SANnFR,ON and Moonttorisst, Slodlield, quarrymen—J. tutu It . S m Hie!, Holborn, tailors— \ VCR! E and CliApll AN, I lath, I:1.1i,rs —Moon anil C.,. Morpeth, I ; as thr as regards ItoutNsoN—Som N1E10'11.1.1.; and Gs WALD, Qiieeli Street, Cit y. wamleat,enten —Palm.: and LAcv, Finsbury Place, milliners—Su ern and Hounr, Sheribbi. silvor- smitlig—SANDERsoN and TOUR pi' ITN. "less't ii . merchant s—T. S. m s I,IN, New Sarum, go wers—Ser ultra and ALARM AN, W'k.I11,-14,,,. SI illare. .0 N DES
and II Antlistri, Liverpool, provisiommerchant s—( 'ow LEV and NAstt.urtmi-upon-S,..- Veril. rneroors—l'A in nit and I) EAN, Sa where, WI indl iread-mannthet are rs. -MA icon and Ha ROREAvEs, Liverpool, tailors—Con sloNs and. Rolm, Penzanee, shoe-makers- II01.1.ANris and III:PHI:RN, tile Nrall, Ilonai outset., barge-builders—Sit A DFORTti
Newcastle-Mien-Tyne, tiMber-nterehinifs :Ind Rot.s, Hertford, tailors— WAR ti :Mil BELT., LaIllb Street, Spi:chields, wittemielyhants—PROTHEROE mit Molt- con, Bristol, hatters—S. and .T. it Feo, Neweastle-upon.Tyne, itturni'vs—tIos's,s N it and
HA RutliiiiN, Ilidirax, teaslealers—W I I.T.I Illid 11ALsTEAD, Bradford, brass•nainders —Cu' si M I Na and C izoMPT0S, Manchester, Liiiors—WINTLE, Sell. and j lilt. Gleocester, wino-merchants.
LEACH, CHARLES, NeW 3111110r Street, St. Luke's, Chelsea, baker. March 20.
ATITIOTT, ;TAMES, F.Iliott's Row, St. George's Road, Sorry, bookseller, to surrender Match 27. Mar 1 : solicitors, Mr. Abbott, King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street ; awl Mr. M"riglii. St;ple Inn.
Bisuog..lostqur, late of Whil:lebury Street, E Hsi on Snit,ri, carmatter, Aogil 3, 3Iay 1 : solicitors, Mr. Tomer, New ('it y Chicid,ers, Bishivglii, Street ; NIt.„ Jones, lIntrviorhic Sounre, BRA, G Eon: F, Steel:port, innio-eper, April 12, May 1 : solicitors, Ares,rs. Milne and Co. Temple ; atul Mr. Woods, HT:Bei.% Smithy. ,1' It N,N, THOMAS, Birmingham. virtua”..r, April 3, May 1 : solicitors, MT.,:rs. Chil- ton :1111 Son, Chancery Lane ; and Mr. lien:on, Ilirmintdtant.
Dam-um-A-. THOMAS:OW. Th01111(111, Morel: 30, May 1: solicitors. Mr. Cow. dell, Hinckley ; and. Messrs. Palmer and ti. :Mitre Court t'liatubers, Temple. EvANs, NV I NI, Carmarthen, draper, 'Al areit 30. May I: solicitors, Mr. Bert, Mitre Court, Milk Street ; and Mr. Gn•en, King's 1 ruts Yard, Coleman Street.
Fisil ER, FRANCTs. jI1/1. :111:1 FISHER. WILMA Al Is x, Bristol, sail-makers. April 4, May 1: solicitors, Messrs. Swain and Co. Frederick's Place, Ohl Jewry; and Mr. Smith, Bristol.
11,5 RitisoN, lImsatv, Liverpool, commission-agent. April 7, May I: solicitors, Messrs. Blackstock tint Bunt-e, Temple ; suit Mr. Ilardsw ell, Liverpool. JOitsrsoN, JAmEs, Norwied, gla,;6-nivrellant, April 3, May 1: solicitors, Met4srs. Col- man slid I 'egens, Norwich.
JONss, S SMrEL WyNDHA ti, Usk, Monmouthshire. draper, April 3, May 1 : salicitors: :Messrs. White and White!. we. Lincoln's Inn ; and Messrs. Bevan and Bra tam lb istiL KyrrE. STEPHEN. Mint-it's, oilman, Illarch I.:7, May 1 : solicitor, Mr. Some., Great Winchester Street.
ONEstettoutts, Gloucester, currier, March 27. May 1: solicitors, Messrs. Winterhotham and Co.; and 'Mr. Boustield, Chatham Place, TI:CKEY, EDWARD, Birmingham, victualler, April 3, May 1: solicitors, Mesrs. Chil- ton and Son, Chancery Lane ; and Mr. Ben:on, Birmingham. WILSON, SAMITET„ Chichi Saint Osyth, Essex, grocer. March 30, May 1: s.Aicitors. Mr. Sperling, Colchester ; and Messrs. Stevens and Co. London.
niv IDE Nns.
