Free Will and Destiny. By St. George Lane Fox Pitt.
(Constable and Co. 5s.)—This is an earnest exposition of the doctrine that the true object of human endeavour is the conquest of egoism, and that with such a conquest harmony will be estab- lished between the conflicting purposes of existence and the great vexed questions of metaphysics will vanish with the extinction of the egos that produce them. Incidentally it advocates free and widespread discussion of moral problems with a view to discovering some common ground for all activities and creeds, and it directs attention, in this respect, to the activities of the International Moral Education Congress. It is writtan with commendable restraint and courtesy, but it is too disjointed and fragmentary in argument to be quite con- vincing to those who are not already prepared to accept the general position maintained. The author supports his thesis with some economic propositions of more than doubtful validity, such, for example, as the contention that the world is " richer " to-day than it was before the war because the price of the world's wealth (i.e., its exchange value expressed in terms of money) has risen above the pre-war level.