from the lialf-pay, to he Lieeomato-Colonel, vice J. Thackwell. Nth. cxghanges- 3d It, gt. of 1)ragoon (hinds: (*apt. Wm. W. Huntley, nem the half-pay of the 'hit Light Dragoons; to !a• Captain, vie,. Warrington-13th Reet. of Light Dragoons : Cor- net G..1. %Volker to 1 a• Lient. 1,y !maltase. vice 'Mona, appointed to the 63,1 ii,•gt.; James Cox, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Walker—lst or Gren:e'der It ,et. of Foot Goards : Capt. P. S. !'zt,:n!i(liri, 0 be Capt. and Lieut.-Col, hy po1ch:1.w, ice Chade- Ivood, Aria, retires ; Lieut. Hen. A. F. Rdey to be Lieut. and Capt. t 0 urchase, vice Shinhow; Hon. .1. LimIsayt. b:• Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, Fuluy-35th Regt. Of Pot-4 : Liont. II. lb I ;tillit h. front the half-pay, to he Lieut. vice D. L. Cox, who
exchang,s—Ilst Foot : E. Darvall. from the half-pay of the 60dt Regt. to ho Enstm, vice.K,•nible, appointed to the 67th Regt.-56th Foot : Capt. T. O. Partridge, froM77:it Reg! to be Capt. vice Neltv, who exchaages-63d Foot : Licut, R. Lane to he Capt. by IC ti ice N'icarv, wra, Mires ; Lieut. F. Monad, hem htl ItLight Dragoons, I 0 be Li‘•or. vice I.:owl-66th I" el : Lieilt. J. M. Russell, front Ilte Itegt.
to la. Liettbvice I lealy, xvIto exghanges-- 67:it Foot: EnAgn G. A. L'ut,d,, to Le 1.L.M. w iloott purcha,e, .vice Then,:on, appointed. _Adjutant et' a It rerniting ; Ensign K emble, from the tIst Ii '%I 14, be Ensign, vice Currie-70th Fool : Lieut• S. whyte to be Cant. witheut purchase, vice Samson, (locea:,cd ; Ensign .1. 1. Vilton to a• Lieut.
vice Whyte ; C. MAIN, to he EnsipiL i,v pillyhase. Vice Wilt ; Lieu!. (;
Corry to lie Militant, vice Whyte-731 Foot ;en:. Cadet W. IL J. (Y1 •,,no-11. from the
lioyal , to be Ensign, without purchase. vice O'Brien, 1.,:amets1 in the 74th 1ieut.-71th Fist!: En,len A. I rltden. nom the Itegt. to L.• by pm.
elmse,-. ice Pocock, who retires-77t1t Fit it Capt. J. 1'. Nelley, front lit' T6th Neut. to be Capt. site Partridge, who exclumges—Tt it Foot : Ensign 'I'. isham I, Ile Lieut. by purchase, vice Valium unwanted; Henry Lorl Catdre, le he Ensign. Ly paella,. site Islfam—Rist Foot : Major C. F. Maelean iii be Liont.-Col. by purch,se. sic(' (7reagh, 'who retires; Capt. R. H. Willeocks 10 be Maj,:r, purchase, Milides it Lieut. A. Splaine to he Capt, by purchase, vice Willeocks ; Ensign J. I; illty to Ito I Amt. 1.1- purchase, vice Splaitte; E. Bowyer, (i•nit. to be Endgn hy purchase. vice G iiby-89th
Foot : flint. It. T. Healey. from 55th 11'tat. to he Lieut. vice It o who exehanges; Ensign and Adjutant C. Lee to have the rank of Lieut.-96th Foot : 1'. W. Taylor, Gent. to he Ensign, hy purl-its;'. vice lilencowe, promoted.
Unattached : linnet Lieut.-Col. Lord A. W. M. Hill, from the 2.nd Dragoons, to be Lient.-Col. without purehase; Lieut. It. Fulton, from the 79th Pcgt. to be Capt. by . purchase ; Ensign E. W. Bleneowe, from the 96th Foot, to be Lieut. or knoll ry, by purchase.
Staff: Lieut. J. Thomson, from the 67th Regt. to be Adjutant of a Recruiting District Vice 11tH, deceased.
'Garrisons: Capt. A. Ifalf hide, on the half-pay, to be Fort Adjutant at Honduras. Memoranda: Lieut. W. Mackenzie. half-pay NOM Scotia Feneilde Ildhntry. has been allowed to retire from the service, by the sale of an Unattached Commission, The Christian name of Dr. Daun is" Robert," and not "Edward," as stated.
"VAR-OFFICE. March 23.-1st Regt. of Life Guards: Cornet and Sub-Lient. T. H. Visa.. Ranchigh to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Bayntun, Who retires; P.11. Tumor to be Cornet and Sub-Liont. by porch. vice Lord Ranelagh-2nd Regt. of Dragoons : Lieut:Col. Ld. A: W. M. Hill, front half-pay unattached, to be Lieut.-Col. vice J. Gray, who exchanges —2nd Regt. of Foot : J. Lighton, Gent.. to be Ensign by purchase, vice Hill-14th Foot : Lieut. T. Shore, from the 84th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Dormer, appointed to the 24th Foot ; Lieut. H. K. Storks, from half-pay unattached, to be Lieut. vice MaxWell, who exchanges ; Lieut. T. Shore to be Adjutant, vice Ormsby, who resigns the Adju- tancy only-15th Foot: Staff-Assist.-Surg, W. Wallace to be Assist:Slug. vice Cald- well, who has accepted a commutation-20th Foot : F. F. Janvrin, Gent to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Wyndham,:whose appointment has not taken place-24th Foot : Limit. C. Dormer, from the 14th Foot, to be Lieut. vice L. Heyland, who retires upon half-pay 101st Foot-26th Foot : Capt.R. Price, from half-pay unattached, to be Capt. vice W. II. Sitwell, who exchangcs-27th Foot ; Capt. It. Fulton, front half-pay unat- tached, to be Capt. vice F.Shea, who exchanges-28th Foot : Limit, CAL Carrothers to be Capt. without purchase, vice Trent deceased ; Ensign F. Adams to be Lieut. vice Carrothers ; G. T. C. Napier, Gent, to be Ensign vice Adams-3'3th Foot : Lieut. 3.3. Lowth tube Capt. by purchase, vice Mackay, who retires; Ensign W. C, Symonds tube Lieut. ' by purchase. vice •Lowth ; Gent. Cadet W. Ironsick, from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Symonds-41st Foot : F. O. Datvall, Gent. Co be Ensign by purchase, vice E. Darvall, who retires-79th Foot : Major R. Ferguson, from half-pay unattached, to be Major, vice J. Barwick, who exchanges-84th Foot: Lieut, R. J. Hanky, from half-pay 101st Foot, to be Lieut. vice Shore, appointed to the 1.4th Ftnt ; 11. W. Lacy, Gent, to be Ensign without purchase, vice J. Lacy, who resigns —96th Foot: Limit. IL Bash to be Capt. by purchase, vice Waller. promoted; Ensign J. Clyde to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Bush-97th Foot : Ensign 0. Neatiug to be Limit, by purchase: vice Barton, who retires ; T. Greene, Gent. to lieEnsign, by mu- ehase, vice Kell big-99th Foot : Lieut C. F. Kerr, from haltpay Unattached, to be Diem. vice IL G wet ham, who exchanges-2n0 West India Regt : W. R. Penny, Gent. to he En,ign, by purchase, vice Brittlehank, promoted.