The English Stock Market has undergone little or no variation this week, consols closing this afternoon within a fraction of the opening quotation of Monday. Business continues extremely inactive ; dealers and the public generally refraining from entering into accounts of any magnitude, either for the rise or fall ; and it would seem that so long as political matters on the Continent continue in their present state of uncertainty, business will remain dull and languid ; in the event of the arrival of any really good news, the various markets would most probably experience great improve- ment. The entire range of the week in Consols does not exceed } per cent, the first quotation being 941 94/, and the last today 941 buyers. An active demand has existed in the Discount and Money Markets, and rates
are well supported. Bank Stock shut. India, 1041 1041. Russia Five per Cents have been heavy, and are last quoted dull at 981 99. Consols for Money, 94/ 941; but with the exception of one sale of 100,000, there have been few transactions for cash. Reduced and New Three per Cents shut.
In the Foreign security market, there is scarcely anything new to remark, most things remaining verydull. The new Brazilian Four-and-a-half per Cent Loan, introduced by Messrs. Rothschild, after having been negotiated at 1 prem., are now only buyers at par, with little business doing. The Brazilian loan of 1858 has fallen about 2 per cent, from 931 to 911, Other Stocks show only a trifling variation—Peruvian Four-and-a-half, 92 93; Ditto, Three per Cents, 72 73; Ditto, Uribarren, 83i 84k; Ditto, Dollar Bonds, 81 82; Sardinian, 83 85; Victor Emmanuel, 92 93; Russian. 97 99; Buenos Ayres Stocks have been in demand and the quotations are firm, for the Six per Cents, 85 87; and for the Three per Cents, 24 26; Portuguese, 44 44k; Spanish, not much doing, 45 451 ; Mexican Bonds heavy at 211 21k; Grenada Active, 15 16; Venezuela Active, 26j27; Ditto, One-and-a- Cent, 131 141; Chilian Six per Cents, 104 106; Ditto, Four-and-a-half per Cents, 86 88. The Market is very inactive at the close.
More business has been transacted in the Railway Share Market, and notwithstanding the extreme dulness of the English Funds, prices have had in several instances, a considerable rise, especially in Great Northern Stocks, York A. being quoted nearly 5 per cent higher, 112 114; and Great North- ern, Ill 113; Midland is firm, 112/ 1131 ; Great Western, 681 681; Lon- don and North Western, 981 98k; London and South Western, 92f 93; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 911 92. There has been a good business com- paratively likewise in the lighter Share Market, South Eastern and Dover leaving off, ssg 88*; and North Stafford, 14 14.k; Caledonian firm at, 901 901 ex dividend ; Manchester, Sheffield and Lincoln steady, 411 421. The French Share Market is unaltered, operations being very limited, and of such a character as to have little effect upon prices ; Paris and Lyons 351 36; Paris and Strasbourg, 251 25j; Northern of France, 361 37. Lombardo Venetian, 21 21 prim. ; Indian bhares, in most cases firm, through the improved financial condition of India, and the .probability of no further loans. East India, 1021 102k; Great Indian Peninsula, 99f par ; Madras, 98 99; Bombay and Barak, 97 98. Joint Stock Banks have been rather more active, and with the exception of Australia, which has declined 4 or 6 per cent, have been good at advanced quotations ; City Bank Shares, 69 70, show a rise of about 5 per cent ; London and Westminster good, 561 57k; London and County, 33 34 ; London and Joint Stock, 301 311; Union, 28 29. The New Marine Insurance Companies rather flatter than last week.