24 MARCH 1832, Page 16


THE hundredth anniversary of the birth of HAYDN (the 31st of the present month) is to be celebrated by a dinner at the Albion. Circulars have been issued to the members of the profession, in- viting them to attend. Now, to us, there is something absurd, incongruous, and even repulsive, in two men of the genius and talent of JOHN CRAMER and MosenELEs inviting their brethren to honour the memory of HA.YDN by stuffing and drinking. It is an idea so level with the capacity of Sir CLAUDIUS HUNTER or Alderman ScHOLEY, that one hardly conceives how it ever en- tered the brain of those who can and do appreciate and venerate the works of the immortal father of the modern school of music. Surely the fit tribute to his genius would have been the per- formance of one of his Oratorios, on a scale commensurate with its excellence.