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TEE Queen held a Court at Buckingham Palace on Saturday last, to re- ceive, on the throne, addresses from the Convocation of Clergy, and the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
The two Houses of Convocation, headed by the Archbishop of Canter- bury and the Prolocutor of the Lower House, proceeded from the Je- rusalem Chamber and presented their address. The University, depu- tations were heed respectively by their Chancellors, the Duke of Wel- lington and Prince Albert. The Queen gave gracious answers to all; and admitted many members of each body to the honour of presentation and kissing hands.
Her Majesty held a dmwingroom on Thursday, in St. James's Palace. The Queen and Prince Albert visited the Queen Dowager, at Marl- borough House, on Monday. The Queen and Prince Albert went with their children, on Saturday Morning, to the Zoological Gardens in Regent's Park. The Court newsman reports a numerous interchange of Rol al visits.