The Coadjutor Bishop of Jamaica, Dr. Reginald Kingston, does not
appear to have a very distinct conception of the drift of English public opinion as to the recent orgies of our troops in,- that island. He writes to the • Times of Monday a very windy letter, bearing testimony to the num1F: of English colonists in that island who have forgiven Mr. Eyza .11 their private grudges against him in consideration of the m* .cre which he permitted, —evidently holding that his merit in havng given a good loose to race-hatred "covereth a multitude of ans." He adds that " we. are deeply gratified to find that we have already met- with the, sympathy of a very numerous and influential body of our country- men at home, and that the feeling in our favour is deepening and spreading daily." Dr. Reginald Kingston asserts that there is a prevalent belief amongst the negroes that the Queen has already; taken Mrs. G. W. Gordon and Mrs: Paul Bogle to live with her, surely a harmless, if grotesque delusion. The Bishop concludes, by " earnestly inviting" the Times to use all its influence to with hold further condemnation of the proceedings of the planters until the report of the Royal Commission has been made,—an appeal to which the Times responds in another column by saying, " There is no longer any reasonable doubt that cruelties of which it is im- possib le to think -without shuddering were perpetrated in the sup- pression of the Jamaica insurrection. It is now certain that. scores and perhaps hundreds of persons were flogged before being: hung, and often before being tried." Dr. Kingston is not more fortunate than some older theologians of his own school in dis- cerning " the signs of the Times."