THE QUEEN received addresses on the Treaty with France, from both Houses of Parliament, on Saturday. On Wednesday morning, her Ma- jesty left Osborne for Buckingham Palace.s In the afternoon, she held a Court, and Lord John Russell presented to her Vice-Admiral van Dockum, who delivered to her Majesty his letters of recall as the Danish Minister at the British Court. Mr. Thorben de Bilk had his first au- dience of the Queen, delivering to her his credentials as Envoy Extraor- dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from his Majesty the Bing of Den- mark.
The Duke de Montpensier, the Lord Chancellor, Earl and Countess of Derby, Earl and Countess Delavrarr, Lady Cremorne, Lord Panmure, and Sir Hamilton and Lady Seymour, have visited the Queen during the week.