The Complete Peerage. By G. E. C. Edited by the
Hon. Cleary Gibbs. Vol. W., "Dacre to Dysart." (St. Catherine Press. 40s. net.)— Cokayne's peerage has long been a standard work of reference, but it is being very greatly enlarged and improved by Mr. Vieary Gibbs in his new edition, which abounds in new and curious matter. The appen- dices, for instance, include an account by Mr. Fitzgerald-Uniacke of the members of Cromwelts ." Other House" of 1657.59, nearly all of -ahem, we are assured, were English gentlemen. Of the nine Peers who sat, only one, the Earl of Manchester, had served in the Parliamentary Army ; the other ten Peers who fought for the Parliament were absent or dead.