Military Train--To have the rank of Lieutenants—Ensign and Adjt. J. Sweeny; Ensign and Adjt. W. Shackleton ; Ensign and Adjt. W. Thompson ; Ensign J. Briggs to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Thornton, dec.
Royal Artillery—The undermentioned Gent. Cadets to be Lieutenants, viz.— R. S. M. Mackenzie, F. G. Gyll, S. H. Toogood, E. Baring, H. N. Jones, H. Bond, A. F. Picard, T. Burnett, S. H. Desborough. Royal Engineers—The undermentioned Gent. Cadets to be Lieutenants, with temporary rank, viz.—W. Inner, R. M. Campbell, H. Toney, R. N. Buckie, Athorpe, J. Fellowes, B. H. B. Beaumont, G. Le B. Simmons.
Infantry-8th Foot—Major W. A. Stratton to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Brevet-Col. Barnes, dec. ; Capt. H. P. Gore to be Major, without purchase, vice Stratton ; Lieut. J. L. O'Mansergh to be Capt. without purchase, vice Gore; Ensign and Adjt. H. Kitchener to have the rank of Lieut; Lieut. W. E. Harness has been permitted to retire from the Service by the sale of his commission. 8th Foot—Lieut. C. B. Brown to be Adjt. vice Ensign Emerson, who resigns the Adjutancy only. ; the Commission of Lieut. W. E. Whelan as Adjt. to bear date 30th April, 18.%, in lieu of 22d June, 1858, as previously stated.
15th Foot—Capt. H. T. Richmond, from the 98th Foot, to be Capt. vice Sche- berras' who exchanges ; Ensign A. Heaton to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Fry, pro.
16th Foot—B. C. Westby, Gant. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Laws, ap- pointed to the 35th Foot. 18th Foot—Lieut. C. J. Coote to be Capt. without purchase, vice Forster, de- ceased ; Ensign J. F. Daubeny to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Coote ; C. C. Y. Butler, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 19th Foot—Ensign A. W. Burton to be Lieut. without purchase ; R. G. Trail, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Burton, promoted, 21st Foot—To be Lieutenants by purchase—Ensign G. A. Grant, vice Lee, pro- moted ; Ensign E. E. D. Boycott, vice Bruce, promoted. 22d Foot—To be Lieutenants, without purchase—Ensign A. D. Gilson, from the 49th Foot ; Ensign H. E. Harrison, from the 41st Foot. 23d Foot—The Commission of Ensign R. C. Bacon to bear date 13th July, in lieu of 18th July, as previously stated. 24th Foot—Lieut. H. J. Hitchcock to be Adjt. vice Munnings, promoted. 34th Foot—The promotion of Ensign B. Shiffner to be Lieut. without purchase to bear date 23d, instead of 22d April.
44th Foot—Ensign H. G. Matthews has been permitted to retire from the servica by the sale of his Commission,
46th Foot—F. L. Priestley, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Marsack, promoted in the 24th Foot. 47th Foot—Ensign F. T. Elwood to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Dunne, whose promotion by purchase on June 25 has been cancelled.
51st Foot—The commission of Ensign G. S. Robertson, to bear date 26th June, 1858, instead of 2d July, 1858, as previously stated. 70th Foot—Lient. G. R. Greavea, to be Adjutant, vice Scheberras, promoted in the 15th Foot ; Ensign C. G. S. Dienteath to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Lunch, promoted in the 2d Foot. 714 Foot—Ensign W. F. V. Harris to be Lieut. without pur. vice Swainson, dec. 73d Foot—Lieut. R. J. Hereford to be Capt. without purchase, vice Williams, deceased. To be Lieuts. without purchase—Ensign W. Bayley, vice Caldwell, deceased ; Ensign 1% W. S. Miles, vice Bayley, whose promotion on the 21st of May has been cancelled ; Ensign G. Pinckney, vice Miles, whose promotion on the 22d June has been cancelled; Ensign A. H. Sharp, vice Hereford, promoted ; Ensign H. D. Farrington to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Pinckney, whosepromotion, by purchase, on July 2, has been cancelled. 75th Foot—Lieut. F. Cornwall, from the 84th Foot, to be Lieut. vice White, who exchanges. 84th Foot—Lieut. 1'. White, from the 75th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Cornwall, who exchanges. W.F. Wheatley, Gent. to be Ensign, without pur. vice Cornwall, prom.
