An admirable idea has this week been embodied in the
shape of an " Operatives' Housebuilding Company, Limited." It is that the occupants of the bloelas —all to be built for the present in the most thickly populated districts,—shall themselves be share- holders, paying instalments as low as 6d, a week. The shares of 101, each are-divided into two heada—(A) shares, on which 1/. is to be paid. on application and 1/, on. alletmenk, apd (B) shares, payable by instalments of not lesa.than 641. per share per week, with ls. per share entrance fee. It, is, the object et tbe society to enable the working-class shareholder ultimately to, become proprietors of their own sets of rooms by inducing them, to let their dividends accumulate at interest. Secretaries of working n4011.'8 clubs are intended to. be mmle. agents -for receipt q£ rents and of the instalments on the.slutres.. Working men will also be represented on the Board by-Directors chosen. by the (B) share-. holders' and one working man- of some influence. is,. we believe, already on the: Board. The Marquis Townsliendia chairman, and the directory very strong. If the Law Court. Commissioners would give the company facilities for getting sites in their vicinity as the old blocks are pulled down, it would give the company a great additional chance of success. Operatives now are known to be emigrating, rather-than expose their families to the overcrowding consequent on- the reconstruction of London.