24 MARCH 1838, Page 15

SPEC'1ATOR'S LIBRARY • ANTIQUITI18, ;Manners and Curtoms of' the Ancient

EJ*ptians; itteludthe Prirate Life, 1,4A-eminent, L t** a, Arta, Matnt,aettares, R.digioss. nod Earl. it b.tor ; derived from a Cornuarls.n of the Pailithoes, sculpt or.s, lout Aloollueults still existing. with tbn A-couto I/ or Audi..., Authors. Ill by I 'r of th,,e Sub- j eta, By .1 G. VI'disinsoo, Its , M its.!. , Ste Author of " A General View of Eg■ pi, and Toix:Araph) ci rieies,- see to 3 vol. Marray.


Cuiiiiit Caglioitro; or the Chat:atop. A Tale of the Reign of Louis XVI. In 3 ola.

N ATP1141. P11111.0Aopliy, A Ito:itoleal I,xieon. or Expo.' of the Terrili Parts, and Dori rifles of the Vega- tillPh% ,oloo brought down to the pre.0,111 Tone. It the Reverend Patrick Keith, I .1.4-k. F L S., Hector of Buckingd. Kent : and Ant hot of "A System of Pin d Botany." Orr and Co. Jelt1,1,1.1,ENCR, ES•ay OH tile Rati00:11, of Curt:mat:Infix' Evidence; Illostrat.s1 by numerous Caws. 11,.. William Will., A tiortley•al lama man:and Co.