[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sia,—Mr. Ernest Lesser's letter in your last week's. issue seems to connect the Nazi persecution of their Jewish nationals with "the Allies' blind subservience to France since the War." Will he please recall that we " subserved " Fr, ance years before the War-in the form of an "entente," as' a safeguard against the Prussian menace to European civilization?
Present-day events prove again that this menace has not
abated one jot ; to which must be added the savagery of. Russia. Both countries, as Mr. Hilaire Belloc curiously remarks, never benefited by a Roman occupation. Branded like Cain, they have for ever remained forces running counter to the culture of Europe.' Until all trace of mediaeval van- dalism has been eradicated from our continent," must Ronign- ized Europe stand or, fall together. Mr. Lesser could not have chosen a worse moment to voice his desire for a per- fectly free Germany ; adding thus to the heresy fostered by good-natured people that the evil which brought about the Great War was fully washed away with the blood of the millions who laid down their lives.
Hitlerite methods as reported from day to day can only cause sentiment to gravitate to France even more closely than before. What they can do in ruthlessness among themselves. they. may also do to others again.-1 am, Sir, &c.,
The Laurels, Cawley Wood, u West Herts. •
HENRy P. S. Rorn.