24 JUNE 1848, Page 21


BRITISH FUNDS. (Cloaing Prices 1

&deed. Ifortday. Danday..W.ines Thurs.

$ per Cent Consols

Ditto for Account 831 ex cl. 831 shut —

88.3 6: Spec Cents Reclined 84 31 per Cents

Long Annuities — Beak Stock, 9 per Cent shut India Stock, 101 39 pni. 37 Exchequer Bills, 2c1. per diem ...... 16 pm.

India Bonds, 41 per Cent BANK OF ENGLAND.

An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week sailing on Saturday, the 17th day of June NHL


Notes issued £27,361,846 Govenament Debt £11,015,10

Other Securities 2,994.900

Gold Coin and Bullion 11,947,817

Silver Bullion 1,404,988 £27,352,845 £27.352.843 DATIxtmo DX1•Sarriatier.

Proprietors' Capital £14,921,000 Government Securities, (in- Rest 3.396,849 eluding Deed Weighttionuity)£12,089,172 Public Deposits* 6,911,694 Other Securities 11,148,869 Other Deposits 9,157.381 Notes 9,975,350 Seven Day and other Bills .... 1,010,949 Gold and Silver Coln 816,502 f.31,029.913 £34,029,973

• Including Ezehequer,Savings Banks, Commissioners of National Debt &Dividend Accts.

BULLION. Per oz. METALS. Per ton.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard .. £3 17 9 Copper, British Cakes 1.88 10 0 .. 0 0 0

Foreign Gold in Coin,Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 Iron, Ili-dish Bars .... 6 15 0 .. 7 5 0 New Dollars 0 4 91 Lead, British Pig .... 16 15 0 .. 17 0 0 Sliver in Bars, Standard .. . .... 0 4 114 titeel,EngEsh 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0

GRAIN, Mark Lane, June 23,


Per (3r. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week. Wheat 48s. Id, I Rye . .. 29a 8d. Wheat 92.0d. I Rye 21.04. Barley 32 0 1 Beans . . 37 1 Barley 2 0 I Beans 2 0 Oats 20 7 I Peas 36 11 Oats 2 6 I Peas 2 0 Weekly Averages for he Week ending June 17.

Wheat, 48s. 10d.-Barley,30s. 104.-Oata,20s. ild -Rye, 31s.7d.-Beans,374.84.-Peas, 38,04.


Town-made per sack 44s. to 47s.

Norfa'.1. and Stockton 37 - 39 Seconds 41 -43 Essex and Suffolk ,on board ship 39 - 41 Bran per quarter 0 - 0 Pollard, One 0 - 0

Bread, ad. to lid. the Mb. loaf. Cheese, Cheshire 54 - 76 Bacon, Irish per cwt. 63s. - 75r. Hants, York 70 -84 Eggs, French, per 120, 50.04. toss. od. Butter-Best Fresh, Ii.. 64. per doz.

Carlow, 41. 4s. to 41. 6s. per cwt.

Derby Plain 60 - 68 BUTCHERS' MEAT.


Veal .. 3 4 - 4 0 - 4 4 • 3 8 - 4 0 4

Lamb, 6 0 - 6 8 - 0 0 • 5 0 - 6 0- 0 Beef .. 3 2103 G to 3 8 .. 2 10 to 3 10 to 0 Pork .. 4 0 - 4 - 5 0 4 0 4 6 - 0

Mutton 3 8 - 4 4 - 4 6 $ 8 - 4 - 0

I. d. a. a. s. d. a. d. s. d. a. d.

Calves. 765 331 Beasts. 1,260 3/99 Pigs- . 310 260 Sheep. 12,990 24,920 Friday. Monday.


' • To sink the offal, pa 8 lb.

)1 HOPS.

Kent Pockets' 69s. to 77s.

Choice ditto 80 - 103

Sussex Pockets 67 71 Fine ditto 0-0 Clover 90 - 95 Wheat Straw 28 32

Rape 011 per owl. El its Od.

Refined 1 15 0 OILS, COALS, CANDLES. Tea, Bohea, fine, ....per lb. Os. tit Os. 3d: Congetti fine 1 3 -1 0 GROCERIES.

&lichens, fine 1 3 - 2

Linseed Oil 1 3 0 • In Bond-Duty 2s. Id. per lb. Linseed 011-Cake per 1000 0 0 0 Coffee, fine an bond) per cwt. 856. to 115s.

Candles. per dozen, lis Od. to 5s. 64. Good Ordinary 22s. to 33$.

Moulds (64.per doz discount) 7s. Oa. ' Sugar, Muscovado, per ewe 25r. Ad. Coals, Hetton les. Od. West India Molames ....17s. ed. to 20e. 04.

Tees Or. 01. Austrian Belgian Ditto

Brazilian Buenos Ayres


Danish 3 -

Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) 21 - Ditto 4 -

French a -

Ditto 5- Indiana (Sterling) 6 -

Minot. 6 - Kentucky Louisiana (Sterling) 6 - Maryland (Sterling) 6 - Pennsylvania 5 Peruvian Portuguese .

Ditto Russian 6 Spanish Ditto 3 Ditto (Passive)

Ditto (Deferred) .

Venezuela Active FOREIGN FUNDS.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) hip. Ct. —

60 Massachusetts (Steriing)...11 p Ct. 4 Michigan 8 3 6 6 66 Mississippi (Sterling) 8

8 - — New York (1858) .. . . ...:6

6 791 Ohio 43/ 641 28 31 89/ 78 sit SHARES.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) RAILWATIY-.

Caledonian ...... .

Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern Great North of England Great Western Hull and Selby Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle .

London Brighton and South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-western Midland North British Northern and Eastern South-easteni and Dover South-western York, Newcastle, and Berwick York and North Midland


Rost and West 'India London ' St. Katherine,.

Ban MI-


British North American

Colonial Commercial of London London and Westminster 22 London Joint Stock 141 National of Ireland 19 National Provincial .

Provincial of Ireland '40 Union of Australia 33 Union of London

MOIDE- • , Helenas 31

Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John Del Rey) Cobra Copper


Australian Agricultural Canada General Steam • Peninsular and Oriental Steam 52exd.

Royal Mall Steam 48 South amstralialt 16 291 41 131 Si 2301 83 961 511 30 41 115 97 211 66 231 4611 311 651 119 103 76 181 90 68 66 32


62 •


Wheat,R-New 44 to 46 Fine 46-50

Old • 42-44

White 44-48 Fine 30-H Super. New 52 -56 Rye 28 ta 30 Barley 20-22 Malting 27-28 Malt,Ord 65 -56 Fine 58-61

Peas. Hog • • • Se-Is

Maple 391040 Oats, Peed, 18 to19 While 35-37 Fine. 19-20 Boilers Poland .. 22-22 Beans,Ticks 32 - 33 Fine. 23-3d Old. - 0 Potato .. 24-23 Harrow 33-34 Fine • 22-26 831 83/ 831 54 811 041 81 D21 192 831

s6341 84

— 40 40 — 19 20



York Reds per ton. as. to Os,

Scotch lteds O - 0 •

Devon O - 0 Kent and Rolex Whites O 0 HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 36 Trusses.)


Hay, Good 75s. to 804 68s. to EN Inferior 55 - 70 60 - 63

New... so 85 8 - 0 Wazrzenaexh. 65s to 72s., 0- 0 10-60

88 - 90 50 - 100 24 - 30 .... • ...... 21 - 28

Frisks y.

83) 631 6-11 SI 192