"Paris, Friday Evening.
"Advises from the Danubian Principalities state that General Dannenberg has succeeded to the chief command over the Russian forces, in consequence of the wounds received by the Generals lately in command. " The complete defeat of the Russians on the 16th is confirmed ; a portion of the besieging army having been driven back to Kusgun and the other having been forced to recroas the Danube in all baste. The Turks took seve- ral standards and a great quantity of baggage. Five Russian Generals were either killed or wounded in this affair alone. General Liiders had his jaw carried away by a cannon-ball ; a fact which it was deemed necessary to con- ceal from the Russian troops. "On the 2d of June, according to advices from Erzeroum, a rupture between Russia and Persia was considered probable."
"Vienna, Tune 23.
"General Hem is appointed Commander-in-chief of the Army of Opera- tions ; having under his orders the Archduke Albert, who will command in Transylvania, with GeneralSchlick in Gallicia. "From Widdin, under date of the 10th, it is stated that the Lesser Wal- lachia is clear of the enemy for ten leagues above Slatina. Semi Pasha was occupied,. in conjunction with Ismail, in reorganizing the administration of the army. They had recalled the former functionaries. "A considerable mercantile house at St. Petersburg has failed for 6,000,000 francs, and other similar misfortunes are expected. "It is said that the Turks have taken Giurgevo."
" Dantgie, Friday, June 23. "The Driver, steam-sloop, Captain Cochrane, has arrived here. On the 20th instant, the fleet was at Barosund. On 'the 21st, all the steam-ships of the combined fleets left their anchorage, and proceeded direct to Cron- stadt. The Driver follows tonight. Before passing Helsingffirs, three of the small steamers ran in within the batteries, and counted thirteen Russian line-of-battle, ships lying across the harbour." "Berlin, May 20. "Lord Westmoreland has given at Vienna assurances similar to those made by the French Ambassador, to the effect that his Government would oppose any attempt at making the Oriental conflict subservient to the pro- jects of the Hungarian or Italian national parties. He gave, too,satis- factory explanations ' about the reception of Nossuth's renewed agitation in England."
Advices from Bucharest, of the 20th, announce that every preparation was being made for the retreat of the Russians. The 27th is said to be the day on which it will commence.
The Ifoniteur of this morning announces the retirement of M. de Per- signY. M. Billault is nominated Minister of the Interior. arrival of the overland mail, and gives the su lairepf- A telegraphic despatch from Trieste, dated thicilin dates are—Hongkong, May 6; Bombay, May 2 . ; "The electric telegraph between Bombay and the 23d of April, a hurricane in Pegu caused much 1.1.1- Aster. Serious riots by the Chinese have occurred at Singapore."
The Maharajah Duleep Sing arrived from India by the last mail- steamer, and took up his abode at Mivart's Hotel.—Times.