finesses in Donk. Fourth Series. By Edward Moore. (Clarendon Press.
10s; 6d. net.)—The late Dr. Moore, well known the world over as a profound student of Dante, left at his death last year this new volume of essays, which has received some finishing touches from his friend and fellow-worker, Mr. Paget Toynbeta For specialists the new and exhaustive treatise on the textual criticism of the Conykio- as that singular prose work should be called instead of Conyik—will be of chief importance. More general interest attaches to the reprinted paper on Dante's tomb at Ravenna. The monks, fearful of being deprived of so great a treasure, abstracted the poet's corpse, perhaps in the sixteenth century, hiding it in a chapel, where it was accidentally :found in 1865. Dr. Moore showed how the remains of St. Cuthbert at Durham and of Thomas 4 Becket at Canterbury underwent a similar fate-