Dr. Amedee Piehot's new work, THE LIFE AND LABOURS OF Srn enemata BELL makes its appearance in England in the guise of a wretched translation. It is not creditable to our literature that it should have been left to a Frenchman to write the life of an Englishman, the author of the greatest biological discovery that has been made since the days of Harvey, and to an incompetent translator to put the French bio- graphy into a Gallo-Anglican jargon.
Sir James Prior has, with his well known diligence, collected materials for a LIFE OF EDWARD MALONE, EDITOR OF SHAKSPEARE, and has embodied them in a large volume full of crudities, and slip slop.
It has for some time now been pretty generally recognized that "Phy- siology, in its application to the preservation of health, should be made a part of general education," but the question remained, how was this to be accomplished ? The boas in popular use—those of Southwood Smith, A. Combe, Dr. Elliotson, G. H. Lewes, &c. all excellent for educated people, are far too technical, too scientific, and full of long words for use in our common schools ; but, in the work before us, Mrs. Bray seems thoroughly to have mastered all difficulties of this kind in her PHYSIO- LOGY FOR COMMON SCHOOLS, and to have brought the subject quite within the range of ordinary juvenile comprehension. Not only may this book be successfully used in schools, but we agree with its author, that if in- troduced into the houses of the poor it may be one means of giving them faith in pure air, soap and water, wholesome diet, and temperate habits." We cordially recommend tide cheap book to the many thousands to whom such a book has long been a desideratum.
LorrnoN AT A Gwavcx is an exceedingly handy book of a novel cha- racter, and is likely, for all ordinary purposes, to supersede the use of the sheet map of the metropolis, which it greatly surpasses in utility and convenience. The streets of London now cover an area of more than fifty square miles. The new guide through this labyrinth is a thin octavo volume, forming an illustrated atlas of thirty-six maps in sections, and a key map of the whole, with indexes of street references, public buildings, places of amusement, &c. It will be invaluable as a vade mecum for visitors to London, and may aspire to be as popular among residents as the Post-Office Directory. The plan of the work is excellent and could hardly be changed for the better, but experience will no doubt suggest improvements of detail. We would suggest for instance, lists, and if possible, diagram a of omnibus routes, as likely to prove very wel- come additions.
The Life and Labours of Sir Charles Bell, ha. By Am6dee Pichot, M.D.
Life of Malone, Editor of Shakespeare, with Selections from his Manuscript Anecdotes. By Sir James Prior, &c. With a Portrait.
Perils and Panics of Invasion in 1796-7-8, 1804-1, and at the Present Time. By Humphrey Blunt.
Is it not Written ? being the Testimony of Scripture against Bomanism. By Edward 8. Pryce, A.B.
Government upon First Principles, Proved and Illustrated Analogically. By John Grossmith.
Woman's Temptation. A Novel. Edited by the Hon. Mrs. Ralph Dutton. In three volumes.
Deafness and Diseases of the Ear. The Fallacies of the Present Treatment Exposed, and Remedies Suggested. From the Experince of Half a Century. By W. Wright, Esq.
Pour rears in Burmah. By W. H. Marshall, Esq. In two volumes.
Scotland in the Middle Ages : Sketches of Eariy Scotch History and Social Progress. By Cosmo lanes, Professor of History in the University of Edin- burgh.
Narrative of the Embassy of Buy Gonzalez de Clay& to the Court of Timour, at Samarcand, A.D. 1403-6. Translated, for the first time, with Notes, a Preface, and an Introductory Life of Timour Beg, by Clements R. Markham, F.R.G.S. (Hakluyt Society.) Through the Tyrol to Venice. By Mrs. Newman Hall.
London at a Glance. An Illustrated Atlas of London. Containing thirty-six Maps in sections, a Key Map of the Whole of London, seven thousand Street References, a General Index to the Public Buildings, Hotels, Places of Amusement, &c.
Lectures on the Mountains; or the Highlands and Highlanders of Strathspey and Badenoch. Second Series.
Conquest and Cokmization in North Africa; being the substance of a Series of Letters from Algeria published in the Times, with lntioduction and Supplement containing the most recent French and other information on Morocco. By George Wingrove Cooke. The Culture of Fruits and Vegetables. By George (Benny, F.H.B. The Culture of Flowers and Plants. By George Glenny, F.H.B. Poems and Essays. By the late William Caldwell Roscoe. Edited, with a Prefatory Memoir by his Brother-in-Law, Richard Holt Hutton. In two volumes.
The Colloquies of Edward Osborne, Citizen and Clothtcorker, of London. By the Author of ' Mary PowelL" Third Edition. Physiology for Common Schools, in twenty-seven easy Lessons. By Charles Bray.