July the total expenditure on the Oxford Movement Centenary Celebrations—in terms of tune, energy, propa- ganda, organization, travelling and hotel expenses, rent of Stadium, &c., &c.—will be immense. Imagine what might have been achieved had this been commuted into service for the unemployed. The Archbishop of York once observed, "The Church Militant has been marking time for 800 years ; it is time she took a step forward." Now, with all the pomp and circumstance of militarism and ecclesiasticism, she intends to bring her foot down with tremendous eclat to the rearnin order to proclaim publicly a return to medisevalism. No wonder youth spurns denominationalism I After years of unemployment----the biggest social question in our genera- tion—we look in vain for a lead from our National Church: Pondering the thrice repeated charge of "Feed my sheep " made to our Bishops at their ordination, one often wonders what is their interpretation of these words. Are only communicants of the Church of England Christ's sheep ? However, the Bishops recently passed a "resolution of sympathy" with the unemployed. Sursum coida.—I am,
Sir, &c., E. HocKuEY. 87 Birdhurst Road, S. Croydon.