24 JULY 1915, Page 15


[To TH1 EDITOR or Tull "nritoraroa.1 SIR,—With reference to the letter signed "D." in your issue of the 10th inst., it would, I think, be interesting if your correspondent would elucidate the matter further. First, what does he mean by hie " spendable " income P Secondly, does he mean that his income from the business is assessed for Super Tax this year at over £3,000, or that his business income plus his income from investments reaches that sum P In that case, there is no fair comparison between his "spend- able " income from the business last year of £153 16s. 7d. and his Super Tax assessment this year. Thirdly, is he aware that special proviaion was made in last year's Finance Act (Session 2), which granted certain ooncessions to people whose business had suffered owing to the war P And if so, has he

taken advantage of it P—I am, Sir, &o., D. M. G.