89th Foot—Major J. L. Philipps to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase vice SW- ner, dec. ; Capt. E. B. Thorp to be Major, without purchase, vice Philipps ; Lieut. G. H. Pering to be Capt. without purchase, vice Nixon, dec.; Ensign H. Bishop to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Pering.
98th Foot—Capt. A. Scheberras, from the 15th Foot, to be Capt. vice Richmond, who exchanges.
100th Foot—Staff-Surg. of the Second Class W .Barrett, M.B. to be Sorg.
Cape Mounted Riflemen—G. L. Harriette, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vise Humphreys, promoted. Veterinary Medical Department—To be Acting Veterinary Surgs.—E. T. Cheek' man, Gent.; .7. Milky, Gent. urg. of Hospital Staff—Assist.-Surg. B. Tydd, from the 58th Foot, to be Staff-8 the Second Class, rice Barrett, appointed to the 100th Foot. To be Assist:Slur. —Assist -burg. T. Liddard, from the Staff; Assist.-Surg. D. Murray, M.D.. from we .-S Staff. To be Acting Assisturgs.—B. P. hi‘Donough, M.D. ; R. R. Alderson, Gen srmet.-11sjor.General Sir J. Outram, G.C.B. of the service of the East India Cmipany, to be Lieut-General in the Army. The undermentioned officers, having completed three years actual service in the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, to be Colonels in the Army, under the provisions of the ,,„,a1 warrant of the 3d November 1858, viz.-Lieut-Col. P.P. Faddy, of the Royal 'aeryLieut.-Col. H. D. Harness, of the Royal Engineers ; Lieut.-Col. C. E fl . Law, d the 68th Foot, having completed three year's actual service in the rank of Lient-Col. to be promoted to be Col. in the Army, under the Royal warrant of Oct. 6, los ; Quartermaster A, Crabtree, on half-pay Scl Light Dragoons, to be Captain ' the Army, the rank being honorary only. Memorandum.-The appointment of Lieut.-Col. R. Sanders, C.B. from half-pay loth Foot, to he Lieut.-Col. of a Thip3t Battalion, as stated in the Gazette of the 23d October 1857, has been cancelled. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, JULY 20. &amt.-Brevet-Colonel T. H. Franks, C.B. 10th Foot, to be Major-General in the Army.
To be Colonelin the Army-Lieut:Col. A. Macdonnell, C.B. Rifle Brigade.
To be Lieutenant-Colonels-Major A. Scudamore, 14th Light Drags. ; Brevet- Majors W. C. !dollen, 75th Foot; J. R. Anderson, C.B. Royal Artillery ; Major R. 0. A. Luard, half-pay, Unattached ; Brevet-Majors L. Nicholson, Royal Engineers ; F. C. Maude, Royal Artillery ; L. P. Bouverie, 78th Foot.
To be Majors-Captains J. R. J. Coles, 9th Light Drags.; S. F. C. Annesley, 10th Foot; J. R. Gibbon, Royal Artillery ; H. It. Norman, 10th Foot ; C. P. Johnson, 9th Light Drags. ; M. G. Best, 34th Foot; F. D. Middleton, 29th Foot ; K. R. Maitland, 79th Foot ; A. Mackenzie, 78th Foot ; J. E. Thring, Royal Artillery ; S. M. Haw- kins, 97th Foot ; F. H. Atherley, Rifle Brigade' A. C. M`Barnet, 79th Foot ; A. R.
Harem, 97th Foot ; H. E. Bale, 34th Foot ; W. G. A. Middleton, 93d Foot; H. P.
Vence, 38th Foot ; J. C. Jervoise, 23d Foot ; F. W. Burroughs, 93d Foot ; G. Ben- nett, 20th Foot ; W. H. Seymour, 2d Drag. Guards •, Hon. C. J. Addington, 38th Foot ; H. H. Stevenson, 79th Foot ; J. Duff, 23d Foot ; J. Drysdale, 42d Foot ; J. IL Wade, 90th Foot ; R. C. Stewart, 35th Foot ; W. D. S. nicking, 20th Foot; R. Magenis, 90th Foot ; W. H. Slade, 5th Light Dragoons ; H. R. L. Newdigate, Rifle Brigade ; H. L. Talbot, Royal 'Artillery ; H. Wilmot, Rifle Brigade ; C. S. Hutchinson, 2d Dragoon Guards ; W. H. Goodenough, Royal Artillery ; Hon. J. de V. T.W. Fiennes, 7th Light Drage. ; H. Buck, 53d Foot ; H. T. Macpherson, 78th Foot. To be Colonel in the Army-Lieut.-Col. H. Tombs, C.B. Bengal Artillery.
