24 JULY 1920, Page 23
POEMS WORTHY OF CONSIDERATION.—Poems of Expression. By T. Geoffrey W.
Henslow, MA. (Chancery Lane Printing Works, London. la. 6d. net.)—Amusing little verses illustrated by clever woodcut.—English. Madrigal Verse, 1588-1632. Collected by E. H: Fellowes. (The Clarendon Press. 12s. 6d. net.)—An invaluable collection. It contains, besides many madrigals which had not before been reprinted, a great number of poems written for the lute. Scholarly notes and introduction.-Ash of Roses. By H. F. Prevost Battersby. (Erskine Matdonald. 35. 6d. net.)— Poems. By Robert Kemp. (Blackwell, Oxford. 38. 6d. net.) —The Death. of .Ckopatra, and Other Verses. By James A. Mackereth. (Longmans. 3s. 6d. net.)