24 JULY 1920, Page 15


(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECEATOR."3 Snz,—At this time, when many people are asking themselves, sadly or bitterly, what result the tremendous upheaval of the war is going -to have on the religious faith of this country— and, indeed, of all civilized countries—at should be of real interest to hear what one of the greatest thinkers of France has to say on this subject, in so far as it relates to his own heavily-tried. country. On Wednesday next, July 28th, at 5.30. Professor Paul Sabatier is going to deliver the Jewett Lecture at the Passmore Edwards Settlement in Tavistock Place, W.C., taking as his theme "Les Sentimentes Religieux de la France Actuelle." In the interesting synopsis of his lecture, sent ahead to this country, Professor Sabatier indicates his profound faith, amid all the discouragements around, in what he felici- tously calls "le superbe redressement de conscience" that marked the outbreak of the war. The misleading, thoughtlessly- used phrase, the "bankruptcy of the Churches," finds no favour in his eyes. The prevalent feeling of deep spiritual disillusion- ment has other causes, more personal, more individual. " L'effort—le travail—la don/eur "—there is no short cut to the Kingdom of God, is his cry, without these, whether for churches, sects, or individuals. May I let your readers know of this lecture by means of this letter? Tickets, 5s. each (and a few at 2s. 6d.), can be obtained on the day at the door of the Settlement, or beforehand, from the secretary there, or from (Hon. Sec., Passmore Edwards bettlemeni.)

Stocks, Tring.