The Money Market has evinced a firmer appearance this week, and the prices of English Stocks have all advanced, although they do not range at such high rates to-day as yestet day. This impetus may be attributed to the prospect which is held out for the settlement of the long. pending Dutch and Belgic (potion. Consols have risen from 90 to 93h, and ate to-day 931. New Three- and-a-Half Ler Cents. have improved in nearly the Sante in ()portion. India Bonds have teen at 67, but have toolay receded to 64 ; and Exchequer Bills have been 62 64. Bank Stock was yesterday done at 210; and India Stock 266. Dutch Stock has experienced a considerable improvement. The deter- mination of the Minister of Fin owe not to issue the whole amount of intended New Stock, caused the price of the Two-and-a-Half per Cents. tru rise to 544 ; and tome considerable investments, made yesterday, carried the price I per cent. higher. It afterwards appeared that the rise of yesterd i sr a occasioned by intelligence having been received of the determination of the King of Bob had to itecept of the twenty-four articles agreed to in 1631 as ti e basis of a serration between Rolland and Ile!gium. The price of the Stock has, however, declined_to-day, to the whole extent
of as yesterday's improvement. '
The recent ferment at Lisbon has caused a 'decline in Portuguese Securities ; and all the varieties of them may lie quoted from I to I pr cent. below our hst mires. Spanish Stock lots, however, been steady he:weer. 21 and 21j. The South American Securities are heavy the uncertainty is h respect to the payment of the MeXteall Dividend has operated ag dust the comparative value of that stock ; and instead of beiog at the Battle pm ire, or rather in advance of Columbian Bonds, it is ti per cent, below them. T1 e advertise. Theft of the Brazilian Dividends. joined to the favourable accounts recently re. mired from Rio Janeiro, have caused iii improvement in the price of Brazilian Rood.; which wet e vesoodav done at 80, and are tooley 79 SO. Site shares of as. Ifraisli Iron Company received is shock yrs, rday, in an- ticipation of the revi...11 of the deeree prouounced some years go by Lord LYNDHURST in the cause of " Soudi versos Attwood," by whiel. his Lordship set aside, on the ground of Mist epresentation, the contrect enteied :nto between the Company and Mr. Arrevooe fie the purchase of the it, es, &c. for 550 000f. If this decision be revel soh, the Company will have to pay Mr. ATTwoOD 230.000/, being the portion of the (PI iginal 1,1 00 ill due, and a large additional sum as costs. It is not expectell deo the Shan - will in any ease he rendered worth less than from 20/. to 25/. each, as the C mpany have already accumulated, from the profits of mooing operations and he rents of the e-toe, a sum equal to the balmice of the purchase-money ; a. d will there- fore only have to provide money to tray the costs. which are tote21 y estimated at about 100,000/. 'flue Shares were yeoerday at 371., decline.. to 28/, and rallied in the afternoon to :311. We are not aware of any tran,.:1. ions having occurred to-day, but know that 24. has been offered tied relusee : the price way therefore be quoted at 25 to 30. The 'project of the Asphaltic Nlastic Company still enjoys great vogue: the Shares have been to-day at 19 prem. ; and may be quoted at 14 0 13. The other Railway Shares have been generally depressed, allti may la all quoted hewer than last week, though in souse cases the prices of to,iity re improve- ments on recent quotations.
SATURDAY, TWr.tvt o'CroCR. All descriptions of Stock are heave. We have, however, lust uitle business 'Nee, and many of our art. nominal. In tha Foreign :t1 I ket, Dutch Stu .1(I Is .ower, the Ttvo-attiktsi IA•1 Coo,. having Ii. ri hitui at 545, and tile fire per Cents. at 102'. BrdZill Slitrii tits. lit•loIr yester.ld)'',
iPt and may x:i.rit Sm.•k is 21, or Colmnbian
Spanish Active has di.elined ;; per emit. ; 1 s been at 2°S5, and is uow firm at abaut thit priCt. All the Railway Shares are — heavy—London and Birmingham 84 to 86 prom.; Great Western 26 27; Southampton 8 to 6 dia. ; New Do. 19 prem. ; Manchester and Birmingham
prem. ; Brighton 14 2 prem. ; Blackwell 14 2 prem. ; Asphalte Mastic has been at 21 prem., but is now 17 to 19 prem.
3 per Vent. Consols 931 Brazilian 5 per Ceuts 74 9 Ditto for Acemint 113 hi Dautsil 70.1 6 3 per ('rot. Reamed Shut Dutrli 2) per Cents 54i * N.. , .tt Ira. Cent. Aun Shot Porto:met, Regency 5 p. Ct.. 29* 30 mint, si,k shut num 3 per Cent. 194 20 loliiStoek — Itus,ian ( 1.22) 5 per (7ent ... 111 i It Ito limas 62 64 Spntijsii (i435) 5 err Cent... 20s i
I.v.11.401er Rills TO Deferred Stork it i
lielgiiiii 5 per Cents 103) 4 Passive Ditto 44 5