The Queen went in state yesterday to the House of Lords, to prorogue
Parliament. The Royal procession consisted of the state coach, in which were her Majesty and Prince Albert, and five other carriages conveying the various officers of state: it reached the House of Lords about two o'clock, and returned to Buckingham Palace shortly, after three.
At half-past three, the Queen held a Privy Council; at which a clamation was ordered to issue for the dissolution of Parliament. Her Majesty gave audiences to the Marquis of Lansdowne and Lord John Rus- sell.
Prince Waldemar of Prussia and suite, Prince Lowenstein and the Che- valier Bunsen, have been partakers of the Royal hospitality during th. week at Osborne. On Monday, they accompanied the Queen and Prince Consort on a visit to Carisbrooke Castle. On Tuesday, Prince Albert went with his illustrious guests to Spithead, on a visit to the squadron assembled there; and on Wednesday the whole party returned to town.
The Duke of Cambridge visited Chelsea Hospital on Monday; in the evening, the Duke and Dutchess dined with the Dutchess of Gloucester. On Thursday, their Royal Highnesses paid a visit to the Queen Dowager at Bushy.
The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, with the Princess Mary, left town yesterday, for Germany ; travelling by the South-eastern Railway, Dover, and Ostend.