In consequence of the lute period at which the service
companies of the Fwelfth Regiment embaiked for the Mauritius, they arrived is that colony in the warmest month ; the result has been an unusually large number on the sick list when the last advices came away. This is alone attributable to the mismanegement of the Transport Depart- moat, to which we have so frequently made allusions, we regret to say without effect; as, VI hen the vote for that purpose came before the House, not one Member was to he found to make even the slightest allusion to the abuses existing.— Times. [ The discussion of all estimates in the House of Commons has become a mere farce the thing is far worse than it was before the " Reform," the miscalled " Reform " Members b. ing neither able nor willing to discharge the duty of checking the accounts and controlling the expenditure.] The mortality on board the ernizers on the African station is ap- palling. The Bonetta had lost her Commander, Lieutenant De Champs, the Assistant Surgeon, .lr. Roberts, the Assistant Clerk, and twenty-two lumen; the rE tna, three officers and twenty.two men; the Forester, Lieutenant Rosenberg, her Commander, and ten men; and the Raven, her Assistant Surgeon, Second Master, a Mate, and ten men. Only Lieutenant M.Cleverty and five 'nen escaped conta- gion on board the /Etna ; Commander Vidal was getting better ; this ship was put out of quarantine on the 33 February. The Raven was last heard of at Dick's Cove, where she was waiting for the )Etna to proceed with the survey; but the fever had made such havoc among her crew, that she could not move out to sea. The Scout had gone to assist her.—.Harepshire Telegraph.