April 12, Skelton, King Street, Holborn, jew,ller—April 16, i/o72d, KIng's Place, Commercial Road, slopseller—April 10, ,j on. Beaumont Street. Marylebone, wine-merchant—April 10. Butler, Blackheath, master-mariner—April 13, Deane, Rich- mond, Surrv, tea-dealer—April 12, Fraser, Limehonse, patent ship-hearth nuotufacturer
— April 12; Willis, Haymarket, oilman—April 12, Rope, Ray Street, Clerkenwell, butcher—April Pd. Brown, Liverpool, silk-mercer—April 17. Priug, 13r.ollhol, Wiltshire, grocer—April 16, Massey, Portsea, linen-draper—April 10. Bridge, Liverpool, merchant
Fthlay, third March.
j. and J. Naisrt jun., Bristol, tanners—STRANGE and Co.. Bishopsgate Street With- out, wholesale cheesenumgers—CROCKER and liO(ADRIDGE, High Street, Slculwell, tea- clealers—Fouts.row and WIGIITWMK, Plymouth, areltitects—KAY and 0141'1811ns% Sheffield, coach-makers—Jos:Es and Mannomt, Liverpool, blacksmiths-0 EAR and Mortnisit, Bath, inn-keepers—OXLEY and Co., Pontefract, nurserymen—T. WI E- TA-nu:nay and F. WiEtotronny, Partney, Lincolnshire, beast salesmen—TURNER and Co., Birmingham, gold plate mannfltcturers—SAWYF.R and FAWCETT, Broogli, West- moreland, brewers—HEYDON and MoRitts, Warwick,attornies—CRAr6 anZI LEWIS, Manchester, importers of Irish linens—MARittorT and CO., Gainshorotigh, Litteolnshho, seed-crushers—R. and W. D. Li LTA sa-ctoy, Worcester. hatters—WALF0an and Co., Coleman Street Buildings, merchants—MAwasne and KERRY, Paul Street, Finsbury Square, brewers-r-Rowsgv and FORSTER, Itathbone Place, Oxford Street, stationers— R., W., and I. MinmEmmix, Birmingham, smilers.
GLADWELT„ JOSEPH, Barking, Essex, shipwright.
DrcEETT, SIR GEORGE, Bart. and Co. Pall Mall, bankers, to surrender April 5, May 4: solicitor, Mr. Briggs, Lincoln's Inn Fields.
HEAD, Joins., and MARSHALL, HENRY, Lawrence Ponntney Place, City, white-lead merchants, March 31, May 4: solicitors, Messrs. Dimes and Owthwaite, Princes Street, Bank.
JENKINS, JOSEPH, LOStWithiel, Cornwall, cabinet-maker, April 11, May 4: solicitor, Mr. Turnley, Ironmonger Lane. LAZARUS, Jolty, Duke Street, Manchester Sqnare, jeweller, April 11, May 4: solici- tor, Mr. R. Maitland. King Square, Goswell Street Road. LEWIS, GEORGE, Vcre Street, Oxford Street, broker, April 5, May 4: solicitor, Mr, Henderson, King's Arms Yard. MORGAN, THOMAS. St. Peter's Alley, Combat, wholesale ironmonger, April 3, May 4: solicitor, Mr. Smith. King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street.
&mutt, THOMAS, Coleman Street, wine-merchant, April 3, May 4: solicitor, Mr. Wise, Harpur Street, Red Lion,Square.
April 6, Scott, Bread Street, Cheapside, shawl warehouseman—April 30, Scott, St. Andrew's, New Brunswick, mercbant—April 17, Horsley, Blither Square, shipowner— April 16, Webb, Swan Yard, Bermondsey Street, currier—April 17, Horsley, 1111- liter Square, merchant—April 18. Pickwood, Cloak Lane, wine-merchant—April 19, Parrish, Kingswinford, Staffordshire, glass-cutter—April 14, H. and T. Weatherald, Mickley Mal, Yorkshire, flax-spinners--April 24, Wrigley, Rochdale, corn-dealer.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before April 13.
• H. and J. Cazenove, Broad Street Buildings, merchants—Ridcout, Roc;hdalee draper—Bostock, Old Cavendish Street, tailor—Baines, St. Martin's Lane, victualler- Fleischmann, Birmingham, merchant—Ilardisty, Horsforth, monerscrivener—Birch Great Longstone, cotton-spinner—Christie, South Sea Chambers, Threadneedle Street coal-merchant—Geary, Manchester, woollen-draper.