SIR,—It is still possible to have an inexpensive holiday, and one which cannot be beaten for sheer enjoyment by those who participate in it; and such a holiday is within the reach of those who need it most and whose capacity for enjoyment is greatest. After a lapse due to the war the .Boys' Brigade Camps were restarted last summer, and will be held on a still more extensive scale during the next two months. We desire to make an appeal in aid of the London Camps. The one week-
by the sea under canvas is for the boys the goal of the year's work, to which thousands of them are looking forward with keen anticipation and with vivid recollections of a glorious time spent last year in the sunshine and pure air of the country. When we consider the additional cost of food -and railway fares the need of a -generous response comes with special force, and more especially as there will be a great increase in numbers at this year's camps.
As the pioneer of similar organisations the work of the Boys' Brigade is well known. The high standard of efficiency in drill, gymnastics and physical training was seen recently at the Royal Albert Hall Demonstration. The Boys' Brigade may be credited with the inception of holiday training camps for boys, and officers are ready to testify to the fact that during the all too short period of camp their best work is done in training the boys under their charge, and influencing their characters for good. With rigid economy it is hoped to keep the cost per boy down to 25s. The boys pay a substantial proportion of this, in accordance with their means. Thus contributors will know that they are helping those who help themselves, and every guinea contributed will .probably enable a couple of boys to experience the delights of camp life. Contributions will be received by the Hon. London Treasurer, The Boys' Brigade, 84, Paternoster Row, London, E.C. 4, and cheques should be crossed " National Provincial and 'Union Bank of England."— We are, Sir, &c.,
ARTHUR FREDERICK, Hon. President. Joint M. Moony, Major-General. E. R. FREMLNTLE, Admiral.
J. TAYLOR Ssirriz, Chaplain-General.