Arrived—At Gravesend, March 21st, Iliad:I, Lowthian, from Singapore; 22J, hinitia, Robinson. front 4 'Ilion ; and l'ortsea. Sm'th, front Bombay. Ott Whitstable, 12.1 Alas, Brutott, Omit Mauritius. At Deal, ttst. Earl Pinvers,Spittall ; and Thomas Illy ,h, How, from Mauritius At Bristol., 12111. Elizabeth. Cuudy. from Mauritius; and 22.1„ Pailand. 'Tait, from ditto At Liverpml, 16th, Duke of Lancaster. Argyle; (JI,s.01 MIII. I retail I ;u,u,l 17th. Nlauslitrin. Donald. from Itettaal ; 2(31.. Orient, Taylor. from Bombay. (inliore in !tootle May ;) Forshao ;atul Euphrates, Hannay, ft OM Ilen411. hithe 15t1i, V. . Crain ford. limn Bengal. At St. Helens, .1iL11. 2E4, It us thou, Crouch, Inuit Cla-a ; 30111. Petit melon, Holten:Alio. from London; mid. Holmes; mot 401, Nine.. Resent. Aitken. from Bengal. At (lie cape, Bee 2.1th, Matilda. C,,uuuin;dot it, Not ton, 'Thomson ; Jan 3,1, It °harts. Elder; 1:e.I itotrt, Patterson; Chabot:1. Hook. ; SeVent, Wake; Packet, S iuIiu,g; Briton, \V, ; and 701.1431,w, 'Tem, from London. Al M Dee. I SItu. Mona, Gill. GM', Liverpool ; 2011, Peny at ii Park, Miii'too; Iu,I I; ilbert Mauro, 1101, from Lon. don. At Itomlia■ . l•ast le II Mille) , Unitlott; It — , from Liver.. pool anti M , from 1.1auelly. At Madras, Laity Flu a, Ford. from Londiin, At Item:al. Moimi cli. —; and Itelhareu, —, trent the Cl■ de otiS Doughy Gales, —, burn las crpool,