To be Lieutenant-Cabinda-Majors G. S. Cotter, Madras Artillery ; H. A. Carle- ton, Bengal Artillery ; A. T. Wilde, Madras Native Infantry ; H. Daly, C.B. Bom- bay European Fusiliers ; A. Taylor, Bengal Engineers ; J. Brasyer,
Bengal Army.
To be Majors-Capts. J. Hood, Bengal Native Infantry ; J. Gordon, 6th Bengal Native Infantry ; A. Hume, Bengal European Fusiliers ; G. Moir, Bengal Artillery ; E. Cunliffe, Bengal European Fusiliers ; T. Raikes, Madras European Fusiliers ; S. J. Browne, Bengal Native Infantry.; W. A. Mackinnon, Bengal Artillery ; R. L. Thompson, 10th Bengal Native Infantry ; J. B. Spurgin, 1st Madras European Fu- siliers ; H. Forbes, Bengal Native Cavalry ; C. J. S. Gough, Bengal Native Cavalry ;
A. B. Johnson, Bengal Native Infantry ; A. Pearson, Bengal Artillery.
Hospital Staff-The appointment of Assist.-Surg. B. Tydd, from the 58th Foot, to be Staff-Sung. of the Second Class, to bear ,date 16th July 1858, instead of 16th May 1858, as previously.
FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, JULY 23. Brevet.-Lieut.-Col. C. R. Egerton, Ddpet Battalion, having completed three years' actual service in the rank of lieut.-Col. to be promoted to be Col. in the Army, under the Royal warrant of 6th Oct. 1854; Major J. B. Wheatstone, retired full-pay 8th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. in the Army, the rank being honorary only. The undermentioned promotion to take place in the East India Company's Army consequent on the death of Major-Gen. N. Penny, C.B. Bengal Infantry-Col.
B. J. H. Birch, C.B. Bengal Infantry, to be Major-Gen. The undermentioned officers of the East India Company's Service, retired upon full-pay, to have a step of honorary rank, as follows-To be Major-Generals-Cols. J. B. Bellasie, Bombay Infantry ; J. Allardyce, Madras Infantry ; G. B. Michell,
Bengal Infantry. To be Colonel-Lieut.-Col. T. Plumbe, Bengal Infantry. To be Lieutenants-Colonels-Majors W. J. Morris, Bombay Infantry- J. D. Leckie, Bombay Infantry ; R. Smyth, Bengal Artillery ; W. L. Walker, Madras Cavalry ;
C. Swinton, Bengal Infantry ; J. Mann, Madras Infantry. To be Majors-Capts. J. Chilcott, Bengal Infantry ; F. Fanning, Bombay Infantry.
Hospital Staff-Burg. A. Croker, from the 1st Foot, to be StalLSurg. of the Second Class, vice Woodroffe, appointed to the 1st Foot. To be Assist-Surgs. to the
Forces-J. A. Lamb, Gent. vice, Curran, appointed to the 79d Foot ; W. White, Gent. vice John, appointed to the 29th Foot ; J. Mahon, Gent. vice Davis, ap- pointed to the 57th Foot; R. B. Carson. M.B. vice Cuppage, appointed to the 17th Foot; W. L. Baker, Gent. vice Atkinson, appointed to the 5th Light Drags.; G. H.
Barris, Gent. vice Sly, appointed to the 16th Foot ; H. W. Delvin, Gent. vice Spen- cer, appointed to the 18th Foot; H. M. Macbeth, Gent. vice Berkeley, appointed to
the 23d Foot ; T. M. O'Brien, Gent. vice Knaggs, appointed to the 59th Foot ; H. Scott, Gent. vice O'Grady, appointed to the 1st Foot ; J. H. H. Tothill, Gent. vice Maclean, appointed to 6th Foot. To be Acting Assist.-Surg.-A. Bowden, Gent, J. B. Jardine, Gent.
[The remainder of the Military Gazette of July23 is postponed till next week.)