24 JULY 1915, Page 1

From Flanders there is not much news, but such as

there is is good. Neither in the case of the Belgian, British, nor the French is there any indication of German mastery, but rather the reverse. The most that the Germans can truthfully allege is that they are holding their line. But they are also wasting. In this context we may note that the situation as regards munitions is steadily improving. By the time the Germans have finished with the Grand Duke, or the Grand Duke has finished with them, they will find ns quite ready for them in the matter of shot and shell. We repeat once more, we are going to catch the train. From the Dardanelles there is no news of importance. Such movement as there is—but it is not much—is, however, all on our side. All reports from Constantinople show that the Turks are weary, ill-supplied, and apparently also on the verge of an epidemic.