Mr. John Murray has added to his attractive series of
shilling reprints the readable novels, Xotiriihetanding, by Mary Cholmondeley ; Mr. iryeherly's Wank, by L. Allen Harker ; Tearer of Ivory, by Gertrude Atherton ; and Mr. Horace Vaehelts collection of short stories entitled Loot.—The latest reprint in Messrs. Nelson's comely " Edition Lutetia" of the French classics is Les TragigueA, the long epic on the miseries of the religious wars which was written by Agrippa d'Aubigne, the Huguenot friend of Henry of Navarre. Sainte-Etuve called him " the Juvenal of the sixteenth century " ; Faguet in the introduction aptly compares with him both Andre Chenier and Victor lingo in Les Chatiments.