Miss Arabella Goddard's concert, on Wednesday evening at the Hano-
ver Square Rooms, and Mr. Benedict's yesterday morning at Covent Gar- den Theatre, have been the great benefit concerts of the week. Miss Goddard, young as she is, has established herself in public opinion as a pianist of the very highest order. Her strength has often been measured with that of her greatest foreign rivals, by performance of the same pieces, and she has never been found wanting. On this occasion she played Beethoven's concerto in G, the most arduous for the performer of all his pianoforte works, with an executive power, intelligence, and finish, which gave room for no disadvantageous comparison with Patter or Halle. The room was crowded ; and there was a large assemblage of professional artists, who joined warmly in the general applause.
Benedict's was a "concert monstre " ; the whole strength, vocal and instrumental, of the Royal Italian Opera was employed ; and the pro- gramme presented a feast of dainty dishes that would satisfy the nicest appetite.