Bring back Assisted Places
From Elizabeth Baker
Sir: In his letter of 10 June, the headmaster of Harrow School records the academic excellence of direct grant schools together with the benefits they offer to the socially disadvantaged. Social mobility is the norm. He suggests that David Cameron, resiling from the reintroduction of grammar schools, could consider how such schools could be strengthened and developed.
While he’s about it, the leader of the opposition could also deliberate on reviving the Assisted Places scheme, phased out from May 1997. Means-tested grants allowed many clever but poor pupils to attend private schools, both day and boarding. In the day school where I was head, 90 of nearly 600 pupils were in receipt of some help (together with many others with bursaries and scholarships). We thus ensured a full social and eth nic mix, the inclusivity beloved of our present government.
Elizabeth Baker Usk, Monmouthshire