" The Posthumous Papers of John Hunter, on Natural History, Physiology, Generation, Psychology, Pala3ontology, and Comparative Anatomy, edited, with Notes, by Professor Owen, are about to be pub- lished by Mr. John Van Voorst, 1, Paternoster Row.
Messrs. Blackwood and Son are reprinting in a separate form, the poem of " St. Stephen's," lately published in Blaelowood's Magazine, and attributed generally to Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton.
" The Jacobite Minstrelsy of Scotland," edited, with an introduction and notes, by Dr. Charles Mackay, is announced as forthcoming by Messrs. B.. Griffin and Co.
Messrs. A. and C. Black have in the press an "Introduction to the His- tory of English Literature," by Robert Demaus, M.A. ; and a " Com- pendium of English and Scotch Law, by James Paterson, Barrister-at- Lew.
Mr. Lumley is reprinting an old English book of some interest in a literary, as well as in a theological point of view. It is " The Femall Glory ; or the Life and Death of our Blessed Lady, the Holy Virgin Mary, God's Owne Immaculate Mother, by Anth: Stafford, Gent.' The work was written with the approval of Archbishop Laud, and pub- lished in the year 1636. It was vehemently assailed by the Puritans and as warmly defended by the High Church party.
A translation of the Marquis de Moyes's " Recollections of the Em- bassy of Baron Gros to China and Japan, in 1857-58," is in course of preparation by Messrs. Richard Griffith and Co.
Among the new works just issued from the American press, are a History of Georgia, from its first discovery by Europeans to 1798," by the Reverend Dr. Stevens ; "South and North, or Impressions received during a Trip to Cuba and the South," by John S. C. Abbott ; and "Tra- vel and Study in Italy," by Charles Eliot Norton.
The second and last volume of the " Dictionnaire des Synonymes," by M. Guizot, is announced by Didier and Co., Paris. This work is to form part of the collected works of the author, of which twenty-five volumes have already appeared.
All the French papers contain advertisements of the " l'Euvres com- pletes de Lamartine : edition personnelle, definitive, unique," in forty volumes. It is understood that the holders of the copyright of Lamar- tine's works, seeing the failure of the subscription lately made on his be- half, have given up their rights in favour of the author, who is now pub- lishing this new edition himself.
The third volume of the " Memoires de M. Dupin," has just been pub- lished by H. Plon, Paris. The book contains the Parliamentary career of the distinguished statesman during the period from 1832 to 1840, all which time he was President of the Chamber of Deputies.
Messrs. Hachette and Co., Paris, have just published a new " Histoire de Jeanne d'Arc," by M. Wallon, of the Institute, Professor of History at the Faculte des Lettres ; as also the first three volumes of a new edi- tion of the "Lettres de Madame de Sevigne," edited, with numerous notes and emendations, by M. de Monmerque.
A new work of fiction by M. Victor Hugo, entitled "Lea Miserables," and illustrative of the sufferings of the poor, is announced to appear in a Revue about to be founded at Paris by MM. Hetzel and Michel Levy, freres.
The concluding volumes of the "Correspondence de Beranger," have been issued by M. Perrotin, Paris. The work now consists of four books, containing 1200 letters, and a catalogue and abrege of 1600 others.
A "Histoire des plus celebres Amateurs, et de lours Relations avec les Artistes," in five volumes, by M. Jules Dumernil, has been published by Dentu, Paris. The work is divided into sections, containing the respec- tive histories of English, Flemish, Dutch, German, Spanish, French, and Italian amateurs.
" Decouverte de Paris par une famine Anglaise " is the title of a very amusing work, with a great amount of open and covert persiflage on England, just published by Hachette,. Paris. It is from the pen of Sig- nor Ruffini, author of " Docteur Antonio et Lorenzo Benoni.'
Two works on and by ladies have just been published at Paris; namely, "Lea Femmes Chasseresses," by the Comtesse d'Houdetot ; and " L'Amour et la Femme," by the fair feuilletoniste who writes under the Rom de plume of Vicomtesse de Dax.
A military and historical work, entitled "Description des BataMes dont la Belgique a ete le Theatre," by Captain Coussement, of the Royal Belgian Artillery, has been published by M. Elston, Brussels.
The first volume of the "Voyage de J. Linden execute par ordre du Gouvernement Beige dans lea Regions Inter-tropiCales de l'Amerique du Sod, pendant lee annees 1841 a 1845," has appeared at Brussels. The work, which will be complete in three volumes, is published at the ex- pense of the Belgian Government.
Two works, by very notable political personages of the present time, are about to be published, in Italian, at Milan. The first is a "Collec- tion of the Political and -Economical Writings of Count Cavour," the second "Considerations upon Central Italy," by Signor Buoncompagni.
The famous Neapolitan improvisatrice Giannina Milli, extemporized on patriotic subjects at the Academy of Milan, on the 13th of this month. Some of her lyrical improvisations have appeared in the Italian journals, and are very highly spoken of.
Bornadoni of Milan has published a complete "Guide to Milan," "Guido di Milano," which is likely to supersede the old guide-books compiled under Austrian control. "A History of Italian, German, and French Music," by F. Brendei, has appeared at Milan, as well as an his- torical essay on the contemporaneous drama, " Cenni sal Teatro Dram- matioo Contemporaneo," by Francesco dall' Ongaro, the celebrated poet.
In Milan also is published a scientific monthly periodical. It is di- vided into three heads :—" Universal Annals of Medicine," "Universal Annals of Statistics, Public Economy, History, Travels and Commerce," and "Annals of Chemistry aphlied to Medicine." The editors are said to be men fully competent to deal with their subjects.
A remarkable volume is about to issue from the publishing house of Mr. John Chapman. It is called Pentateuellizin Analysed, and it gives, in a very readable form, a review of the first section of the Pentateuch; as Strauss has examined other portions of the Scriptures, in order to ex- pound the opinion of the writer that the ancient work is composed of several distinct writings commingled. If he succeed, the author pro- mises further researches. The subject is not new, but it is here treated in a more popular, and, perhaps, a more complete form than in previous investigations of the kind. At all events, it will be thought curious.