In the House of Commons on Tuesday Mr. Asquith made
his statement on the Dardanelles Report. He began by a dignified protest against the publication of the Report without the evidence on which it was based, as being likely to prove unjust. On the whole, we are inclined to agree. But in view of this consideration, would it not have been wiser if Mr. Asquith when Prime Minister had refused to allow the appointment of the Dardanelles Com- mission till the end of the war, a course which he could easily have taken ? Should he not have argued : " If I appoint the Com- mission now, there is sure to be a. strong demand for the publication of its Report. But if the Report is published there will necessarily be a demand for the publication of the evidence, which is clearly un- desirable. Therefore the wise course is not to assent to the inquiry while the war is going on " ?