SIR,—Perhaps you may like to hear another remark made during the Jubilee week. I had the honour to be sent with fifty men from my Militia regiment in Ireland, which helped to form the battalion of six hundred men which represented the Irish Militia. We were encamped in Battersea Park, and on Monday,June 21st,we were inspected by the Duke of Connaught, and marched past before him. When we were dismissed from the parade, I was going through the lines, and overheard the following conversation between two of the men :—" I noticed that when we marched past the Duke he said something to the Colonel alongside him. Did you hear what he said, as I was on the left of the line ? "—" Begorra, I did," said the other man; "he axed the Colonel who were going by then. Them's the Royal Irish, son-,' said the Colonel.—' Holy St Patrick ! 'said the Duke, if I had known they were to have been here, I would have brought my mother here to see