The Empire expands, as it seems to us, automatically Noliody
wants Unyoro, at all events until Uganda has been brought into order, and means of free communication estab- lished between it and the coast. Nevertheless, we are going,. one foresees, to take Unyoro. The " King " of that State is- out of temper with us, probably because he is a far-sighted man and draws his income from slave-raiding, and he has accordingly threatened dependants of ours, specially one
Thereupon Major Owen, who has formed an army with the regular English skill, of four thousand "Nubians,'". splendid fighting-men, proposes to defend Toro and crush Kabba Rega, King of Unyoro. If we crush him we must govern his country, which is within the " British sphere;" and so the work goes on. We hold it righteous work, a good,. healthy bit of disagreeable duty for a prosperous white people- to perform, but we do wish the country to be sensible, and allow these Nubians, and Soudanese, and fighting Ugandans- to be organised into an "Auxiliary Corps," on the model of the West India Regiments. If that is not done, we shall some day have a mutiny in the African Lake country, and a sort of hell upon earth to put straight by another Abyssinian. Expedition. It is too stupid to rush at work like this with our eyes shut, but we suppose that is the democratic way.