The question of Bread versus Beer and total Prohibition during
the war was raised by the Bishop of Llandaff in the House of Lords on Tuesday, and he was supported by, among others, Lord Balfour of Burleigh, who declared that if the position was so critical that there was a risk of real danger to the people, it was the duty of the Govern- ment to insist that no more material suitable for food should be used in the manufacture of alcohol. Ho ended by saying that a real reform could be effected by eliminating private profit from the retail sale of liquor. After Lord D'Abernon had stated the results of control, the Bishop of London, as a teetotaler, praised the patriotic way in which the Trade had endured the restrictions imposed upon them, and also mentioned that the General in com- mand of the Ahstralian troops had told him that no better thing could be done for the troops than the closing of the public-houses.