24 JUNE 1899, Page 33



WHEN we were little childer we had a gnat* wee house, Away up in the heather by the bead o' Brabla' burn; The hares we'd see them scootin', an' we'd hear the crowin' grouse, An' when we'd all be in at night ye'd not get room to turn.

The youngest two She'd put to bed, their faces to the wall, An' the lave of us could sit aroma', just annywhere we might; Herself 'ud take the rush-dip an' light it for us all,

An' "God be thanked l " she would say,—"now we have a light."

Then we be to gnat the laughin' an' pusbin' on the floor,

An' think on One who called us to come an' be forgiven; Himself 'ud put his pipe down, an' say the good word more, "May the Lamb o' God lead us all to the Light o' Heaven I" There' a wheen things that need to be an' now has had their day, The nine Glens of Antrim can show ye many a sight; But not the quare wee house where we lived up Brabla' way, Nor a child in all the nine Glens that knows the grace for light.