The New Far Emst. By Arthur Diosy. (Cassell and Co.
16s.)— This lively book, which is yet serious even to the verge of dogmatism, is not written, the author is careful to explain, for "the expert," but for readers who, knowing a little about Japan and the Far East, wish to learn more. The reader will perhaps wish to ascertain in the first instance what Mr. Di6sy has to suggest by way of policy for Great Britain in the present difficult situation in the Far East. That is disappointing, because it sounds eminently common- place ; in other words, Mr. Di6sy can only give to his country the same advice as has been already tendered by many men who have not had his travel-experiences. He wishes England to arm by land as well as by sea, so that she may be " strong, not with the arrogant strength of the bully, but with the calm force of the strong man armed, determined to keep what he has worked for and won." Then we are assured " Japan will, with one accord, become the valuable and trusty ally of her natural friend Britain, strong enough to com- mand confidence and respect. China will turn from her Muscovite ' Protector's' heavy yoke and seek regeneration at the hands of Britain." Neither Mr. Di6sy's politics nor his history, which, by the way, is apt to wander off into mere irrelevances, is so good as those of his chapters in which he deals with the social aspects of his sub- jects under such titles as "The Men of New Japan," "The Women of the New Far East," and " Parting, Pigtail, and Topknot." These have some of the charm—and a little of the weakness as well—of popular lectures.